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Core Paper Presentation

Partial molar heat content and Chemical potential,

significance and factors affecting, Gibb’s- duhem
Presented by
Swarnalata Swain
Ph.D. Scholar

Centre for Nano and Material Sciences, JAIN University, Bangalore

• Heat content and molar heat content
• Partial molar heat content
• Free energy and Gibbs free energy
• Chemical potential/ Partial molar Gibbs free
• Significance of chemical potential
• Variation of chemical potential with
temperature and pressure
• Gibbs duhem equation
Heat content and molar heat content…
Heat content/enthalpy is the H= enthalpy,
total amount of heat stored in E= energy
a system in form of PE P= pressure
V= volume

Molar heat content/ molar enthalpy n= number of

is the change in enthalpy for a unit moles of reactant
mass of compound

ΔHm= ΔH/n

Partial molar heat content…


Variation in enthalpy with the amount of one component while the

temperature, pressure and all other compositions are kept constant.
The molar enthalpy   is,
Molar enthalpy kg/ mole

H= xA HA+ xB HB+ a xAxB

H (kJ/mol) is the enthalpy  
xA, xB  are the compositions of A and B
a  is a non-ideal parameter.
The partial molar enthalpy is represented
Mole fraction A by a line tangent to H at composition of
Fig.1 Binary liquid system the mixture xA, m
Where HA is the partial molar enthalpy of
component A and HB is the partial molar
enthalpy of component B
Free energy/ Gibb’s free energy…
Free energy refers to the
amount of
internal energy of a
thermodynamic system that
is available to perform

Gibbs free energy is
the energy that may be
converted into work in a
system that is at constant
temperature and pressure.
Chemical potential/ molar Gibb’s free energy…

Chemical potential of a chemical substance μ, can be simply defined as the chemical

energy(Uc) possessed by 1 mole of the substance.
μ= Uc / N
In terms of free energy,
G = f( T, P, n1, n2, n3…
For an infinitesimal free energy change,
dG = (ӘG/ ӘT ) P ,N dT + (ӘG/ ӘP)  T, N dP  +(ӘG/ Әni ) T ,P ,n1.....nj dni  

= (ӘG/ ӘT ) P ,N dT + (ӘG/ ӘP)  T, N dP + μ1dn1  + μ2dn2 + .........  μi dni

= -S dT + V dP + μ1dn1  + μ2dn2 + .........  μi dni

Where μ1 , μ2 .... and  μi are chemical potentials of components 1, 2 .... and i , respectively.
If temperature and pressure remain constant, then
(dG) T, P = μ1dn1  + μ2dn2 + .........  μidni           

If a system has definite composition having n1 , n2... ni moles of constituent 1, 2, .... i, 
respectively , Then on integrating above equation,
(G) T, P ,N = μ1n1  + μ2n2 + .........  μini , (G = μ)  
Chemical potential is the change in the total free energy of the system that results on
addition of one mole of substance at a constant temperature and pressure, to such a large
quantity of the system that there is no appreciable change in the overall composition of the
Significance of chemical potential…
 Chemical potential determines the stability of substances such as
chemical species, compounds and solution.

 As the chemical potential is an extensive value of the system, when

the system is at equilibrium it should have same value throughout.

 Chemical potential is useful to prove several rules like henrys law,

Gibbs-Duhem equation and many others law.

 μi is also related to escaping tendency of i. If chemical potential of a

component in a system is high, it posses a large escaping potential
and vice versa.

 Matter tends to flow from high region of chemical potential to low

region of chemical potential.
Effect of temperature and pressure…
At constant temperature
dG = (ӘG/ ӘT ) P ,ni dT

= [Ә/ ӘT((ӘG/ Әni ) T, P ,ni]

dG = V dP-S dT + μidni

(ӘG/ ӘT ) P ,ni = - S

At constant pressure
μi = (ӘG/ Әni ) T, P ,ni

(Ә μi /ӘP)T, ni = [Ә/ ӘP(ӘG/ Әni]T, ni

dG = V dP-S dT + μidni

(ӘG/ ӘP ) T,ni = V
Gibbs duhem equation…
(G) T, P ,N = μ1n1  + μ2 n2 + .........  μini                                         

Free energy of the system at constant pressure and temperature, can be expressed as a sum of
nμ for the individual components of the system. The total differential of G is written as
dG  = μ1dn1  + n1dμ1 + μ2dn2 + n2dμ2   .........  μidni + nidμi                       

= (μ1dn1 + μ2dn2 + .....  μidni) +  (n1dμ + n2dμ2 +..... nidμi)       

(n1dμ + n2dμ2 +..... nidμi = 0)  at constant T, P                 

This simple relationship is known as Gibbs-Duhem equation.

System having two component, gives equation

n1dμ1 + n2dμ2   =  0   or dμ1 = -(n2/n1)dμ2


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