Communication Skills For Bankers

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Communication Skills for

• विज्ञान कहता है की जीभ को लगी हुई चोट बहुत जल्दी ठीक हो जाती है| पर ज्ञान यह कहता है की जीभ से लगी हुई चोट कभी भी
ठीक नही होती है |
• दतं कहे जीभ को तू अके ली हम बत्तीस माय | अगर मै थोडी टेढी चलू तो बत्तीस कें बत्तीस गिर जाय |
• जिदं गी की आधी शिकायतें यँू ही दरू हो जायें अगर लोग एक दसु रे के बारे में बोलने की बजाये एक दसू रे से बोलना सीख जाएँ !
• Banking business is a service based business and you need to communicate with the customers on a daily
• What are the most common ways we communicate?
• Spoken Word, Written Word, Visual Images, Body Language etc.
• Communication is of two types Verbal & Non-Verbal, Internal & External,
• One way communication, Two way Communication & One to Many
• Non-Verbal communication deals with your Body Language, Gestures, Postures, Face expression.
• Customer judges you on the basis of your face value.
• As far as Banking is concerned, Product knowledge is very important aspect for effective communication
with your customer.
• Effective Communication requires:
• Active Listening
• Eye Contact
• Gesture and Posture
• Simple Language
• Questioning Skills.
• If you are rigid and do not have alternate or solutions for your customer, you cant do business. Those who
are providing alternate or solutions to the problem, you can not do business.
• Take a case of salesman in shops. You need to be a good salesman.
Channels of Communication in Banking
• External Communication is communication with your customer, Regulators etc.
• Internal Communication is communication with people in the organization and it is of two types:-
• Upward Communication and Downward Communication.
• Upward communication is with your seniors and consists of reporting.
• Downward communication is with your sub-ordinates and consists of giving instructions in a authoritative
Effective Presentation Skills

• Presentation is a method of effective communication, either oral or written, which is given to achieve a
specific business/organizational goals.
• Effective presentation skills are very important in banking sector when you want to convince your
customer, your seniors which should be with fact and figures, industry position.
• It is also required when you prepare process note of the Loan Proposal or when you forward your loan
proposal to higher authorities for sanction.
• Drafting your process note is a skillful activity.
• Some people say enclosed please find loan proposal of so and so and kindly do the needful at your end.
(This is not a proper communication with your higher authorities and regulators.)
Essentials of effective Letter writing
• The oldest method of sending message for getting favorable response. It maintains a personal touch, serves as a record. You need
knowledge of language , working, procedures, policies and aims of your organization.
• You must have a clear and concise style of writing. Banks are required to write letters to customers, borrowers.
• 7 Cs of letter writing are:-
• Correctness:-In Spelling, Grammar and use of Language.
• Clarity:-The message must be clear and easy to understand & avoid Misunderstanding.
• Conciseness:-It means expressing in a few reducing less important Phrases or Single Words, Making sure that only the necessary
and relevant details are included Conciseness and Clarity are closely related
• Courtesy:-It is the consideration for other people's feelings. Use the courtesy words Please, Thank You and Sorry as the situation
• Completeness:-Give complete information by using 5 W's Who, What, When, Where and Why
• Consideration:-Prepare every message with the message receivers in mind. Focus on "You" instead of "I" and "We" Using "You"
does help to project a your-attitude.
• Concreteness:-Misunderstandings of words have produced tragedies in both war and peace, in business and non-business
situations use specific Facts and Figures. It is desirable to be precise and concrete in both written and oral business
Email Etiquettes
• Never use official email address for personal communications or for sending greetings.
• People from different cultures speak and write differently.
• Include a clear, direct subject line.
• Think twice before hitting "reply all."
• Use professional salutations in openings and closings.
• Make your message easy to read.
• Do not use negative words (failure, wrong, neglected)
• Do not point out at the recipient directly.
• Reply to all your emails.
• Proofread every message.
• Add the email address last.
• Double-check that you've selected the correct recipient
• Don't write anything private & confidential.
Telephone Etiquettes
• You should always have pen or pencil and small note books to write down
message or notes.
• Answer a telephone call within 3 rings.
• If you receive an internal call then you should start with a greeting then
your department name then your name then asks how you can assist him.
For example: Good Evening, Front Desk, Ahmed speaking, how may I
help you?
• For an external call follow this procedure: Greeting then your Bank’s name
then ask how you can assist him. For example: Good Morning, Indian
Bank here, I am ___, How may I help you?
• Greatest Communication skill is to paying value to others.
• Communication skills deal with exchange of information in a simplest manner.
• Communication is the transmission of an idea or feeling so that the sender and receiver share the same
• Don’t use jargons. Explain them in a simple manner.
• Communication skills is the integral part of your personality. Your personality is developed through your
communication skills.
• Whether you “Hear” or “Listen”
• Give Complete attention to your customer and follow “AUM” strategy.
• “There is only one rule for being a good talker – learn to listen.”
• “Any problem, big or small, always seems to start with bad communication. Someone isn’t listening.”
• Your ABCDEFG has tremendous effect on your communication and even on your personality.
• Attitude of the person decides his altitude.
• आपका लोगोंके साथ बर्ताव कै सा है?
• जब सब ठीक चल रहा हो तब अच्छा बर्ताव तो कोई भी कर सकता है।
• आपकी डिग्री सिर्फ एक कागज का टुकड़ा है, अगर वो आपके व्यवहार में ना दिखे।
• Character- आपका चरित्र
• जिस मनष्ु य को अपने पर काबू नहीं है, वह दर्बु ल चरित्र वाला हैं.
• जिसमें दया नहीं, धर्म नहीं, निज भाषा से प्रेम नहीं, चरित्र नहीं, आत्मबल नहीं, वे भी कोई आदमी हैं. प्रेमचंद
• चरित्र के बिना मानव पशु से एक सीढ़ी नीचे गिर जाता हैं.
• Keep Your Conduct Professional, Polite And Helpful.
• Effective communication provides quick solution, better decision making, Continuous Work flow, better
business relations and better professional image.
• Hearing Vs Listening:-
• Hearing – It is a Physical process, it is natural and it is passive
• Listening – Physical as well as mental process, it is active, it is learned process, and it is skillful activity.
• Listening is difficult , you need to participate in the process of listening.
• Effective Listening requires Hearing, Interpretation, Evaluation and Response.
• In non-verbal communication, improve your body language by keeping appropriate distance, take care of
your appearance, maintain eye contact and smile genuinely whenever required.
• Put the Glass Down
• Communicate or not communicate
• There was a very reputed company making best of the cookies liked by everyone and company received
national award as best cookies maker. This appeared in newspaper & lots of investors want to invest in this
company. Lot of investors, customers had lot of queries which were not answered by cookies
manufacturer. Ultimately media who promoted this company downplayed the same and downfall of the
company started.
• सैनिक और प्रधान और साधु की कहाणी.
• संजय और धतृ राष्ट्र की कहाणी.

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