Share Point 2010 in A Multi-Tenant and Hosted Environment

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Welcome to SharePoint Saturday Washington DC

SharePoint 2010 in a Multitenant and Hosted environment

John Burkholder


Welcome to SharePoint Saturday Washington DC Thank you for being a part of the largest SharePoint Saturday ever!
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Multi-tenant vs. Hosting SharePoint 2007 vs. SharePoint 2010 Multi-tenant SharePoint 2010 Installation Upgrades Hosting Tools and Options for Hoster s Looking forward

MultiMulti- Tenant vs Hosting

Isolation of data, functionality, administration, customizations, and operations. Multiple customers within the same shared set of resources. Corporate, on-premise deployments.

Same as multi-tenant, plus an integration into other multi-tenant services to include:
Exchange, OCS, Project, CRM, UMS, firewalls, control panels, billing systems, and DNS to name a few.

SharePoint 2007 vs 2010

Multi-tenant MOSS 2007 was basically nonexistent. Multi-tenant WSS 3.0 was available but templates, and web parts were crossplatform. URL Namespaces in multi-tenant was limited. Inbound & Outbound email addresses were limited. No data isolation.

Multi-tenant SP 2010
SharePoint Framework and SharePoint Server 2010 mostly. Better control of hardware and data storage. Individual Web Applications. Host Headers/URL Namespaces! SSL Load balancer termination. Service Application Partitioning. Feature Sets.

Multi-tenant SP 2010
Role Description y y y y Hosted company administrator (Tenant administrator) y y y y Hosted company (Site administrator) y y y Manages the farm -level settings and hardware. Controls database configurations . Installs all new approved features and solutions . Can brand the Tenant Administrator pages. Purchases space, features, and bandwidth from hosting company. Controls the architecture of customer sites but not the content . Configure per -tenant settings. Reviews usage statistics. Owns site collection s. Configure site settings that are exposed by features and services. Reviews usage statistics.

Data Partition A
Partition B

Hosting company (F arm administrator)

Differences MSF & MSS

In a Multi-tenant environment SharePoint Foundation SharePoint Server Standard Business Data Connectivity** Managed Metadata~ Search** Secure Store Service** State Service** Usage and Health~ Usage and Health~ SharePoint Server Enterprise Access Services** Business Data Connectivity** Business Data Connectivity** Excel Calculation Services* Managed Metadata~ PerformancePoint** Search** Secure Store Service** State Service** Usage and Health~
* Not partitioned ** Partitioned at Web Application ~ Partitioned at Site Collection

Differences MSF & MSS

In a Multi-tenant environment SharePoint Foundation SharePoint Server Standard User Profile** Web Analytics** Subscription Settings Service~ Subscriptions Settings Service~ SharePoint Server Enterprise User Profile** Visio Graphics Service** Web Analytics** Word Automation** Subscriptions Settings Service~ Project Server Integration

* Not partitioned ** Partitioned at Web Application ~ Partitioned at Site Collection

Hardware & Data

Standard Multi-tenant advantages:
+ Tenant Administration + Chargeback Capabilities + Auditing and Reporting + Better Security Controls + Move SSL and Load Balancing off the Server

Host Header Collections

Multiple root-level Site Collections within a Web Application.
Allows for vanity domain names. Allows for mix & match URL namespaces.

Host Header Site Collections now support Managed Paths,,

SSL / Load Balancer

SSL Termination Browser Load Balancer (SSL) Load Balancer SharePoint (HTTP). Incoming Email is still a masquerade.

Service Application Partitioning

Service Application can be configured to partition data. Use the same instance to server multiple tenants. Both the Service Application and Service Application Proxy must be configured. Configured via PowerShell.
Partition Mode.

Service Application Partitioning

CANNOT be changed after deployment.
Do NOT use the Farm Configuration Wizard. Can t go from un-partitioned to partitioned.

Tenant specific Service Applications and Proxy no longer appear in Central Admin.

Service Application Partitioning

Store tenant data
User Profiles Managed Metadata Business Data Connectivity Search Secure Store Web Analytics Usage and Health Project Subscription Settings

Do not store tenant data

Access Visio Graphics Word Conversions Word Viewing PowerPoint

Cannot be partitioned
Excel Calculation FAST for SharePoint

Feature Sets
Groups of Site & Web Application scoped features. Enabled by Farm administrators only. Configured in PowerShell. Site Templates does not mean installed features.

At least 8GB memory (much more for fully utilized server). Windows 2008 R2. SQL Server 2008 R2.

Install SharePoint from the disk and


Run the PowerShell Script! Get-SPServiceInstance | where{$_.GetType().Name -eq "SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceInstance"} | StartSPServiceInstance $acc = Get-SPManagedAccount Specific Account Name $appPool = New-SPIisWebServiceApplicationPool -Name SettingsServiceAppPool -Account $acc $app = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplication ApplicationPool $appPool Name SettingsServiceApp DatabaseName SettingsServiceDB $proxy = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy ServiceApplication $app

Now you can create sites!
$pool = Get-SPIisWebServiceApplicationPool -Identity 'SharePoint Web Services Default' $meta = New-SPMetadataServiceApplication -HubUri http://website -ApplicationPool $pool -Name 'Tenant Managed Metadata' -DatabaseName O14_TenantMetadataDB DatabaseServer SP14B -PartitionMode SyndicationErrorReportEnabled $proxy = New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy PartitionMode -ContentTypePushdownEnabled DefaultKeywordTaxonomy -DefaultSiteCollectionTaxonomy Name 'Tenant Managed Metadata Proxy' -DefaultProxyGroup ServiceApplication $meta

Finally! You can upgrade from WSS 3.0 to SharePoint Foundation & SharePoint Server. Able to upgrade MOSS 2007 to Multi-tenant with Database attached. Able to add the 2010 look and feel to the newly upgraded sites.

Not supported by HMC nor will it ever be. Most control panels do not yet support or integrate with SharePoint 2010. PowerShell allows for easier control panel development. Active Directory integration now allows for custom incoming e-mail. Manual provisioning through Tenant Administration.

Tools and Options

PowerShell! Tenant administrator console.

Tools and Options

Tenant administrator console requires PowerShell to install:
$tasite = new-spsite url http://server/sites/tasite1 template tenantadmin#0 owneralias domain\username. sitesubscription $sub -AdministrationSiteType tenantadministration.

Looking Forward
SharePoint not fully ready for hosting integration. Most control panels do not yet support or integrate with SharePoint 2010. PowerShell allows for easier control panel development. Microsoft SharePoint Online expected Sept. 2010 expect multi-tenant changes then.

Thank You!
John Burkholder Sr. Project Manager, SharePoint Digicon Corporation @n8ivwarrior

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John Burkholder

Session Name:
SharePoint 2010 in a multitenant & hosted environment

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