5 Model Tuning

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Propagation Model Tuning

1 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Model Tuning Process
• The number of models you need to create will depend on:
• The resources available, in terms of time, financial, manpower and skills
• The available mapping data: resolution, number of clutter classes,
building raster and building vector information
• The diversity of area or country to be modelled
• The accuracy required

Carrier Wave

Propagation Propagation
Model Model
Values Analysis

2 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Propagation Model Editor
•Select menu Tools -> Propagation
Model Editor
•Select the propagation model to use
•Standard Macrocell
(ETSI Okumura-Hata)
• Microcell model
(Ray tracing)
• Nokia Propagation Model
(modified Okumura-Hata)
•Define operating frequency
Note: You can even create your own

3 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Tuning Standard O-H Propagation Model
• The model is known to be valid for frequencies in the range of 150MHz to
2GHz but can be extended beyond this range with careful calibration
• The model is designed for macrocells and incorporates an optimal dual slope
loss model with respect to distance from the base station
Path loss Epstein Peterson
K1 - K7 Bullington
K1, K2 (near) Deygout
Japanese Atlas

Effective Propagation Clutter

Antenna Model Offset
Height Editor Height
Absolute Separation
Average General Mobile height
Relative parameters Use clutter/
Slope Frequency mobile height
Mobile height
Earth radius
4 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius
Path Loss
Recommended 900 MHz 1800 MHz
Mobile Height 1.5 1.5
Earth Radius 8493 8493
K1 135 141
K2 38 40
k1 (near) 0.00 0.00
k2 (near) 0.00 0.00
K3 -2.55 -2.55
d< 0.00 0.00
K4 0 0
K5 -13.82 -13.82
K6 -6.55 -6.55
K7 0.7 0.8

5 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Effective Antenna Height & Diffraction
Recommended 900 MHz 1800 MHz
Effective Site Antenna Height (Heff) Algorithm

Diffraction Loss algorithm
Epstein Peterson Epstein Peterson
Merge knife edges closer than
Leave unaltered (0.00)
Dual slope No No
Clutter parameters N/A N/A
Use clutter heights No No
Use clutter separations No No
Use mobile heights No No

6 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Recommended 900 MHz 1800 MHz
Clutter parameters N/A N/A
Use clutter heights No No
Use clutter separations No No
Use mobile heights No No

7 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Microcell – Path Loss
Microcell model is based on pseudo ray-tracing
It uses building outlines (vector data) and DTM
height (raster data) to represent the propagation
LOS Parameters
Recommended 900 MHz 1800 MHz
Mobile Rx 1.5 1.5
Earth Radius 6370 6370
Loss at 1 metre 41.2 dB 41.5 dB
Antenna Height 12.6 8.2
Near slope 8.7 dB/decade 16 dB/decade
Far slope 41.3 49 dB/decade
Breakpoint Autocalculate Autocalculat
8 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius
Microcell – Path Loss
Non-LOS parameters

Recommended 900 MHz 1800 MHz

Forward scatter
Near slope 17.9 d/decade 18.7
Far slope 17.9 d/decade 18.7
Back scatter
Near slope 0 0
Far slope 17.9 d/decade 18.7
Ignore buildings 0 0
Highest order 2 2
virtual slope
Max. distance 6 6

9 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Microcell – Clutter & In-Building
Other parameters
Recommended 900 MHz 1800 MHz
Clutter loss User supplied User supplied
Building 10 dB 10 dB
penetration loss
In-building slope 1 dB/m 1 dB/m

10 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Nokia Propagation Model
• Nokia propagation module contains
•Modified Okumura-Hata model
•Walfish-Ikegami model
• Okumura-Hata model is based on
measurements made in Tokyo in the
• It MUST BE TUNED with real
measurements for more accurate
• Walfish-Ikegami Model is based on so
called 'Manhattan grid model'
• In the model formula there are two
distinctively separate equations:
•Line-of-Sight (LOS) situation
•Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS)

11 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Tuning Nokia Propagation Model
• Define the parameters to the model you are tuning
• For Okumura-Hata values for constants C1 and
C2 are dependant on the frequency used
• Walfish-Ikegami (COST-231) parameters can be
•fed in manually
•calculated automatically if building height data
is available (set Av. Roof Heigt =-1)

Av. Building

Av. Roof
Av. Street Height

12 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

LOS Check
• Set LOS check on if you want to change
the parameters related to LOS checking
• Click on Edit to define data to be used
•Building Data
•Morpho Data
• You can also edit the morpho heights

13 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Effective Antenna Height
• There are four different methods to
calculate base station effective antenna
• Constant method doesn’t calculate
effective antenna height value
• In method A height is defined as the
height of the base station antenna plus
height difference at both ends
• Method B is based on the mean height
of the ray line between MS & BS
above the ground
• Okumura method specifies that the
effective antenna height is the
difference between the base station
antenna height and the average terrain
height between 3 and 15 km

14 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Morpho Correction Parameters
• Usually the propagation loss is predicted for an
urban area
•There is a need for correction to be
calculated for other areas
• Morphography corrections are based on the
terrain type or usage profile generated for each
• For functional correction percentage shares of
each terrain type are calculated from MS to BS
•Percentage values are then weighted using a
linear function
• Function NLOS is otherwise equal to Function
method, but line-of-sight situation is rejected
•This method is only applicable with the
Walfish-Ikegami model

15 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Morpho Correction Factors
• Select one of the morpho categories and type new
value for offset
• Water code defines the water clutter
•It relates to the mixed sea-land path loss

Calculation distance Weights

1.0 - 1.0

1.0 - 2.0

16 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Topo Correction
• Topo correction should be set to
Diffraction in most cases
• You should use Okumura Topo
correction only if you are really
experienced model tuner
• Diffraction weight factor depends
on the shape of the obstacle

17 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

• Add Standard Macrocell Models (Macro)
• Add Nokia Propagation Model (NOKIA_OH and NOKIA_WI)

18 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Carrier Wave Measurements

19 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Carrier Wave Measurement Data
Model Num.Bins. Mean Error RMS Error
• When you calibrate a model, 1800_model 7758 3.8 12.1
you need to compare the Clutter Num.Bins. Mean Error RMS Error
results from the model to Open 6371 3.3 11.8
measured propagation data Forest 1355 6.0 13.4

• Test sites should be Bin Longitude Latitude Rad(m) Meas(dBm) Pred(dBm) Error(dB) LOS Clutter
representative of typical sites
0310 015°02'34.97"E 49°44'7.14"N 1258 -70.6 -60.4 -10.3 No Open
to be planned 0311 015°02'34.81"E 49°44'7.33"N 1265 -71.6 -60.4 -11.3 No Open
0312 015°02'34.71"E 49°44'7.53"N 1271 -69.6 -60.4 -9.3 No Open
• There should be sufficient 0313 015°02'34.56"E 49°44'7.76"N 1279 -70.6 -60.4 -10.3 No Open
number of data points for 0314 015°02'34.46"E 49°44'7.95"N 1285 -69.6 -60.4 -9.3 No Open
•Each clutter category 0315 015°02'34.32"E 49°44'8.14"N 1291 -71.6 -60.4 -11.3 No Open
•Different log(distances)
• To load measurement files
select menu Tools -> CW

20 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Setting Up Survey Data Analysis
• You have to define the map resolution for calculations before loading a file
• Select prediction model you want to analyse
• You should exclude measurements falling on some of the clutter types in
Filter tab, especially on water clutters

21 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Test Site
• You can find the test site from site
database or set it manually
• With CW Measurement Info you can
view and adjust test site properties
• Location of the test site may be set by
clicking Set Loc. button and clicking
on 2D View
• Ground height may be read from
height data by clicking Find Height

22 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

CW Measurement Info
• Other info tabs show different
properties of the test site
• General tab displays the
measurement date and time

23 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

CW Measurement Analysis
7758 3.8
Mean Error
RMS Error
• In statistical analysis, CW
measurements are compared to the
Clutter Num.Bins.Mean Error RMS Error values produced by your prediction
Open 6371 3.3 11.8
Forest 1355 6.0 13.4 model
Bin Longitude Latitude Rad(m) Meas(dBm) Pred(dBm) Error(dB)
• To tune the model
LOS Clutter
•Change only one property of the
0310 015°02'34.97"E 49°44'7.14"N 1258 -70.6 -60.4 -10.3 No Open model at the time
0311 015°02'34.81"E 49°44'7.33"N 1265 -71.6 -60.4 -11.3 No Open •Perform analysis after each change
0312 015°02'34.71"E 49°44'7.53"N 1271 -69.6 -60.4 -9.3 No Open
0313 015°02'34.56"E 49°44'7.76"N 1279 -70.6 -60.4 -10.3 No Open • Click Analyse to get textual analysis of
0314 015°02'34.46"E 49°44'7.95"N 1285 -69.6 -60.4
0315 015°02'34.32"E 49°44'8.14"N 1291 -71.6 -60.4
No Open
No Open
the comparison
• There will be an autotune option in a
later version

24 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

CW Measurement Graph
• You can visually see how near the
measured and predicted values are
to each other
• Click Graph and select which of the
two graphs you want to view
•Received Level vs log(distance)
•Error vs log(distance)
• The colours of the symbols match
clutter colours in 2D View
• Red line shows standard deviation
of the results

25 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

CW Data in 2D View
• Measurement data can be
displayed in 2 D view when it’s
in memory
• Signal error to predicted values
& signal strength are shown in
different colours according to
thresholds set in respective

Good coverage is smaller area than bad coverage

26 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Coverage Planning
• Sites to be predicted are selected Menu: Tools -> Coverage Predictor
•defining a single site
•using a filter
•clicking on a view

• Prediction radius is selected

•in site info in Site Database
•overriding that value

27 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Array Settings (1/4)
• Define the parameters
for all arrays used

• Tools -> Array Settings

1. Set Serving Cell parameters

• Minimum service level
• Maximum timing advance
• Select Cell Layers to be

28 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Array Settings (2/4)
2. Set resolution and
minimum site radius for
3. Check smoothing checkbox
if you want to smooth
existing different resolution
predictions to the new
array. The different
resolutions are displayed
intact within the array if
checkbox is unchecked

29 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Array Settings (3/4)
4. Set Interference parameters
• Channel selection
• Interference
• Erlang Table
• Traffic Blocking percentage

30 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Array Settings (4/4)
5. lists all the cell layers
and carrier layers present
in your network.
6. Decide which carrier
layers you wish to study.
7. Preventing some layers
being considered as

31 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Creating Coverage/Interference Array
1. Select Create Array button from
2D View
2. Select array type(s) to be created
• Best server
• nth best server
• Worst Connection
• Average Connection
• Worst Interferer

32 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Saving and Loading Data
• Tools -> Coverage/Interferece ->
Coverage Manager
• Coverage/Interference Manager
allows you to save coverage and
interference arrays to disk and to
load them into memory

33 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Display coverage(1/2)
Different ways to display

• Display coverage for a cell

• cell needs to be predicted

• Display coverage for a site

• site needs to be predicted

• Create/Display Coverage
• This combines actions of
creating Best Server
array and displaying
Best server coverage

34 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Display coverage (2/2)

• Add Site to coverage array

• Add Cell to coverage array

35 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

Coverage Statistics
•Coverage Statistics
analyse coverage statistics
1. Select array for analysis
2. Define threshold
3. limit the coverage
analysis area
4. Get report of analysis

36 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

• Set the options for analysis
• Load CW measurement file
• Find the test site and check the info of the site
• Generate an analysis report
• View data in 2D View

37 © NOKIA 2001 Model Tuning.PPT/ 27.2.2001 / Petteri Bergius

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