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Present Perfect and

Simple Past
Week 11

• Present Perfect Tense is used to express an event that started in the past and the impact of the event is now
continuing (or a long-running event that started in the past and is still going on).
• This tense is used to express actions completed recent past. In this tense, it is important whether the event occured
or not. ( or the result of the event is important, not the time of the event )
• The Present Perfect Tense is formed by putting “to have  ( have or has )” before the past participle of the verb.

The Formulas

• Subject ( I, YOU, WE, YOU, THEY ) + HAVE + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
• Subject ( HE, SHE, IT ) + HAS + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
• Subject ( I, YOU, WE, YOU, THEY ) + HAVE  + NOT + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
• Subject ( HE, SHE, IT ) + HAS + NOT + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
• HAVE  + Subject ( I, YOU, WE, YOU, THEY ) + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
• HAS + Subject ( HE, SHE, IT ) + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )

Example of:


• For “HAVE OR HAS”;

• have –> ‘ve    Ex: I‘ve seen. 
• has –> ‘s    Ex: She‘s seen. 
• have not –> haven’t   Ex: I haven’t seen.
• has not –> hasn’t   Ex: I hasn’t seen.

Common Tense Marker

• Common Tense Markers: • We haven’t received any mail since we were retired.

• Already / Yet / Ever / Never / Just / Since / For / Before / In my life / So far / • I have already made the coffee.
Up until now / first time, two, three,severeal times, etc.
• Have you ever been to England?
• You have already eaten four plums.
• Examples:
• We haven’t met before.
• I have already prepared breakfast.
• I have lived in Texas for 10 years.
• My sister has cleaned the room.
• Tom has just come to the office.
• Has the post come yet?
• The students have read that poem twice.
• It has rained a lot lately.
• I have never lied in my life.
• I haven’t seen Susan since Sunday.
• We haven’t gone to watch the new movie.
• She has watched this movie several times.
• It hasn’t stopped.
• He has saved $20.000.000 up until now.
• I have never been to Germany.
• They have gone fishing until later this evening.
• Have you done the essay yet?
• I have solved 20 questions so far.
• Call me when you’ve finished writing the report.
• Hasn’t my mother cooked the dinner yet?
Wh Questions in Present Perfect!

• We use other question words ( Like Who, What, Why , etc.) in present perfect tense.
• Question Words (who, what, why, etc.) + have + subject + V3
• Examples:
• What have they done?
• Why has she said like that?
• Where have you seen my wallet?

Present Perfect VS Simple Past

Present Perfect Tense is used to express unfinished events that started in the past and continue to the
present. The events are still continuing.

• Examples:
• I have lived in Paris for five years. ( I still live in Paris )
• My son has been sick since Monday. ( My son is still sick )
• He has worked in Berlin since he graduated from the university. ( He still works in Berlin )

Simple Past Tense is used to express finished events.

• Examples:
• I lived in Paris for five years. ( I moved another city and now I am no living there )
• My son was sick on Monday. ( My son isn’t sick now ) 
• He worked in Berlin after he graduated from the university. ( He found himself a new job and he isn’t working in

Present Perfect Tense is used to express finished events in someone’s life. ( if the person is still alive – life
experience )
• Examples:
• I have been to England in my life.  ( I am alive )
• He has never travelled by plane. ( He is alive )
• Scientist have tried to invent something new. ( We are alive )

Simple Past Tense is used to express finished events in someone’s life. (if the person is dead)
• Examples:
• My Mother went to America four times.  ( She is dead )
• He travelled a lot by plane. ( He is dead )
• They tried to invent something new. ( they are dead )

Present Perfect Tense is used to express finished events that happened at an unspecified time in the past and the
impact of the event is now continuing. ( Past Event – Present Result )
• Examples:
• She has lost her wallet. ( She can’t find it and I have no money now )
• We can’t reach Paul by phone. Have you seen him?
• Tom isn’t at school. I think he has gone to the theater.

Simple Past Tense is used to express finished events. There is no result in the present. 

• Examples:
• She lost her wallet yesterday. ( I canceled my cards and bought a new wallet yesterday- there is no result now )
• Yesterday we could reach Paul by phone ( I don’t need to reach or call Paul now – there is no result now)
• He went to the theater two hours ago. ( now he is at school – there is no result now)

Present Perfect Tense is used with unfinished time words ( this week, today,this year etc. ). The period of time is
still continuing. 
• Examples:
• We haven’t called him this week. ( “this week” is not over yet )
• I have eaten lots of plumps today.  ( “today” is not over yet )
• They have had several exams this month.  ( “this month” is not over yet )

Simple Past Tense is used with finished time words ( yesterday, last week, in 2000, etc. ). 
• Examples:
• We didn’t call him yesterday. 
• I ate lots of plumps last week. 
• They had several exams last year. 


• If we use a specific time in a sentence,  we should use “Simple Past Tense“.  
• If we use an unspecific time in a sentence, we should use “Present Perfect Tense“.

Time Words

• Time words with “in the” and without “in the” have different meanings. 

• For example;
• ( last year- in the last year/ last week – in the last week / last month- in the last month )
• “Last month” and “in the last month” have different meanings. 
• “Last month” means the month before now. It is considered a specific time, so it requires Simple Past Tense.
• “In the last month” means from 30 days ago until now ( at some point between 30 days ago and now ) . It is not
considered a specific time, so it requires Present Perfect Tense.
• Examples:
• We haven’t received any mail in the last month.      
• We didn’t receive any mail last month.
• I have solved many problems in the last year.
• I solved many problems last year. 


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