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Development Module 3 Part 1

 Brand development is a continuous process which helps a
brand grow in the market. There has to be a constant plan to
develop a brand further, be contemporary and yet be useful to a
 Brand development is the process of maintaining the quality,
Meaning distinctive marketing assets, and consumer trust of a brand.
Brand development is an ongoing process of serving consumers
. Thus, brand development is the process of creating and
strengthening your brand.
Phases of Brand
Brand 1.Brand Definition

Process 2.Brand Look and Feel
Image Vision
Gap analysis
 Brand Values: What does the company stand for?
 Brand Differentiation: How is the company different from its
Brand Vision competitors?

Definition  Brand Promise: How does the company meet its stakeholder’s
 What are the marketing messages that the employees are
conveying to the shareholders?

Vision Culture  Does the Brand Vision empower the employees?

Gap Analysis  Do the employees understand and agree with the Brand Vision?
 Does the company practice the values promoted in its brand
 Define the brand Culture and subculture’s for each of the
company’s departments.
Brand Culture  The messaging to be conveyed by the various employees to
Definition different stakeholders.
 Media to be used to convey the messages.
Image Culture
The phase is performed a few months after the new Brand Vision
has been implemented to examine the state of the new image by
Gap Analysis the various stakeholders.
Logo Freshening Up
Phase II- Visual Upgrade
Brand Look and Colour Variations

 Brand Personality reflects how people feel about your
brand ,rather than what they think the brand is or does.
 It is the way a brand speaks and behaves.
Brand  It refers to assigning human personality traits /characteristics to
Personality, a brand to achieve differentiation.

Image and  It is a unique collection of emotional triggers that people can

connect with.
Promise  Eg. Limca relating to freshness, Nike as an athelete in all of us,
Maggi -2 minutes noodles
 Get a Unique Voice-Find an interesting ,unique and desirable
and engaging way of sharing things with people.
 Use Emotions: Fun, funny, happy, serious, surprising, bouncy ,

Ways to silly, formal, romantic, scary, clever, strong ,mysterious.

 Be very Visual : Give the brand a distinctive ,instantly and
effectively recognizable look.
project Brand  Create Stories : The human brain is wired for story telling.
Personality One of the best way to capture hearts and minds of people.
 Celebrity Endorsement
 Characters roping in
Brand Personality
Framework by
Jennifer Aaker in
 Brand Sincerity –SBI , Bata, Cadbury’s ,Tropicana , Medimix.
 Brand Excitement: Pepsi , Lakme , Sprite , Mountain Dew.
 Brand Competence: IBM, HCL, Microsoft

Examples…..  Brand Sophistication: Mercedes , Apple , Tanishq

 Brand Ruggedness: Woodland ,Reebok , XUV 500
 A brand promise is a value or experience a company's
customers can expect to receive every single time they interact
with that company. The more a company can deliver on
Brand Promise that promise, the stronger the brand value in the mind of
customers and employees.
 Amazon's brand promise is to deliver the broadest
selection of products and services at the lowest prices
with minimal hassle. 
 Starbucks brand Promise :To inspire and nurture the
Some examples human spirit – one person, one cup and one

of Brand neighborhood at a time.

 Apple: Think Different
Brand Promise 
 Brand segments cover segmentation of the products
themselves, and may indirectly refer to income by

creating names like luxury brands and mass brands. The
price and quality of the products defines
Segmentation which segment they fall into. Each brand segment tends
to correlate with a certain status or income, but not
Segmentation segmentation-to-reach-customers/
 Demographic segmentation is a factor used by Nike to
Market target individuals according to their age, life-cycle
stage, gender, occupation, and generation. Although
Segmentation with apparel and sports the market can be broad, for the

of Nike most part Nike primarily targets consumers who are

between the ages of 15-40.
• Age. Coca Cola targets youngster from 15 to 25 years
• Gender. Both Men and Women on the target list of the
Market company.

Segmentation • Income. The income level segments include different

packing, for example, returnable glass bottles, plastic
of Coca-Cola bottles and Tins with different pricing strategies.
 A brand positioning statement explains what

Brand your brand does, who you target, and the benefits of

your brand, in a short, concise statement.
Positioning The statement will generally be an internal document,

Statement although it should be used as a guide to ensure all

content is consistent.
How to create a
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Examples of
Positioning 

Emotional 
 What is Emotional Branding and How to Use it Effectively |

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