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ANA 202
The oesophageal opening in the diaphragm is
• (a) T6
• (b) T8
• (c) T10
• (d) T11
• (e) T12
ANA 202

The diaphragm has an aortic opening opposite

The _____________ valve of the heart has 2
One half of the heart is known as a
ANA 202

Which passes through the diaphragm with the

• (a) Azygous vein
• (b) Right vagus nerve
• (c) Sympathetic trunks
• (d) Thoracic duct
• (e) Phrenic nerve
ANA 202
Regarding the descending part of the thoracic aorta
• (a) Component of middle mediastinum
• (b) Begins at level of T3
• (c) Passes through the diaphragm behind the
lateral arcuate ligament
• (d) Begins at the beginning of the arch of the
• (e) Passes to the abdomen at the level of T12
ANA 202

• the anterior mediastinum contains

• (a) the heart
• (b) the phrenic n
• (c) azygous v
• (d) thymus
• (e) all of the above
ANA 202
• The superior mediastinum is bounded by the
• __________________ superiorly
• __________________ inferiorly
• __________________ posteriorly
• __________________ anteriorly
• __________________ laterally
ANA 202

• Regarding the diaphragm which is incorrect

• (a) Aorta – T12
• (b) Oesophagus - T10
• (c) Vena cava – T8
• (d) Thoracic aorta - T10
• (e) Right Phrenic nerve – T8
ANA 202
• The anterior mediastinum is bounded by the
• __________________ superiorly
• __________________ inferiorly
• __________________ posteriorly
• __________________ anteriorly
• __________________ laterally
ANA 202

• Attachments to the diaphragm include all but

• (a) Left crus
• (b) Tip of 12th rib
• (c) Xiphisternum
• (d) Peritoneum
• (e) 7th costal cartilage
ANA 202
• The SVC drains blood into the right _________
• The __________ are a set of flat curved bones
that form the protective cage of the thorax
• The _____________ muscles lie deep to the
external intercostals
• The diaphragm is a double-domed
____________ sheet.
ANA 202
• The intercostal spaces contain the intercostal
vessels and nerves in what fashion? From
superior to inferior.
• (a) vein - artery - nerve
• (b) vein – nerve - artery
• (c) artery – nerve - vein
• (d) artery - vein - nerve
• (e) nerve- artery - vein
ANA 202
The surface anatomy of the thorax consists of
the following except
• (a) Sternal angle
• (b) Xiphoid process
• (c) Clavicle
• (d) Suprasternal notch
• (e) none of the above
ANA 202
• The following are contents of the superior
mediastinum except
• (a) Brachiocephalic veins
• (b) IVC
• (c) Thoracic duct
• (d) Thymus
• (e) Sternohyoid
ANA 202
The manubrium is the most superior aspect of
the ____________
The jugular notch is also known as the
Inferiorly, the manubrium articulates with the
body of the sternum forming the ______________
Just lateral to the jugular notch is the __________
ANA 202
• The middle mediastinum is bounded by the
• __________________ superiorly
• __________________ inferiorly
• __________________ posteriorly
• __________________ anteriorly
• __________________ laterally
ANA 202
• The following are joints of the thoracic cage
• (a) costochondral
• (b) sternocostal
• (c) manubriosternal
• (d) intervertebral
• (e) all of the above
ANA 202
• This is not a typical rib
• (a) rib 2
• (b) rib 3
• (c) rib 4
• (d) rib 7
• (e) rib 9
ANA 202
Which is not an atypical thoracic vertebrae?
• (a) T1
• (b) T2
• (c) T10
• (d) T11
• (e) T12
ANA 202
• The posterior mediastinum is bounded by the
• __________________ superiorly
• __________________ inferiorly
• __________________ posteriorly
• __________________ anteriorly
• __________________ laterally
ANA 202
• The diaphragm consists of
• (a) peripheral muscular parts
• (b) central tendon
• (c) all of the above
• (d) none of the above
• (e) xiphoid process
ANA 202
Phrenic nerve supplies the sensation to all but
• (a) Diaphragm
• (b) Mediastinal pleura
• (c) Peritoneum
• (d) Left ventricle
• (e) Pericardium
ANA 202
• Which of the following rib classifications are
attached to the thoracic vertebrae
• (a) True ribs
• (b) False ribs
• (c) Both true and false ribs
• (d) all of the above
• (e) none of the above
ANA 202
How many ribs attach solely to the manubrium
of the sternum?
• (a) 0
• (b) 1
• (c) 2
• (d) 3
• (e) 1/2
ANA 202
How many ribs attach solely to the xiphoid
process of the sternum?
• (a) 0
• (b) 1
• (c) 2
• (d) 3
• (e) 1/2
ANA 202
The following are Vertebrochondral ribs
• (a) 1-7
• (b) 7- 10
• (c) 8-10
• (d) 11-12
• (e) 9-10
ANA 202
• The _______________ of the thoracic
vertebrae offers increased protection to the
spinal cord
• (a) pedicle
• (b) lamina
• (c) transverse process
• (d) spinous process
• (e) vertebral foramen


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