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Starting out with Programming Logic and

Fifth Edition

Chapter 9
Sorting and Searching

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9.1 The Bubble Sort Algorithm (1 of 3)
Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm for rearranging the
contents of an array
– Useful for alphabetical lists and numerical sorting
– Can be done in ascending or descending order
– With the Bubble Sort, array elements are compared and
numbers bubble toward the end of the array (assuming your
sorting in ascending order)
– Swapping elements must be done in order to properly sort
the array

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9.1 The Bubble Sort Algorithm (2 of 3)

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9.1 The Bubble Sort Algorithm (3 of 3)
Inside Program 9-1
– maxElement variable holds the subscript of the last
element that is to be compared to its neighbor
– index variable is an array subscript in one loop
– The outer loop iterates for each element in the array
– The inner loop iterates for each of the unsorted array
– The if statement does the comparison
Sorting an array of strings to put information in alphabetical
order can be done with a Bubble Sort

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9.2 The Selection Sort Algorithm (1 of 3)
The selection sort works similar to the bubble sort, but more
– Bubble sort moves one element at a time
– Selection sort performs fewer swaps because it moves
items immediately to their final position

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9.2 The Selection Sort Algorithm (2 of 3)
Figure 9-17 Flowchart for the selectionSort module

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9.2 The Selection Sort Algorithm (3 of 3)
Inside Figure 9-17
– minIndex holds the subscript of the element with the
smallest value
– minValue holds the smallest value found
– The outer loop iterates for each element in the array, except
the last
– The inner loop performs the scan

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9.3 The Insertion Sort Algorithm (1 of 3)
The insertion sort algorithm sorts the first two elements, which
becomes the sorted part of the array
– Each remaining element is then inserted into the sorted part
of the array at the correct location
– Also more efficient than the bubble sort

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9.3 The Insertion Sort Algorithm (2 of 3)
Figure 9-24 Flowchart for the insertionSort module

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9.3 The Insertion Sort Algorithm (3 of 3)
Inside Figure 9-24
– scan is used to scan through the array
– unsortedValue holds the first unsorted value
– The outer loop steps the index variable through each
subscript, starting at 1
– The inner loop moves the first element outside the sorted
subset and into its proper position

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The Swap Module
A closer look at the swap module
– In most of the sorts, a swap module can be called
– It is the same in each sorting algorithm and only changes in
the parameter list to account for the type of data passed to

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9.4 The Binary Search Algorithm (1 of 4)
The binary search algorithm locates an item in an array by
repeatedly dividing the array in half
– Each time it divides the array, it eliminates the half of the
array that does not contain the item
– It’s more sequential than the selection search because each
time it cuts the array in half and makes a smaller number of
comparisons to find a match

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9.4 The Binary Search Algorithm (2 of 4)
How it works
– Requires that the array is first sorted
– The first comparison is done with the middle element of
the array to see if it is greater than or less than the number
that is being searched
– If it’s greater than, then the number must be in the first half
of the array
– If it’s less than, then the number must be in the second half
of the array
– This process is continued until the match if found

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9.4 The Binary Search Algorithm (3 of 4)

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9.4 The Binary Search Algorithm (4 of 4)
Inside Program 9-17
– middle is used to store the calculated middle index
– value stores the value being searched for
– A loop hold the search and iterates as long as there are
elements or until a match is found
– Nested if-then-else’s perform the comparisons

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9.5 Focus on Languages: Java

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public static void bubbleSort(int[] array)
int maxElement; // Marks the last element to compare
int index; // Index of an element to compare
int temp; // Used to swap to elements

// The outer loop positions maxElement at the last element

// to compare during each pass through the array. Initially
// maxElement is the index of the last element in the array.
// During each iteration, it is decreased by one.
for (maxElement = array.length - 1; maxElement >= 0; maxElement--)
// The inner loop steps through the array, comparing
// each element with its neighbor. All of the elements
// from index 0 thrugh maxElement are involved in the
// comparison. If two elements are out of order, they
// are swapped.
for (index = 0; index <= maxElement - 1; index++)
// Compare an element with its neighbor.
if (array[index] > array[index + 1])
// Swap the two elements.
temp = array[index];
array[index] = array[index + 1];
array[index + 1] = temp;
} Java Bubble Sort
public static void selectionSort(int[] array)
int startScan; // Starting position of the scan
int index; // To hold a subscript value
int minIndex; // Element with smallest value in the scan
int minValue; // The smallest value found in the scan
// The outer loop iterates once for each element in the
// array. The startScan variable marks the position where
// the scan should begin.
for (startScan = 0; startScan < (array.length-1); startScan++)
// Assume the first element in the scannable area
// is the smallest value.
minIndex = startScan;
minValue = array[startScan];

// Scan the array, starting at the 2nd element in

// the scannable area. We are looking for the smallest
// value in the scannable area.
for(index = startScan + 1; index < array.length; index++)
if (array[index] < minValue)
minValue = array[index];
minIndex = index;
// Swap the element with the smallest value
// with the first element in the scannable area.
array[minIndex] = array[startScan];
array[startScan] = minValue; Java Selection Sort
public static void insertionSort(int[] array)
int unsortedValue; // The first unsorted value
int scan; // Used to scan the array

// The outer loop steps the index variable through

// each subscript in the array, starting at 1. This
// is because element 0 is considered already sorted.
for (int index = 1; index < array.length; index++)
// The first element outside the sorted subset is
// array[index]. Store the value of this element
// in unsortedValue.
unsortedValue = array[index];

// Start scan at the subscript of the first element

// outside the sorted subset.
scan = index;

// Move the first element outside the sorted subset

// into its proper position within the sorted subset.
while (scan > 0 && array[scan-1] > unsortedValue)
array[scan] = array[scan - 1];

// Insert the unsorted value in its proper position

// within the sorted subset.
array[scan] = unsortedValue;
Java Insertion Sort
public static int binarySearch(String[] array, String value)
int first; // First array element
int last; // Last array element
int middle; // Mid point of search
int position; // Position of search value
boolean found; // Flag
// Set the inital values.
first = 0;
last = array.length - 1;
position = -1;
found = false;
// Search for the value.
while (!found && first <= last)
// Calculate mid point
middle = (first + last) / 2;

// If value is found at midpoint...

if (array[middle].equals(value))
found = true;
position = middle;
// else if value is in lower half...
else if (array[middle].compareTo(value) > 0)
last = middle - 1;
// else if value is in upper half....
first = middle + 1;
// Return the position of the item, or -1
// if it was not found.
return position;
Java Binary Search
9.5 Focus on Languages: Python

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def bubble_sort(arr):
# Set max_element to the length of the arr list, minus
# one. This is necessary for the outer loop.
max_element = len(arr) - 1
# The outer loop positions max_element at the last element
# to compare during each pass through the list. Initially
# max_element is the index of the last element in the array.
# During each iteration, it is decreased by one.
while max_element >= 0:
# Set index to 0, necessary for the inner loop.
index = 0
# The inner loop steps through the list, comparing
# each element with its neighbor. All of the elements
# from index 0 thrugh max_element are involved in the
# comparison. If two elements are out of order, they
# are swapped.
while index <= max_element - 1:
# Compare an element with its neighbor.
if arr[index] > arr[index + 1]:
# Swap the two elements.
temp = arr[index]
arr[index] = arr[index + 1]
arr[index + 1] = temp
# Increment index.
index = index + 1
# Decrement max_element.
max_element = max_element - 1

Python Bubble Sort

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def selection_sort(arr):
# Set start_scan to 0. This is necessary for
# the outer loop. It is the starting position
# of the scan.
start_scan = 0
# The outer loop iterates once for each element in the
# list. The start_scan variable marks the position where
# the scan should begin.
while start_scan < len(arr) - 1:
# Assume the first element in the scannable area
# is the smallest value.
min_index = start_scan
min_value = arr[start_scan]
# Initialize index for the inner loop.
index = start_scan + 1
# Scan the list, starting at the 2nd element in
# the scannable area. We are looking for the smallest
# value in the scannable area.
while index < len(arr):
if arr[index] < min_value:
min_value = arr[index]
min_index = index
# Increment index.
index = index + 1
# Swap the element with the smallest value
# with the first element in the scannable area.
arr[min_index] = arr[start_scan]
arr[start_scan] = min_value
# Increment start_scan.
start_scan = start_scan + 1
Python Selection Sort

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def insertion_sort(arr):
# Set index to 1 for the outer loop.
index = 1

# The outer loop steps the index variable through

# each subscript in the list, starting at 1. This
# is because element 0 is considered already sorted.
while index < len(arr):
# The first element outside the sorted subset is
# arr[index]. Assign the value of this element
# to unsorted_value.
unsorted_value = arr[index]

# Start the scan variable at the subscript of the

# first element outside the sorted subset.
scan = index

# Move the first element outside the sorted subset

# into its proper position within the sorted subset.
while scan > 0 and arr[scan - 1] > unsorted_value:
arr[scan] = arr[scan - 1]
scan = scan - 1

# Insert the unsorted value in its proper position

# within the sorted subset.
arr[scan] = unsorted_value

# Increment index.
index = index + 1

Python Insertion Sort

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def binary_search(arr, value):
# Set the initial values.
first = 0
last = len(arr) - 1
position = -1
found = False

# Search for the value

while not found and first <= last:
# Calculate the mid point.
middle = (first + last) / 2

# If the value is found at the mid point...

if arr[middle] == value:
found = True
position = middle
# else if value is in the lower half...
elif arr[middle] > value:
last = middle - 1
# else if value is in the upper half...
first = middle + 1

# Return the position of the item, or -1

# if it was not found.
return position

Python Binary Search

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9.5 Focus on Languages: C++

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void bubbleSort(int array[], int size)
int maxElement; // Marks the last element to compare
int index; // Index of an element to compare

// The outer loop positions maxElement at the last element

// to compare during each pass through the array. Initially
// maxElement is the index of the last element in the array.
// During each iteration, it is decreased by one.
for (maxElement = size - 1; maxElement >= 0; maxElement--)
// The inner loop steps through the array, comparing
// each element with its neighbor. All of the elements
// from index 0 thrugh maxElement are involved in the
// comparison. If two elements are out of order, they
// are swapped.
for (index = 0; index <= maxElement - 1; index++)
// Compare an element with its neighbor.
if (array[index] > array[index + 1])
// Swap the two elements.
swap(array[index], array[index+1]);
// The swap function swaps the contents of the two
// arguments passed to it.
void swap(int &a, int &b)
int temp;
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
} C++ Bubble Sort

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void selectionSort(int array[], int size)
int startScan; // Starting position of the scan
int index; // To hold a subscript value
int minIndex; // Element with smallest value in the scan
int minValue; // The smallest value found in the scan
// The outer loop iterates once for each element in the
// array. The startScan variable marks the position where
// the scan should begin.
for (startScan = 0; startScan < (size-1); startScan++)
// Assume the first element in the scannable area
// is the smallest value.
minIndex = startScan;
minValue = array[startScan];

// Scan the array, starting at the 2nd element in

// the scannable area. We are looking for the smallest
// value in the scannable area.
for(index = startScan + 1; index < size; index++)
if (array[index] < minValue)
minValue = array[index];
minIndex = index;
// Swap the element with the smallest value
// with the first element in the scannable area.
swap(array[minIndex], array[startScan]);
// The swap function swaps the contents of the two
// arguments passed to it.
void swap(int &a, int &b)
int temp;
temp = a;
a = b;

b = temp;
C++ Selection Sort

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void insertionSort(int array[], int size)
int unsortedValue; // The first unsorted value
int scan; // Used to scan the array

// The outer loop steps the index variable through

// each subscript in the array, starting at 1. This
// is because element 0 is considered already sorted.
for (int index = 1; index < size; index++)
// The first element outside the sorted subset is
// array[index]. Store the value of this element
// in unsortedValue.
unsortedValue = array[index];

// Start scan at the subscript of the first element

// outside the sorted subset.
scan = index;

// Move the first element outside the sorted subset

// into its proper position within the sorted subset.
while (scan > 0 && array[scan-1] > unsortedValue)
array[scan] = array[scan - 1];

// Insert the unsorted value in its proper position

// within the sorted subset.
array[scan] = unsortedValue;
C++ Insertion Sort

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int binarySearch(string array[], string value, int size)
int first; // First array element
int last; // Last array element
int middle; // Midpoint of search
int position; // Position of search value
bool found; // Flag
// Set the inital values.
first = 0;
last = size - 1;
position = -1;
found = false;
// Search for the value.
while (!found && first <= last)
// Calculate midpoint
middle = (first + last) / 2;

// If value is found at midpoint...

if (array[middle] == value)
found = true;
position = middle;
// else if value is in lower half...
else if (array[middle] > value)
last = middle - 1;
// else if value is in upper half....
first = middle + 1;
// Return the position of the item, or -1
// if it was not found.
return position;
C++ Binary Search
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