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95-733 Internet Technologies

Java Server Faces

Model/View/Controller Design Pattern for Web Development
Slides adapted from Core JavaServer Faces by Geary and Horstmann, the J2EE Tutorial from Sun Microsystems, and Developing a Visual Web JSF Application from
95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management

Three Main Parts to JSF Framework

A Collection of GUI components for drag and drop web site development An event driven programming model A component model supporting third party component development
95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management

Detailed Features of JSF

Bean management Validation model Component library that permits extensions Flexible rendering (not necessarily XHTML) Configurable navigation State management Conversion Model Relies on JSP and Servlet technology Think GUI Building for the web

95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management

JSF Fundamentals
Tags correspond to components in a component tree A request normally goes through several stages of processing on the server A built-in FacesServlet handles request processing and the JSF life cycle
95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management

JSF Life Cycle Overview (From the J2EE Tutorial)

95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management

Restore an old or construct a new component page (or view)

95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management

An old view (component tree) has been retrieved so allow each component in the view to inspect data values. These values will be redisplayed if validation or conversion errors are found. Adds events to an event queue.

95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management

The submitted values are stored as local values. If the data is invalid or conversions are not possible then Render Response is called directly and the user sees the bad data.

95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management

Local values are OK and are used to update the beans.

95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management

The action method associated with the button or link that caused the form to be submitted is executed. The method returns a string for the navigation handler. The navigation handler uses 95-733 Internet Technologies the string to determine the next page. 10 Master of Information System

The selected page is rendered into a markup language.

95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management


Development Steps
Build Model from Java Beans - Lifetime Configured by developer and managed by JSF - Request, Session, or Application Scope - Setters and getters accessed through JSF pages Use UI Components to build JSF pages - Include JSF Tags, Validation and Event Listeners Define Page Navigation rules in faces.config.xml
95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management


NetBeans JSF Demonstration(0)

The example is from:
Goal: Display a form on the browser. When submitted, the web server will call our application. The application will execute code in a java bean associated with the page. The bean will update page elements. JSF will render the same page with the changed data and send the page back to the web browser.

95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management


Netbeans JSF Demonstration(1)

1. File>New Project 2. Java Web Application 3. Name the project HelloWeb 4. Visual Web Java Server Faces 5. In properties for page1, enter a page title 6. Navigator>Page1>page1 Right Click Add Binding Attribute 7. Expand Woodstock Basic section of palette 8. Drag a label to page enter Name: return 9. Drag a text field to page enter Enter your name enter 10. In properties of text field, change textField1 to nameField 11. Right Click text field Add Binding Attribute 12. In properties of label component, enter nameField as for property 13. Drag a button to the page, type Say hello and enter. 14. Right click button and choose Add Binding Component. 15. In button properties, change id from button1 to helloButton 16. Drag static text component to the page. 95-733 17. In properties Internet Technologies change id to helloText static text field, 14 Master of Information System 18. Right Click static text and Add Binding Attribute Management

By adding a binding attribute we add setters and getters to a component.

Netbeans JSF Demonstration(2)

19. 20. 21. 22. Drag a Message Group to the page. Good for error reporting. Double Click the button component. The Java bean for page1 is visible. Replace body of helloButton_action with :

public String helloButton_action() { String name = (String)nameField.getText(); helloText.setText("Hello, " + name + "!"); return null; } 23. Click Run Main Project.

95-733 Internet Technologies Master of Information System Management


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