Quality Education 211

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- A good quality education is one that

provides all learners with capabilities they
require to become economically prodictive,
develop sustainable livelihoods, contribute
to peaceful and democratic societies and
enhance individual well being.
Why is education important?

 Quality education provide the foundation for equlty in society. Quality

educationos one of the most basic public services. IT not only enlightens but
also empowers citizen and enables them to contribute to the maximum extent
possible to the social and economic development of their communities.
 Education is a fundamental right of every individual as it plays a prominentrole
in life. The spread of COVID19, has paused the life due to worlwide lockdown
affecting the life of people, families and communities.

Learning Modalities:

- Modular/ Online / Blended Learning

the covid-19 pandemic has changed education forever. This is how:

 The covid-19 has resulted in schools to shut all accros the world .
Globally over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom
 As a result, rise of e-learning whereby teaching is undertaken remotely
and on digital flatforms
 Research suggest that online learning has been shown to increase
retention of the information, and take less time, meaning the changes
corona virus have caused might be hear to stay.

 si a learning method where students can use printed self-learning
modules (SLM) and modules that can be accessed digitaly or
through electronic devices such as laptops, computers, tablets
and smartphones.
 is a learning method where teachers can teach there students
throught the internet . Students can also download learning
materials and submit their homeworks through online means.

 is a learning method where the self-learnign modules are taught
on television and radio. It is an effective alternative to students

Two other types of alternative learning modalities
Blended Learning (BL)
 is a learning delivery modality that combines distance learning
approaches such as online distance learning, modular distance
learning, and TV/Radio-based instruction
Home Schooling
 is a learning delivery modality for young people to learn even
when they are in their homes. Home schooling is is possible with
the help of qualified parents or tutors who have undergone

What are the challenges student facing moduar
distance learning?

 Lack of reliable internet connection

 learning environment
 availability of gadgets (for online learners)
 the learners’ ability to concentrate
 lack of socialization

What are parents’ role in modualr distance

 parent or legal gardian acts as mentor to their children

 they are responsible for picking up and delivering the modules to and
from the school.
 must ensure that their children complete their self-learning modules
answering all of the questions
 parents must also offer a productive learning environment for thier
children to devote more time to study.

How does modular distance learning work?

 Distribution
 Application
 Monitoring
 Submission

Availabity of Resources/ Access

 The necessary resources that should be available for teaching
and learning include material resources, human resources
such as teachers and support staff and, physical facilities
such as laboratories, libraries and classrooms.


 Educational resources are used in learning environment to

help assist with people’s development and learning. They are
designed to reinforrce learning and in some cases alow
people to put theier knowledge to the rest

 Material resources - Material resources include any items
the school currently owns. These include school furniture,
equipment, technology, curriculum materials, manipulatives,
textbooks, and any other materials within the school.
 The purpose and importance of teaching and learning
materials is to make lessons interesting, learning easy and
enable teachers to easily express concepts. Learning materials
can significantly increase learners' achievement by supporting

 Human Resource - In a school system, a human resource
specialist performs a variety of duties related to the
employment of teachers, educational specialists and support
staff, and auxiliary personnel such as administrative assistants
and maintenance workers.
 Physcal Facility - The school facility is much more than a
passive container of the educational process: it is, rather, an
integral component of the conditions of learning.

- Time-management/ Overloading /

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a host of personal and
professional complications for faculty across academia, as well
as the students they teach. While the severity of these
complications vary at the individual level and look different for
everyone, one area COVID-19 has presented enormous
challenges in academia is time management

 Time Management - the ability to use one's time effectively
or productively, especially at work.

 "time management is the key to efficient working"

 Time management means organizing your time intelligently -
s that you use it more effectively

Importance of time management in
distance learning

Effective time management not only helps with your learning

but can also make you more productive at work and in your
personal life . If your serious about successfully completing
your online degree, it’s crucial to find a good system to use.

5 Time Management Tips for teachers

Working as a teacher requires excellent time management skills.

Teachers need to balance the long-term goals of the classroom,
theimmediate educational needs of the students and the large
volume of paperwork that comes with every assignment.
Between writing lesson plans, grading exams and actually
teaching, teachers often fell that it is impossible to fit everything
into the allotted time frame.

Here are the 5 effective time management tips teachers can use everyday
1. Organize the day by priorities – teacher time management must start with setting
priorities and organizing the day around the most important task.
2. Strategically plan homework assignments – Both teachers and students may find
that assignment that require repetitive practice is better suited for the home
3. Avoid “loaded” procrastination – teachers find it more efficient to break up
grading materials into small groups that graded each day than to work on grading
the work of the entire class on the same day.
4. Plan for potential crises – It is better to plan for potential problems before facing
them in the classroom, as urgent crises can distract teachersn from their goals within
the classroom.
5. Set aside personal time – A teacher has many tasks that require attention and often
focuses on the needs of students and their parents


 Overloading occurs when two or more methods on one class

have the same method name but different parameters.
 Cognitive overload is a situation where the teacher gives too
much information or too many tasks to learners
simultaneously, resulting in the learner being unable to
process this information.

What would learner learner experience if a teacher
overload their working memory?

Signs of working memory overload:

Give up or stop attending. Complete only a part of the task.

Become frustrated by the learning challenges. Act out of engage
in other distracting behaviours.

 Mismatching illustrates the extent to which students‘ learning style
preferences are similar /dissimilar to teachers’ instructional style
preferences indicated by the questionnaires in the study.
 Mismatcher exist between learning styles of most students in a class and
the teaching styles of the professor, the student may become bored and
inattentive, do poorly on test , get discaouraged about the courses, the
curriculum, and themselves, and in some caseschange to other curricula of
drop out of school.

What happens when learning styles do not
 Reid (1987-1995) assumes two major hypothesis about
learning styles: “all students have their own learning styles
and learning strengths and weaknesses” and “A mismatch
between teaching and learning styles can cause learning
failure, frustration and demotivation.

Should teachers match instruction to
individual learning styles?

 It is important to study learning styles because recent studies

have shown that a match between teaching and learning
styles helps to motivate students’ process of learning. That is
why teacher should identify their own teaching styles as well
as learning styles to obtain better results.


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