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Chapter 1 – Team Butterfly reporting

Lesson 1 - Communication in the

Twenty- First Century

Concepts about communication

beginning from the Ancient Greeks
until the twenty-first century.
• Communication Models
The different ways of looking at
The earliest model comes from
Aristotle at around 5 B.C. in this
The Shannon-Weaver model was
created by Claude Shannon and
Warren Weaver (Flores, 2016).
According to the website
Communication Theory.Org, in 1948.
Osgood-Schramm Model
In this model, pay attention to the
role of the interpreter. Encoding and
decoding are not automatic processes
both go through the filter of the
White’s Stages of Oral Communication
Last model is Eugene White’s Stages
of Oral Communication According to
him, it is possible to begin at any of
the stages outline in his model.
Lesson 2 – Communication Ethics

Guidelines in
communicating in an
ethical manner
Ethical communication is
fundamental to responsible
thinking, decision-making, and
the development of relationships
and communities within and
across contexts, cultures
channels, and media.
Lesson 3 – Communication and

Implications of globalization
on communication.
Globalization - Globalization has
affected us in numerous ways.
Airfare has become cheaper, and
one can travel internationally more
than one could in the past.
World Englishes

David Crystal (2003) begins the

first chapter of the book English as
a Global Language with the
assertion that English is.
Readings in World Englishes - Read
"Speak English: The Story of a Once-
obscure Language and How It
Became the Last Word in Global
Culturally Sensitive and Bias-
Free Language - Just as important
as awareness of the existence of
World Englishes is that of
practicing cultural sensitivity.
1. Race and Ethnicity - Racism is a
form of discrimination against a
person or persons of a different race.
2. Gender and Sexual Orientation -
Sexism refers to the prejudice and
discrimination based on sex or
3. Social Class - Class
discrimination or classism is a
form of prejudice against a person
or people because of their social
4. Age - Ageism is a form of
discrimination against other people
because of their age,
5. Disabilities - Discrimination in
this area often arises because of
lack of understanding and
Synthesis - These general guiding
principles are helpful, but not always

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