Marketing Information System, Market Forecast, Market Demand

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What Is a

Marketing Information System?

A marketing information system
consists of people, equipment, and
procedures to gather, sort, analyze,
evaluate, and distribute needed, timely,
and accurate information to
marketing decision makers.

Marketing decision
▪ What decisions do you regularly make?
▪ What information do you need to make these
▪ What information do you regularly get?
▪ What studies do you periodically request?
▪ What information would you want that you are
not getting now?
▪ What are the four most helpful improvements
that could be made in the present marketing
information system?
Internal Records and
Marketing Intelligence
▪ Order-to-payment cycle
▪ Sales information system
▪ Databases, warehousing, data mining
▪ Marketing intelligence system

What Is a
Marketing Intelligence System?

A marketing intelligence system is

a set of procedures and sources that
managers use to obtain everyday
information about developments in
the marketing environment.

Steps to Quality Marketing Intelligence

▪ Train sales force to scan for new developments

▪ Motivate channel members to share intelligence
▪ Hire external experts to collect intelligence
▪ Network externally
▪ Utilize a customer advisory panel
▪ Utilize government data sources
▪ Purchase information

Important Sources of Secondary Data
in South Asia
▪ Statistical Outline of India
▪ Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
▪ The Marketing Whitebook
▪ Readership Surveys
▪ National Council of Applied Economic
Research (NCAER)
▪ Indian Trade Statistics

Important Sources of Secondary Data
in South Asia
▪ Web sites such as and
▪ Euromonitor International
▪ Statistics Division of the Government of
Pakistan (
▪ The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
▪ The Department of Census and Statistics, Sri
Lanka (

Sources of Competitive Information

▪ Independent customer goods and service

review forums
▪ Distributor or sales agent feedback sites
▪ Combination sites offering customer reviews
and expert opinions
▪ Customer complaint sites
▪ Public blogs

Forecasting and
Demand Measurement
▪ How can we measure market demand?
▪ Potential market- Interest
▪ Available market- Interest. Income, and
▪ Target market- qualified market
▪ Penetrated market- buying the company

Ninety types of demand
measurement 6*5*3
Concepts in
Demand Measurement

Market Demand Total

Market Forecast Expected

Market Potential Total

Estimated share in
market demand
Company Demand

Estimated sales in Company Sales Forecast

chosen market plan
Company Sales Potential
sales limit approached by
company demand as Mkt efforts
increase to compt
What Is Marketing Research?

Marketing research is the systematic design,

collection, analysis, and reporting of data
and findings relevant to a specific marketing
situation facing the company.

Market Research process

Step 1: Define the Problem

▪ Define the problem

▪ Specify decision alternatives
▪ State research objectives

Copyright © 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. Authorized adaptation from 3-17
the United States edition of Marketing Management, 14e.
Step 2: Develop the Research Plan

▪ Data sources
▪ Research approach
▪ Research instruments
▪ Sampling plan
▪ Contact methods

Research Approaches

▪ Observational and ethnographic

▪ Focus group
▪ Survey
▪ Behavioral data
▪ Experimental research

Research Instruments

▪ Questionnaires
▪ Qualitative Measures
▪ Technological Devices

Copyright © 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. Authorized adaptation from 3-20
the United States edition of Marketing Management, 14e.
Sampling Plan

▪ Sampling unit: Who is to be surveyed?

▪ Sample size: How many people should be
▪ Sampling procedure: How should the
respondents be chosen?

Copyright © 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. Authorized adaptation from 3-21
the United States edition of Marketing Management, 14e.
Contact Methods

▪ Mail contacts
▪ Telephone contacts
▪ Personal contacts
▪ Online contacts

Copyright © 2013 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd. Authorized adaptation from 3-22
the United States edition of Marketing Management, 14e.
What Is a
Marketing Decision Support
System (MDSS)?

▪ A marketing decision support system is a

coordinated collection of data, systems,
tools, and techniques with supporting
hardware and software by which an
organization gathers and interprets relevant
information from business and environment
and turns it into a basis for marketing action.

What Are Marketing Metrics?

Marketing metrics are the set of measures

that helps marketers quantify, compare, and
interpret marketing performance.


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