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Karen Sabetan
Certified Nutrition
Consultant and
Health and Wellness
Detox definition

The process of cleaning,

nourishing and resting the
body from the inside out.
Exposure to toxins

External Exposures of Toxins

Air Pollution
Chemicals in the home and personnel
care products
Pesticides and herbicides in food,
water, and in our environment
Internal Exposure to Toxins

Toxins from bacterial

overgrowth, imbalance between
the good and bad bacteria
Negative thoughts and emotions,
stress hormones slow down
detoxification in the liver
What are the organs of
detoxification in our bodies?
Organs of detoxification
Digestive System 
The Gut – First defender of toxins
that you ingest
 To keep your gut functioning optimally, try these tips:

 Eat more fiber: Fiber-rich foods like root vegetables and

gluten-free grains, offer a mechanical way of clearing toxins
from the body. The sturdy material of the fiber “scrapes” toxins
out of the gut and through the colon for elimination.
 Try probiotics: Certain types of probiotics called lactobacillus
have been found to remove carginogens from the body and 
absorb heavy metals. Lactobacillus is most common in
fermented dairy foods like yogurt and kefir, but can also be
found in fermented dairy-free foods like miso or tempeh.
The Liver -  main organ for detoxing blood and
eliminating toxins from our food. Foods that support
liver detoxification:
 Cabbage family  Nut seed oils
 Cold water fish  Vegetables
 Flaxseed oil  Wheat germ
 Fresh fruits and  Wheat germ oil
vegetables  Citrus fruits
 Garlic  Citrus peels
 Onions  Broccoli sprouts
 Nuts and seeds
The Kidneys
Your kidneys help to maintain the delicate pH balance in your
body and are responsible for filtering out toxins from the blood and

eliminating them in urine.  

 Eat more fruits and  Drink cranberry juice
vegetables: This tip could (Sugar Free): Cranberry
easily be included under any of juice prevents unhealthy
the organs on this list! With bacteria from sticking to the
regards to the kidney, a high
walls of the bladder, causing
intake of fruits and vegetables 
infections in the bladder and
reduces our acid load, rendering
our body more alkaline (the potentially the kidneys. This
opposite of acidic). An alkaline tasty red juice 
body supports detox processes has also been shown to
and overall health. reduce painful and harmful
kidney stones.
The Lungs
The lungs rid the body of all the pollutants that we
inhale every time we take a breath. Ease the heavy load
on your lungs with these tips:
 Exercise in clean air: If you choose  Breathe out: The lung has a simple–
to exercise outside, try to do it and very effective–way of getting rid of
somewhere with good air quality, like toxins: breathing out! We can support
a forest or a park full of trees. When this process by taking time every day to
we exercise, we’re often taking in engage in deep breathing. Set aside a
big, gulping breaths of air (and few minutes to try four square
toxins) that we hold inside. Changing breathing, a relaxing deep-breathing
your exercise spot to a place with pattern: Simply inhale for four counts,
cleaner air will minimize the toxins hold for four counts, exhale for four
you breathe in during a particularly counts, hold for four counts, and repeat.
tough bout of cardio. Do this in clean air for added benefits!
The Skin -The skin is our largest detox organ–every
pore is designed to help toxins exit the body, and also
enter. Reduce the skin’s toxic burden and support its
natural detox function:
Switch up your personal care  Try skin brushing: While it might
products: We may be conscious of sound strange, using a large, dry,
toxins in our food and air, but many boar-bristle brush daily on your
of us don’t think of the toxic skin helps to unclog pores and
chemicals in the personal care release any toxins stuck to the
products we slather on our skin surface of your skin. Dry brush
every day. Look at the lotions, your whole body once a day, and
soaps, shampoos, and makeup you shower afterward (in filtered water,
are using. If the ingredient list is full of course!) to clear off the residue
of chemicals you can’t pronounce, from brushing.
change your products for natural,
organic options.
Does losing weight during a
detox release toxins?
Persistent organic pollutants, or
POPs have been found to be
released from the fat cells during
weight loss.
Does fat loss release toxins into the blood stream?
 Itis also true that losing  What we don’t know for
weight can temporarily sure is 
increase the amount of what effects these circulat
POPs in the blood stream ing POPs
as these stored  might have. The good
compounds are released news is that many of the
from fat cells. released POPs end up
leaving the body, without
the help of expensive
detox products. 
How do you minimize the risks?

 1. Avoid rapid weight loss - The rate at which

POPs are released into the bloodstream is directly
tied to the speed of weight loss. To minimize your
exposure (and for all kinds of other reasons as
well), I suggest losing weight slowly. Instead of
trying to lose 1-2 pounds a week, try for 1-2 pounds
a month.
How do you minimize the risks?
 2. Increase protein and decrease sugar - An
interesting experiment done in mice found that a diet
that was higher in protein and lower in sugar seemed
to reduce the amount of POPs that accumulated in the
bodies of the mice and enhanced their ability to
detoxify and eliminate these compounds. Of course,
we’d now want to see this experiment repeated in
humans. But this dietary prescription advice has so
many other potential advantages, I see no reason to
wait for confirmation.
How do you minimize the risks?
 3. Consider a Vitamin C supplement - A
recent study found that taking 1000 mg of
vitamin C can help reduce the amount of POPs
in the bloodstream. Because vitamin C is both
safe and inexpensive, that seems to me to be a
very reasonable move, especially during weight
 Source:https
So should we do a detox?

Yes? No?
If No, Why not ?
If Yes, what kind of detox?

Water Fasting
Juice Fasting
Detox kit/supplements?
Special Diets?
Top food intolerances and food
  Lactose (most  ● Fish and shellfish.
common).  ● Peanuts or tree nuts (like

 ● Gluten (found in pecans, almonds, walnuts).

 ● Sulfites (compounds in
wheat, rye, and barley).
red wine and beer that are
 ● Casein (a protein in
also added to certain foods).
milk products).  ● Some food additives, such
 ● Eggs (especially egg as monosodium glutamate
yolks).  (MSG).
 ● Soy products.
Elimination Diet
 An elimination diet is an eating plan that omits a food or
group of foods believed to cause an adverse food
reaction, often referred to as a “food intolerance.” By
removing certain foods for a period of time and then
reintroducing them during a “challenge” period, you can
learn which foods are causing symptoms or making
them worse
 Source:https
Books and other resources
 How not to Diet by Dr. Michael Greger
 The Pioppi Diet by Dr.Azeem Malhotra
 What to Eat When by Dr. Michael F. Roizen
 The Blue Zones Solution by Dan Buettner
 Prime-Time Health by Dr. William Sears
 Whole 30 Diet (Website)
 The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin
 21 Day Sugar Detox by Diane Sanfilippo
Takeaway's, Thoughts..

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