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Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health

condition that affects how your body turns
food into energy. Your body breaks down most
of the food you eat into sugar (glucose) and
releases it into your bloodstream. When your
blood sugar goes up, it signals your pancreas to
release insulin.
Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, causes
many of the warning signs of diabetes listed
above, including:
•Heavy thirst.
•Blurry vision.
•Peeing a lot.
•More hunger.
•Numb or tingling feet.
•Sugar in your urine.
•Weight loss.
The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is
unknown. What is known is that your immune
system — which normally fights harmful bacteria
or viruses — attacks and destroys your insulin-
producing cells in the pancreas. This leaves you
with little or no insulin.
Even though there's no diabetes cure, diabetes can
be treated and controlled, and some people may go
into remission. To manage diabetes effectively, you
need to do the following: Manage your blood sugar
sugar-sweetened beverages (juice, soda, sweet tea, sports
drinks) sweeteners (table sugar, brown sugar, honey, maple
syrup, molasses) processed foods (chips, microwave popcorn,
processed meat, convenience meals) trans fats (vegetable
shortening, fried foods, dairy-free coffee creamers, partially
hydrogenated oil)
Here are 11 ways to lower your risk of getting
1.Reduce your total carb intake. ...
2.Exercise regularly. ...
3.Drink water as your primary beverage. ...
4.Try to lose excess weight. ...
5.Quit smoking. ...
6.Reduce your portion sizes. ...
7.Cut back on sedentary behaviors. ...
8.Follow a high fiber diet.

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