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1. soft 4. loud

2. animals 5. sound

3. around

Words with Long /a/.

lake bake sake

make take
DIRECTIONS: Classify/Categorize the pictures and the sounds they make, as
to the following: animal, machine, object, musical instrument, nature, or speech.

___ 1. - tick-tock A. animal B. object C. speech

___ 2. - meow – meow A. animal B. nature C. object

___ 3. - klang-klang A. animal B. musical instrument

C. nature

___ 4. - lalalala A. musical instrument B. nature

C. speech

___ 5. - kaboom A. machine B. nature C. speech

Which of the following objects have sound? Circle the
correct answers.
Soft sound is pleasant to hear
or good to hear .
Loud sound is characterized
by full,powerful sounds.
Low sound has slower or low
High sound has fast
Sounds are important in our
life. You can hear them everywhere.
There are sounds made by animals,
mechanical (transportation), objects,
musical instruments, human speech,
and nature.
Which objects make loud sounds?
Which objects make soft sounds?
Can you imitate the sounds they

What other things around make

DIRECTIONS : Choose inside the box the correct sound of each
picture. Write the answers on the lines below.
DIRECTIONS : Look at the pictures. Put a check (/) on
the blank if the sound it makes is soft and cross (X) if it
is loud.
DIRECTIONS: Listen to the sound each picture makes. Can
you name what makes the sound? Classify/Categorize if it is
high or low. Encircle the correct answer.
A. Match the picture to the sound they make.
A. B.
1. a. grrrrrrr! grrrrr!

2. b. neigh! neigh!

3. c. booom! booom!

4. d. buzzz! Buzzz!

5. e. vroom! vroom
B. Write S if they produced soft sound,
write L if they produce loud sound.
3.spoon and fork
C. Categorize the following with the sound they make
as high and low sound
droplets of water Elephant ship
train bird

Animals, mechanical
(transportation), objects, musical
instruments, speech, and environment
make different sounds. They make
loud or soft sounds.
Soft sound has slower or
low vibration.
Loud sound has fast
Write down the sounds you hear right now. Check ( / ) if it is
loud/soft or high /low
List down 5 examples objects, 5 examples
animals, 5 examples musical instruments
and 5 examples transportation. Categorize
them as soft/loud sounds and high/low

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