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Java KT Session 1

By Himabindu

Oops Encapsulation
Concepts Abstraction

Acquiring the properties of one Class by
another class is inheritance.
• Base Class-Derived Class
• Parent Class-Child Class
Inheritance Inheritence can be implemented by using
“extends” Keyword.
Code reusability.
Method Overriding.
Syntax for Inheritance
 // superclass data variables
 // superclass member functions
class​subclass ​extends​superclass
 // subclass data variables
 // subclass member functions
Case 1: Case2: Case3: Case4:
On parent class On Child class Parent class Child class
reference Child reference Parent reference can be reference cannot
specific methods or and child specific used to hold child be used to hold
variables cannot be methods or class object but parent class object
called. variables can be Child specific Child c=new
Parent p=new called. methods cannot be p(); //Compile time
Parent(); Child c=new called. error
p.parentMethod(); Child(); Parent p=new
c.parentMethod(); child();
c.childMethod(); p.parentMethod();
// this will give
compile time error p.childMethod();
class Base
 public void M1()
 { Output:
 System.out.println(“ Base Class Method ”);
class Derived extends Base
 public void M2()
 System.out.printIn(“ Derived Class Methods “);
class Test
 public static void main(String[] args)
 Derived d = new Derived(); // creating object
 d.M1(); // print Base Class Method
 d.M2(); // print Derived Class Method
Types Of Inheritance
• Single Inheritance
• Multiple Inheritance(Not available in java)
• Multi-Level Inheritance
• Hierarchical Inheritance
• Hybrid Inheritance
Single Inheritance Example
class A
 int a, b;
 void display()
 System.out.println(“Inside class A values =”+a+” ”+b);
class B extends A
 int c;
 void show()
 System.out.println(“Inside Class B values=”+a+” “+b+” “+c);  }
class SingleInheritance
 public static void main(String args[])
 B obj = new B(); //derived class object
Multilevel Inheritance
Hierarchical Inheritance
Hybrid Inheritance
Queries & Thank you

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