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Submitted By: Group2, CS-B

Corporate Strategy, TERM-IV
GE Corporate Strategy
2003 2006 2008
Technical Leadership : GE’s Invest in Leadership
In 2006 GE focussed on strategies
endeavors were driven by technology
which drove competitive Businesses
innovation. advantages.
Services: Technical leadership created Execution and Financial
base that was expected to provide high- Culture: They aimed to match Discipline: To increase
margin services for decades. margins and returns, GE
their culture with long-term
investor expectations. defined a procedure for
Customer Focus: "Vertical selling",
helped create stronger relationships with operational excellence.
customers. Preventing erosion of
Shareholder’s Growth as a Process: Focus
Globalization: GE focussed on Value: They exited businesses on growth as a process
globalization by making it its core which didn’t meet their helped deliver revenue growth
financial goals. of 2-3X GDP.
Growth Platforms: GE focussed on Services: In order to establish a
new ways of growth either organically business with lasting value and Great People: GE sought
or by acquisitions. Their strategy was contribute to a better society, GE to use talent as a
to use their financial might to grow
assembled a team. competitive advantage.
while generating solid returns.
Five Pillars Of Strategy
Technological leadership- Technical Leadership ensures a high margin, wins competitive battles, and creates new battles.
Services acceleration- Massive installed base of more than 100,000 GE jet engines, power turbines, etc. can provide high-margin services for
Enduring customer relationships- Building deeper partnerships with customers through 'an outcome-oriented service model, the one that
delivers outcomes for customers.
Resource allocation- GE is committed to allocating capital in a balanced and disciplined way, with a clear priority for dividend growth.
Globalization- GE is committed to developing capabilities and relationships in the market globally.

Modification Of Businesses:”Synergy” Strategies

Cash Flows Discount Rate
Strategy to Increase Revenue Strategy to Reduce Risk of Businesses:
1. One third of revenue of Infrastructure comes from 1. Through focused investments and acquisitions,
Focused acquisitions & organic investments in fast company is heading towards more focused financial
growing business like Oil & Gas, Life Sciences etc, has services that lowers the risk of business and adds more
led to high revenue growth in infrastructure. value to GE Industrial Businesses.

GE Practices Six Sigma as internal business initiatives as part of their Growth Strategy
Assembly of Portfolio: "Selection" Strategies
Invest & Grow Strategy- Protect Position
1. Refine the portfolio to capture market opportunities to enable a more stable portfolio with a
high growth rate.
2. To enhance infrastructure earnings by organic investment and focused acquisitions of fast-
growing companies like Oil & Gas.
3. Reduce Risk of Portfolio: To build a focused Financial service company that has a lower risk
4. Ample amount of investment in R&D to gain market share.
5. The company positions itself as a leader in productivity.
6. Company execute on focused acquisitions, capital efficient way to grow.

Acquisition Strategy
Acquisitions made to strengthen its Strategic Business Units in Financial Services Industry and Healthcare Industry, is a clear sign of
GE’s strategy for Diversification where GE strived for expanding into business not known to GE in the past. GE’s S trategy as a
Position was to remove the “electrical equipment company” mark from its brand and rebrand itself as a major player in financial
services market.
GE pays high dividends as part of its strategy to reap long term growth.
It doesn't invest in companies like movie studio which has unpredictable earnings, rather invest in business that can add substantial

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