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Y3 Batch
Finance-This is money Source of finance-
This is where we get
finance from
What is finance?
Meaning of finance

Finance is the financial management which an

individual or a family unit performs to budget, save,
and spend monetary resources over time, taking into
account various financial risks and future life events.
The purpose of finance

different source of finance have different

implications for a person,so it is important that the
most appropriate method of finance is chosen for the
purpose that person has in mind.The finance is to help
people,save, manage, and raise money.
Areas of finance
● Income-salary,pension,bonus,hourly bonus,Dividents
● Investment-Stocks,Bonds,Mutual funds,Real estate,Private
companies, commodities,art
● Spending-Rent,mortgage
payment,Taxes,food,Entertainment,travel,credit card payment
● Protection- life insurance,health insurance,Estate planning
● Savings-physical cash,savings bank,checking bank
account,money market securities
Why financial management is important in your life?

● Ensures that financial needs are fulfilled

● Helps in managing your income
● Budgeting, Savings and expenses
● Personal Finance
● Ensures financial security
● Increase your Assets
● Increase in Standard of Living
Why personal finance is crucial in everyday life!

● Helps in Budgeting – The Balance of Expenditure and Savings

from Income
● Helps build financial security – Save your money and your money
will save you
● Helps in raising Standard of Living – Cushion for tough times
● Allows to manage achieving financial goals – Measure of your
● Creating multiple pots of savings easily
How to achieve financial gain?
● Set Life Goals.
● Make a Monthly Budget.
● Pay Off Credit Cards in Full.
● Create Automatic Savings.
● Start Investing Now.
● Watch Your Credit Score.
● Negotiate for Goods and Services.
● Get Educated on Financial Issues.
What is financial gain?

Everyone defines financial gain in terms of

their own goals. For most people, it means having
the financial cushion (savings, investments, and
cash) to afford a certain lifestyle.
Importance of financial gain in life

● It offers peace of mind

● It gives you a better future
● It provides for your children’s education
● You can plan your short term goals
● It gives your family security in case of an unfortunate event
Benefits of financial planning
Few financial gain tips for you!
● Practice Self-Control: Pay With Cash, Not Credit
● Beware of Bad Advice: Educate Yourself
● Learn to Budget: Know Where Your Money Goes
● Pay Yourself First: Start an Emergency Fund
● Start Saving Now,for Retirement
● Get a Grip on Taxes
● Guard Your Health
● Protect Your Wealth

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