Micro Mach

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Micromachin ing


Miniaturization - why? Functionality

It is essential to be small Neurosurgery, space technology, light fibers It is better to be small Increasing performance and reliability, novel applications

Cost effective high volume production

Life Sciences Health monitoring Medical application Automotive s Nozzles aids Hearing Actuators Micro shafts Consumer products Audio/video players Mobile

Example of applications
Micro fluidics Filter modules Micro pumps Micro Micro channels components Small gears Grippers Needles Micro Features Housing of mobiles Motors

Introduced by N.Taniguchi in 1983 Basic difference between conventional & micromachining UR is defined as the part of the work piece removed during one cycle of removal action It can be expressed in terms of 1-D, 2-D or 3-D values, i.e., length, area or volume

Unit Removal ( UR )

machining phenomena Removal by mechanical forces Removal by melting and vaporization Removal by ablation Removal by dissolution Plastic deformation Solidification Lamination

Micromachining Types Classified according to

Removal by mechanical forces

Useless part of the work piece is removed by mechanical forces through plastic or brittle breakage Requirement for micromachining is small UR Ex:- Cutting1, sand blasting2, grinding3, USM4, punching5 work piece during Contact machining (1,3,5)

Removal by melting & vaporization in Energy for material removal

the form of heat Ex:- EDM, LBM, EBM Useless part of the work piece is melted, and in some cases, vaporized by heat generated by various phenomena can be controlled by UR electrical parameters in EDM In LBM, EBM it is controlled by an optical system

Removal by ablation
Two types of power sources 1Quantum energy > Binding energy of atoms in w/p 2Removal of the work piece by vaporization Ex:- Excimer laser, Femtosecond lasers Little heat affected layer, dimensional accuracy, less
High quantum energy1, High power density2

Removal by dissolution Chemical or electrochemical

Removal mechanism is ionic reaction on the surface


based on work-piece

UR in perpendicular Small direction to the surface, other dimensions specified by mask force zero, No Machining residual and thermal stresses,
etching, Ex:-Photo chemical etching Electro

Plastic deformation
Neither removal nor addition of material Shape of the product specified by copying the shape of a die or a mold Possibility of micromachining depends on the possibility of die/mold making (dimensional Production production



The shape of the mold is replicated molding, die Ex:-Injection casting. In this process, a liquid or a paste is solidified in a mold, and the shape of mold is replicated & disadvantages Advantages similar to plastic deformation Blow holes and other casting defects

Material is solidified from liquid is that based on layer-bylayer solidification Ex:-Various rapid prototyping processes Inner part of the product can be easily shaped as well as its outer profile No necessity of die/mold, any 3D shape Narrow choice of work material

Comparison of Material Removal Processes Principle forc melti abl dis

UR Depth Width Mater Soft ial Hard Brittle Surfa Residual ce stress HAZ
++ Advantageous

+ + ++ + ++

ng ati sol vapor on uti izati on on + ++ ++

+ ++ ++ + ++ + ++ + ++ + ++ ++ + + ++ ++

Mechanical deformation ++

+ Dependent

Principal micromachining methods

Principle Method Force Cutting, grinding, Melting/vaporizat USM, EBM, LBM EDM ion Ablation LBM( excimer, short pulse ) Dissolution ECM, Photo etching, press, Plastic Rolling deformation bending, casting Solidification Molding Lamination Stereo lithography

Micromachining Centre @ NITC

Make: MIKROTOOLS Pte Ltd, Singapore Model: DT-110 Machine Configuration: Gantry type structure Travel : X-axis : 200mm Y-axis : 100mm Z-axis : 100mm Table : Table working surface : 350x200mm Vibration Isolation : 4-point heavy duty passive dampers Spindle Head : AC Servo Motor : 1 to 5000 rpm Machine Accuracy : Resolution : 0.1m (100nm) Accuracy : +/- 1m/100mm Repeatability : 1m for all axes

Micro turning, micro milling, micro drilling,

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