Job Advertising and Recruiting - T

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Abundant (a)

Dồi dào, phong phú, nhiều


There is abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on

the environment.
Accomplishment (n)

Thành tựu, sự hoàn thành


We celebrated the successful accomplishment of our task.
Bring together (v)

Gom lại; nhóm lại

Our goal this year is to bring together the most creative
group we can find
Candidate (n)

Người dự tuyển/ Người dự thi


There are three candidates standing in the election.

Come up with (v)

Nghĩ ra, nảy ra (ý tưởng, kế hoạch)

In order for that small business to succeed, it needs to
come up with a new strategy
Commensurate (a)

Xứng với, tương ứng với

He is a salary that is commensurate with his skills and experience
Match (n)

Phù hợp, tương ứng với nhau


It is difficult to make a decision when both candidates seem to be

a perfect match
Profile (n)

Hồ sơ, tiểu sử sơ lược

You can post your relationship status on your Facebook profile.
Qualification (n)

Phẩm chất, năng lực/ Khả năng chuyên môn


With her qualifications and experience, she would seem to

be ideally suited to the job.
Tuyển dụng
- Hire (v)

Even young boys are now being recruited into the army.

Submit (v)

Nộp, trình, đệ đơn

The developers submitted building plans to the council for 
Time-consuming (a)

Tốn thời gian

Commuting by car nowadays is much more time-consuming than it used to be.

I used to go to work by bike/ He used to stay up late





bring together


qualifications Coming up with



Describe a well-paid job that you will be good at
You should say:
– what the job was
– how you knew this job
– how you feel about this job
– and explain why you think you will be good at it

Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job?
Do you think women are good bosses?
Are there many women bosses in your country?
Have you ever been promoted?
How many times have you been promoted?
When was the last time you were promoted?
Did you get a large pay raise (salary increase) at that time?
Have you ever taken any courses that help you with the job you are doing now?
How have working conditions/ environment changed in recent years? Resign/ quit the job
What plans have you made for your retirement?
When you were a child, what job did you want to have when you grew up?
Is it different from the current job?
Would you consider yourself to be an ambitious person at work?
Would you describe yourself as a workaholic?
Would you like a job in which you traveled a lot?
Would you like a job that required you to sit at a computer all day?
Would you like to do the same job for the rest of your life?
If money weren't a problem for you, which job would you prefer to have?
How does money affect your decisions?
What are the pros and cons of being a manager?

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