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Eating For

Mental Health
Jesse Terris
What is Mental Heatlh?
Mental health refers to a person’s condition
regarding their psychological and emotional
well being
Mental Health

The importance of mental health has been an emerging topic,

especially since the start of the pandemic

Studies show that heatlh benefits related to mental well being is

among the top benefits younger age consumers look for
This is an area that is still
being explored and has
some contradicting
research, so far here are
the findings:
How is what we eat linked to
our Mental Health?

The body has neurotransmitters that regulate mood

The ones known as “Happy Hormones” are

serotonin, dopamine, y-aminbutyric acid
(GABA), and noradrenaline

Low levels of serotonin have been linked to

anxiety and depression
How do we “control” these transmitters?

B vitamins are essential cofactors for the synthesis of these


B vitamins are found in whole grains, meat, dairy, eggs,

seeds, nuts, legumes, fruits, and vegetables
Other evidence shows that foalte, zinc, magnesium, iron,
selenium, and vitmain D may be protective against anxitey,
mood swings, and irritability

Results state that patients diagnosed with depression are often

deficient in one or more nutrients
Sleep and Mental Health

Eating a balanced diet is important for sleep quality

Studies show that adults with shorter sleep duration had

lower intakes of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D

Adequate levels of vitamin A and K are important for


Fatty fish is a good source of vitamin D and omega 3

fatty acids

These nutrients regulate serotonin, which plays a

role in sleep regulation
GI and Mental Health

Sharp peaks in blood glucose can trigger the stress

hormone cortisol

Some studies suspect that consuming high GI food

(processed foods, sugar sweetened beverages) can
increase risk of depression
“Stress Eating”

Carbohydrates increase the availability of the amino acid tryptophan to the brain

Tryptophan is a precursor to produce serotonin the “happy hormone”

Sources of tryptophan include eggs, poultry, dairy, and tofu

This could be why people crave “comfort” carbohydrates during times of

Brain and Mental Heath
60% of the brain is made of fatty acids, which
include omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for the normal function of the brain

Sources include oily fish, seeds (chia, flax, and hemp) fortified foods, and

Studies show that in countries where people eat large amounts of oily fish,
depression is less common
Gut Heatlh
A dysfunctional gut microbiome is linked
with anxiety depression among other
neurological conditions
A new wave of products claiming to boost brain

Nootropics have been positioned to improve

memory, attention span, relaxation, and energy

CBD – has been suggested to relieve anxiety. This is

found in hemp plants

Gingko – a tree native to China, that claims to improve

brain function and reduce anxiety

Ginseng – is a native Korean plant which

claims to improve concentration and memory
Hydration and Mental Health
The body is 75% water and is fundamental to all biological functions and metabolic

Therefore, it is essential that we stay hydrated to maintain physical and

mental health
Alcohol and Mental Health
Alcohol is considered a depressant and excessive
consumption is associated with mental health disoders

Excessive alcohol consumption is also assoicated with B

vitmain deficiencies which can lead to anxiety and
depression symptoms
Mediterranean diet and mental health

Evidence is emerging that a Mediterranean style diet promotes brain and mental
health and may be helpful in the management of conditions like depression.

It is a diet rich in antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats.

Those who followed a Mediterranean diet for 12 weeks had a

much greater reduction in their depressive symptoms over the
3-month period, compared to the control group.
What’s new in the relationship between
Mental Health and food
Adaptogens A natural substance considered to help the body adapt to stress.

This includes turmeric, ginseng, and gingko

A newly coined term which refers to probiotics which when

Psychobiotics consumed in adequate amounts may have positive effects on
mental health
What Does this all
Eating a balanced diet can help with mental health.

There is a lot that goes into mental health and many different
aspects in the body affect it.

There is still a lot of research being done on the relationship

between food and mental health
Works Cited
Ten key health and nutrition trends for 2022 - KHNI. Kerry Health And Nutrition
Institute. (2022, May 19). Retrieved June 8, 2022, from

Hassed, C. (2001). Fod for thought. Australian Family Physician, 30(5),

Let’s Eat
Breakfast Cookies for Mental Health

Oats Peanut Butter Honey

- Vitamin B1 - Zinc
Thiamine - Vitmain B6
- - Magnesium
- Selenium Magnesium
- - Vitamin B6
- Zinc Vitamin B3

Breakfast Cookies for Mental Health

Chia amd flax Cranberries Raspberries


- Magnesium - Vitamin K
- Iron - Vitmain A
- - Vitamin B9
- Selenium Vitamin K
- Vitamin B6

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