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Introduction Role of line managers in Tools for performance management

The success of any organization performance management would be playing a crucial role in 2021 in
depends on its performance  Implementation of HR order to understand the experience of
management practices. This policies employees all along 2021 (Cappelli and
incorporates various stakeholders  Ensuring open team Tavis, 2016). These tools would permit
such as managers, line managers communication Working
the line towards
managers in: the setting of
(team leaders), HR experts and  Alignment of team goals objectives with the employees
employees of the organization with the goals of Engaging the employees through
(Evans, 2017). The present study organization social intranet.
analyses the role of line managers  Providing effective training Collecting timely feedbacks from
for carrying out an effective and guidance to the team Usage of latest trends by line employees.
performance system in a 2021 members managers in effective performance Improvement in work motivation with
management for a 2021 organization
organization. • Onboarding new hires and
the help of job recognition and
Performance management trends rewards.
for 2021 organizations transition of present employees in Conclusion
new job roles (Pfiffner et al., The study concludes the importance of
Comprehending the unrestrained 2021). line managers in performance
events of 2020 has provided an • Adapting performance management and how it would bring
insight to line managers about the management for the younger effectiveness in 2021 organizations.
trends which 2021 might bring to generation Some of major roles which helps in
the performance management effective management are team
(Darwin, 2017). The effect of management, team work, decision
COVID-19 has ensured new making etc. The study states that with
methods of communication so the current pandemic situation, strong
that the line managers can ensure communication tools in case of Work
that their workforce remains From Home (WFH) would be the most
connected to them effective for line managers in 2021
(Narayanamurthy and Tortorella, organizations.
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