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Prepared by,

B.RAGAVI/AP-BME 07/20/2022
2 Consumer Marketing

 Consumer marketing is a way of promotion which provides high quality

medical care to the consumer or community while satisfying patient and
families needs.
 The target marketing includes patients and families, communities, doctors,
medical personnel, hospital staff, and society.
 This marketing may inform the consumers with the correct healthy
concept and accurate consumers’ choices, and to promote the quality of
medical care.

B.RAGAVI/AP-BME 07/20/2022
3 Consumer Behavior

 The evaluation of marketing concept from mere selling concept to

consumer-oriented marketing has resulted in buyer behavior becoming an
independent discipline.
 The growth of consumerism and consumer legislation emphasizes the
importance that is given to the consumer.
 Consumer behavior is a study of how individuals make decision to
spend their available resources (time, money and effort) or consumption
related aspects (What they buy? When they buy?, How they buy? etc.)

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 It is broadly the study of individuals, or organizations and the

processes consumers use to search, select, use and dispose of
products, services, experience, or ideas to satisfy needs and study of
its impact on the consumer and society.

B.RAGAVI/AP-BME 07/20/2022
5 Need for Study of Consumer
 The study of consumer behavior helps everybody as all are
 It is essential for marketers to understand consumers to survive
and succeed in this competitive marketing environment.
 Consumer behavior is said to be an applied discipline as some
decisions are significantly affected by their behavior or expected

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6 (Cntd..)
 The micro perspectives involve understanding consumer for the
purpose of helping a firm or organization to achieve its
objectives. The people involved in this field try to understand
consumers in order to be more effective at their task.
 The macro perspective applies knowledge of consumers to
aggregate- level faced by mass or society as a whole. The
behavior of consumer has significant influence on the quality and
level of the standard of living.

B.RAGAVI/AP-BME 07/20/2022
7 Consumer Buyer Behavior
 Consumer Buying Behavior refers to the actions taken (both on and
offline) by consumers before buying a product or service.
 Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in
buying and using products.

B.RAGAVI/AP-BME 07/20/2022
Models for Consumer Behavior
Nicosia Model

 The buyer behavior model is taken from the marketing mans point of
 It is also called systems model as the human is analysed as a system, with
stimuli as the input to the system and the human behavior as an output of
the system.
 It establishing a link between the organization and its prospective
 The Nicosia model divides the above activity explanation into four basic

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 Field one has two sub areas-the consumer attributes and the firms
 The advertising message from the company will reach the
consumers attributes.
 Certain attributes may develop sometimes depending upon the
way the message is received by the consumer.
 The newly developed attribute becomes the input for area 2.

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 Area 2: This area is related to the search and evaluation

undertaken by the consumer of the advertised product and also
to verify if other alternatives are variable.
 If the above step motivates to buy the product / service, it becomes
the input for the third area.

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 Area 3: This area explains as how the consumer actually buys the
 Area 4: This is related to the uses of the purchase items. This can
also be used as an output to receive feedback on sales results to the

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12 Howrard and Sheth Model

 The Howard - Sheth model shows the processes and variables

influencing the buyer behavior before and during the purchase.
 It emphasizes three key variables- perception, learning and
attitude formation.
 It explains the way consumers compare available products in
order to choose the best which fits their needs and desires.

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 Consumers learn by finding out the relevant information about

products through two sources of information:
 a. Social sources
 b. Commercial source

B.RAGAVI/AP-BME 07/20/2022
14 Economic model

 An individual buyer seeks to spend his money on such goods which give
maximum satisfaction (utility) according to his interests and at relative cost.
 The buying behavior is determined by the income – its distribution and
level - affects the purchasing power.
 Disposable Personal Income
 Size of family income
 Income expectation
 Tendency to Spend and to Save
 Consumer credit

B.RAGAVI/AP-BME 07/20/2022

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