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• As the name suggests ,the police management system is an application that

allows all the paper work that are done in the police station to be stored in
one single system with great ease. It can help in handling the record easier.
Sometimes if there is a need for some information of a particular criminal then
you need to search in huge heap of files where that information is stored in
those files . So that will involve in wastage of time and effort .So to overcome
these problems .The police management system can be useful. This will
reduce a lot of pen paper work that is involved.
• This project will involve creating a relational database for a group of police
stations’ police members that records incidents involving various types of
offences. The database will also contain information pertaining to police
officers and criminals personal information.
• The police management application can help in storing the records
related to the criminal,cases,complaint record,case history and so
on.This can allow a person to enter or delete the record if
necessary.All these records can be maintained in a single
database.Security is maintained so as to ensure that only the
authorized users will have access to the system. This application
will be one of the useful projects that the police can rely on. This
application can help in getting the information of the criminals of
many years back.It can also help in minimizing most of the work of
the police. The features that can be included in this application
are as follows:
• Criminal Record: This application can contain the details
related to the criminals in the particular case
Prisoner Record: The details of the prisoner and
his case related details can be stored in the

• This took a considerable amount of time, to ensure there would be no

duplication of data and information was easy to access via table joins.
• tblStation
• statId [primary key]
• statName
• statCity
• statNumber
• statAddress

• polId [primary key]

• polName
• polPhone
• polCity
• polAddress
• polDOB
• rankId [foreign key to tblRank (rankId)]
• statId [foreign key to tblStation (statId)]

• crimId [primary key]

• crimName
• crimPhone
• crimCity
• crimAddress
• crimDOB
• crimLicense

• rankId [primary key]

• rankTitle
• rankSalary
• rankDescription

• tblFineIncident
• fineId [primary key]
• polId [foreign key to tblPolice(polId)]
• crimId [foreign key to tblCriminal(crimId)]
• fineDateTime
• fineComments
tblPolice-– Contains personal police information, as well as rank, car and station
information. This table was generated with a script.

Syntax-create table Police_03

(polId number(30)Primary Key,polName varchar2(20),polPhone number(10),polCity
polAddress varchar2(20),polDOB varchar(10),rankid number(30)References
carId number(30)References car_03,statid number(30)References station_03);
tblStation– Contains information regarding station names, locations and

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tblRank– Contains information about police member ranks and salary
per rank.

create table rank_03( Click icon to add picture
number(30)Primary Key,
rankTitle varchar2(20),
ranksalary number(10),

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– This table contains information
about criminal personal details.
This table was generated with a

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– Contains information relating to
fines issued by police members,
can be used to trace the criminal
details, police member details, and
date/time of offence. This table
was generated with a script and is
the largest table in the database.
After linking the foreign and primary keys the database diagram looks like
this. It shows there is a;

one to many relationship for criminals to incidents

one to many relationship for fine types to incidents
one to many relationship for police members to incidents
one to many relationship for cars to police members
one to many relationship for ranks to police members
one to many relationship for stations to police members

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