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Tour guide

• As a Part of our Enterprise Programming. We had choose a project “Tour Guide”
• In which We have to develop the project using the technologies we learnt in the course
• As the technology Is keeps on developing. We just designed this project in Peculiar way
• So, that each and every customer can able to afford our Facilities and Requirements.
• At the end of this Project, User can able to Register him/her self, If
He/Her doesn’t have an Account in Business System.
• Later, Registration , The End User will be Redirected to our Homepage,
where he/she can Able to Know (: What are the Special technologies
and facilities Provided by Our Business System..
• So, the User can find his Requirement and can do the Booking And
next the user moves to the Payment Page
• and does his/her Transaction.
If User had any Queries , User can Contact us…:)
Languages Used
• HTML: HTML is used to create web pages.
• CSS: CSS is used to define styles for your web pages, including the design, layout
and variations in display for different devices and screen sizes.
• JavaScript: All the validation task and animations has been developed by
• Java: All the business logic has been returned in java.
• (Oracle)SQL: SQL database has been used for store web sites information like
user information.
• Tomcat: Tomcat is an application server from the Apache Software Foundation
that executes Java servlet s and renders Web pages that include Java Server Page
Software Requirements
• Operating system : Windows, Linux.
• Language : Java runtime environment.
• Browser : Any off Mozilla opera Chrome.
• Web Server : Tomcat 9.
• Database : Oracle.
• Software development kit : Java JDK.
• Database JDBC Driver : SQL J connector
Hardware Requirements
• Processor : 630 MHZ
• RAM : 128 MB
• Hard disk : 20 GB
ۭ Modules
• Modules are common website Components Which are the building
blocks of the Project
• Each Modules is a collections of Multiple Elements, tags, Images,
• All these modules are combined together to build a page.
• This breaks complex problems into smaller components that are
easier to Understand, build and to Communicate..
• Some of the Modules that we Used In Building in Our Page are
listed below.
Tour Guide
• Admin authentication
• User Registration
• Package Creation
• Package booking
• Booking confirmation/manage
• destinations/view points:
• Booking confirmation/manage
• Issue ticket
Module Wise Description
• Admin authentication
This module is mainly based on admin. System will check the admin user
name and password for authentication. After the verification for authorization
the admin can be able to precede the process. All works are done under his

• User Registration
This module covers the details about the registration of users which they can
be register by itself by adding data like name, password, email id and further
details. After registration they can be sign in by their username and password.
• Package Creation
The admin can create packages by creating package page which the
type, price, details, place details all the travel tour package details can
be added here. Which it will be showed in user homepage.

• Package booking
In this module maintain the booking of travel packages by the user by
selecting a various packages with date and certain comments.

• Booking confirmation/manage
Booking confirmation is the process of confirming the booked
packages by the admin that is booked by the user with date and
comment. Also admin can manage the booking by cancelling.
• Destinations/view points
The view points of the places that user want to go can be seen in
destination places

• Issue ticket
Tickets can be issued for the user in the issue ticket page in the
homepage of user the certain booked packages only can be issued.
Use case Diagram for Login, Register and Forgot Password
Use case Diagram
Testing Approach
• Security testing: This is system testing which verifies that the whole set of programs hanged
• White box testing: In this technique, the close examination of the logical parts through the software
are tested by cases that exercise species sets of conditions or loops.
• Black box testing: It checks whether the input data is correct and whether we're getting the desired
• Alpha testing: This provides the product for real use and detects errors which may not have been
anticipated by the system developers.
• Unit testing: Each module is considered independently. It focuses on each unit of software as
implemented in the code.
• Integration testing: It aims at constructing the program structure while at the same constructing
tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing the modules.
• Validation testing: It is performed to ensure that all the functional and performance requirements
are met.
• System testing: It is executing programs to check logical change is made in it with the intention of
finding errors.

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