Deanty Widyastuti - SMP Negeri 2 Merlung

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Teacher Deanty's English Class
Yuk isi daftar hadir di
Kompetensi Dasar

3.5 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait dengan sifat orang, binatang, benda sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
Mengidentifikasi sifat seseorang (kind,
nice, friendly, etc)

Memahami kata sifat yang tepat sesuai

dengan konteksnya dalam
menggambarkan seseorang

Menyebutkan sifat seseorang (kind, nice,

friendly, etc)
Memahami pengunaan to be (is, am, are),
dalam menggambarkan seseorang, hewan,
atau benda.

Penggunaan ucapan yang benar dan

intonasi yang tepat.
Let's Get

Describing people, animals,

and things.
Adjective yang berarti kata sifat. Discussion

Adjective biasanya digunakan untuk Kata sifat berkaitan dengan behaviour

menggambarkan atau mendiskripsikan (tingkah laku), personality (kepribadian),

tentang suatu benda. physical appearance (penampilan fisik),

dan lain sebagainya.
Qualities of people
What is she like?

Say them.
Say them.
Say them.
practice the dialog.
Act it out
Walk around the class. Talk about
people you know.

Go to one of your friend in the class and talk with her/him about people you
know. Mention about their character. After that, write it down here.
Qualities of
My cat is funny
practice the dialog.
Qualities of Things
It is pink, small, and soft.

Say them.
Say them.
Say them.
Activity Time

Mention name of 2 things

and describe them
(Sebutkan 2 nama benda disamping
dan deskripsikan singkat benda
Match picture with appropriate description !
(Pasangkanlah gambar dengan penjelasan yang tepat!)

A. Four legs, soft fur, eat fish. D. Four legs, strong, run fast
B. Yellow and green feather, beak, can E. Big, long trunk, rough
flyfur, skin
C. Long ear, white
Complete the dialog with
approriate words.

Dina : I got this thing from my uncle. I A. camera

forget what it’s called. Umm, it’s
B. telescope
round and long, and it’s used for looking
at the stars. C. microscope
Rino : Do you mean a .......... (1)? D. pair of spactacles
Dina : Yes! That’s it!
Complete the dialog with
approriate words.

Ani : Do you know Jane, don’t

A. smart
you? What is she like? B. helpful
Anne: Jane is a..... (2) student. C. diligent
She never comes late. D. friendly
This animal can go for a long time without drinking
water. It is very tall. It can reach the tender leaves at the
top of a tree, because it has a long neck. What animal is

Answer the question by uploading


(Jawablah pertanyaan dengan mengunggah

How do you feel after
joining the lesson today?
(Bagaimana perasaan kalian dalam
mengikuti pelajaran hari ini?)
What can you get from this

(Apa yang dapat kamu tangkap dari pelajaran hari

See you next time!

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