To Computer: Risala Tasin Khan

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to Computer
Risala Tasin Khan
Is best done by doing.

DO NOT let your friends help

Learning you. You WILL fail your lab if
you do.

If you help someone, NEVER

take over the keyboard. Try to
give the smallest of hints.
Course Structure
 General lectures from
 TheoryLecture Computer Fundamentals and ICT
(Sunday & Wednesday)  M. Lutfar Rahman
 M. Shamim Kaiser
 M. Arifur Rahman
 M. Alamgir Hossain
 Homework will be assigned but not
 Quizzes will be
Description Percentage

Final Exam 50%

Mid Term 20%

Class Tests 10%

Project Paper/Term Paper (Individually)/ Assignments including Presentation 10%

Class Attendance 10%

Total 100%
Other Policies and Information

 Coming Late to Lectures

Teachers reserve the right to not allow late comers
 Missed Quizzes, Exams, Petitions
A word about Plagiarism
DON’T CHEAT! Consequences can be grave
Common Examples
 Not keeping your eyes on your own answer sheet during a Quiz or an Exam
 Submitting identical homework
 Copying a paragraph from the internet and including it in your homework under your own name
 Taking someone else’s code, changing variable
names in it and submitting it as your own
Lecture 1
Introduction to

Risala Tasin Khan

Computer System
 Is a collection of related
components that have all been
designed to work together

Computer System.ppt
Components of Computer

Hardware - the physical components of the

computer, including the computer itself
and matched peripherals.
Software - the programs that run the computer.

Data - are facts, or unorganized raw materials,

which can be made up of words, numbers,
images, or sounds.
Humanware – User of computer.
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Computer System Components

 Input - getting data into the computer

Input Devices
– enable users to get
data into the computer
for processing

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Computer System Components

 Processing - transforming data into information

Microprocessor is
simply a small
processor fabricated
on a chip of silicon

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Computer System Components

 Output – displaying the information

Output devices – enable

users to see and/or
produce processed

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Computer System.ppt
What is a
 Software – refers to any program
that tells the computer system
what to do.

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Categories of Software

 System Software – programs that take control of the PC on start-up, and then
play a central role in everything that happens within a computer system by
managing, maintaining, and controlling computer resources.
 Application Software – designed and created to perform specific personal,
business, scientific processing tasks.

Computer System.ppt
System Software

Operating System (OS)

Monitors and controls all input / output and processing
activities within a computer system. It is a program that
controls the PC hardware and the operation of all other

Computer System.ppt
PC Platforms

Platform is defined by a processor and an operating system.

Software created to run on a specific platform

won’t run on other platforms.

Most personal computer users choose the

Wintel platform, which combines one of the
Microsoft Windows operating system with an
Intel-compatible processor.
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Application Software

 Word Processing
– a text editing program, which allows the user to
type, compose and correct manuscripts without
the need to re-type, when errors changed.

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Application Software

Types of Word Processors

 WordStar
 Word perfect
 Microsoft Word

Computer System.ppt
 Electronic Spreadsheet
– is a program replacing the
traditional financial modeling
tools that offer modern
improvements in ease of
creating, editing, and using of
financial models and graphical

Computer System.ppt
Application Software

Kinds of Electronic Spreadsheet

 Lotus 1-2-3

Computer System.ppt

 Without user interaction, most computers would be useless machines.

 Humanware always refers to the people who develop or use computer
 A system analyst
 A system Analyst is the humanware who selects and configures computer
systems for an organization or business.
 His/her job typically begins with determining the intended purpose of
the computers.
 This means the analyst must understand the general objectives of the
business as well as what each individual user’s job requires
Humanware (cont….)

 A programmer:
 A programmer requires a comprehensive knowledge of programming
 This position doesn’t require the broader understanding of the
structure and inner working of an application.
 A Computer Operator:
 A computer operator is an individual who generally performs a series of
well-defined tasks to keep computer operating at maximum efficiency.
 The efficiency of a computer installation depends on the quality and
ability of the operational staff.
Characteristics of Computers

 Speed: The computer processes data at an extremely fast rate, at

millions of instructions per second. The speed of a computer is measured
in MHz (Megahertz)/GHz(Gigahertz)/THz(Terahertz) ,that means one
million instruction per second and so on.
 Accuracy: The computers are very accurate. The level of accuracy
depends on instructions and the types of machine being used.
 Diligence: Computer, being a machine, does not suffer from the human
traits of tiredness and lack of concentration.
 Reliability: Generally, reliability is the measurement of the
performance of a computer, which is measured against some
predetermined standard for operation without any failure.
Characteristics of Computers(Cont.)

 Storage Capability: Computer can store large amount

of data and can recall the required information almost
 Versatility: Computers are quite versatile in nature. It
can perform multiple tasks simultaneously with equal ease.
 Resource Sharing: In the initial stages of development,
computers used to be isolated machine. With the
tremendous growth in computer technologies, computers
today have the capability to connect with each other.
Classification of Computers
(based on purpose)
 Server:
 A computer on a network that manages network resources.
 Different types server, for example:
 File Server: A computer dedicatedly used to store files.
 Print Server: A computer that manages one or more printers
 Network Server: a computer that manages network traffic.
 Database Server: A computer that processes database queries.
 Workstations:
 Workstations are computers that are intended to serve one or more users.
Classification of Computers
(based on Generation)
 In computer terminology, the word generation is described as a stage of
technological development or innovation.
 A major technological development that fundamentally changed the way
computers operate, resulting in increasingly smaller, cheaper, more powerful
and more efficient and reliable devices characterize each generation of
 According to the type of “processor” installed in a machine, there are five
generations of computers.
First Generation (1940-56)

 Characteristics:
 These computers were based on vacuum tube technology
 These were the fastest computing devices of their time
 These computers were very large, and require a lot of space for installation
 Since thousand of vacuum tubes were used, they generated a large amount of heat. Therefore
ac was essential
 Non-portable and very slow equipments
 They were very expensive to operate and used a large amount of electricity
 Unreliable and prone to frequent h/w failure
 Machine language was used.These computers were difficult to program and use
First generation ALU module
Second Generation (1956-63)

 Characteristics:
 These machine were based on transistor technology
 These were smaller as compared to first generation computers
 The computational time of these computers was reduced to microseconds to milliseconds
 More reliable and less prone to h/w failure
 More portable and generated less amount of heat
 Assembly language was used to program computers. Hence, programming became more
time-efficient and less cumbersome
 Still required air conditioning
PDP-8, IBM 1401 and IBM 7090
The first Transistor

Revolutionary replacement for electronic vacuum valves

Ferrite Memory

1024 bit
(128 bytes)
2 S

Fast, low cost technology for central memories

Third Generation (1964-early 1970s)

 Characteristics:
 These computers were based on integrated circuit (IC) technology.
 Easily portable and more reliable than the second generation
 Able to reduced computational time from microsecond to nanoseconds
 These devices consumed less power and generate less heat.
 Size of these computers were smaller as compared to previous computers.
 Since h/w rarely failed, the maintenance cost was quite low
 Extensive use of high level languages became possible
 Commercial production became easier and cheaper.
 Manual assembling of individual components was not required, so it reduced the large requirement of
labor and cost
NCR 395 and B6500
Fourth Generation (Early 1970s-till date)

 Characteristics:
 Fourth generation computers are microprocessor based systems
 These computers are very small
 Fourth generation computers are cheapest among all the other generations
 They are portable and quite reliable
 Generates negligible amount of heat, they do not require ac
 H/w failure is negligible, so minimum maintenance is required
 Production cost is very low
 GUI and pointing devices enable users to learn to use the computer quickly
 Interconnection of computers leads to better communication and resource sharing
Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond): AI

 The dream of creating a human-like computer that would be capable of reasoning

and reaching a decision through a series of “what-if-then” analyses has existed
since the beginning of computer technology. These are the objective of creating
the fifth generation computers.
 Three characteristics can be identified with the fifth generation computers:
 Mega Chips: Fifth generation computers will use Super Large Scale Integrated (SLSI) chips,
which will result in the production of microprocessor having millions of electronic
components on a single chip. Mega chips may enable computer to approximate the memory
capacity of human mind.
 Parallel Processing: A computer using parallel processing accesses several instructions at
once and works on them at the same time through use of multiple central processing units.
 Artificial Intelligence: It refers to a series of related technologies that tries to simulate
and reproduce human behavior, including thinking, speaking and reasoning.
Classification of Computers
(based on Size)
 Mainframe Computers:
 These computers are very large, often filling an entire room.
 They can store enormous information, can perform many task at the
same time, can communicate with many users at the same time and
are very expensive.
 Mainframe computers usually have many terminals connected to
 These terminals look like small computers but they are only devices
used to send and receive information from the actual computer.

 Minicomputer:
 These are minimized computers.
 In size and power, minicomputers lie between workstations and
 Minicomputers are multiprocessing system capable of supporting
many users simultaneously.
 Medium and small businesses typically use these computers.

 Microcomputers:
 These are the most common type of computers used today..
 The term “microcomputer” was introduced with the advent of single chip
 Microcomputer includes:
 Desktop computer
 Game console
 Note-book computer.
 Tablet computer.
 Smart phone
 Programmable calculator.

 Supercomputer:
 These are the fastest type of computers.
 They are very expensive and are employed for specialized
applications that require immense amount of mathematical
calculations. For example: weather forecasting requires super
 The main difference between super computer and mainframe
computer is that a super computer channels all its power into
executing a few programs as fast as possible whereas a mainframe
computer uses its power to execute many programs concurrently.
Range of Computer
Computer Applications

 Scientific
 Word Processing
 Spreadsheets
 E-commerce
 Business
 Educational
 Industrial
 National level Weather forecasting
 Remote sensing
 Planning
 Multi lingual application
Scientific Application

A large body of computer applications serve the scientist. Scientists use complex
mathematical relationships and volumes of data, impossible to manage without
the aid of computers
Computers are used to perform scientific calculations, often to support military
Areas of study like DNA, nano – medicine and remedies of deadly diseases are
completely dependent on use of the use of computers.
Scientists use computers to simulate their projects.
Computers are used to analyze the effect of flood, earthquake or fire on a
particular building.
Computers are also helpful in the study of oceans and space. They are used in
development of new products and modification of existing products.
Word Processing Application

 Computers have replaced typewriters with word processing software. The

term word processing covers a range of activities to write, edit and print
 Word processing software provide a set of tools and commands for entering,
editing and formatting text. Most common example of this software includes
Microsoft Word.
 With computers we can have any number of prints of the same letter.
 The utilities like spelling and grammar check, find and replace a word are of
great help in various word processing software.
Spread sheet

 A Spread sheet is a software tool for entering, calculating, manipulating and analyzing the
sets of different data elements.
 A spread sheet contains worksheets having rows and columns. The intersection of a row
and a column is called as a cell. Data is entered in the cells and each cell has a different
 Microsoft Excel is a common spreadsheet tool.
 A spreadsheet software offers a vast set of commands and tools to perform calculations
on data as per the formulae written by users.
 Some of the most helpful features are automatic recalculation, cell formatting, sorting
and filtering data etc.
 Spreadsheet software allow users to represent data in graphical manner.
 Spreadsheets are very popular in managing data of stores, schools, households, hospitals
etc and their demand is increasing day by day.

 E- Commerce is a new generation of commerce in which selling and purchasing is

done through the internet and the payments are made online.
 With this you have no need to go to the showroom to purchase a particular
product. Instead, you can just open the website of the manufacturer to see the
details of the product and place the order online.
 Examples of such sites include ebay, myntra etc.
 By using e-commerce, user can save time to visit showroom and carry the goods
to home.
 The user can effectively analyze the products and compare the features of the
products provided on the website itself.
 With e-commerce, the business is not bound within the boundaries of states and

 Businesses are the largest customers of the computer industry. Every type of
business involves transactions with suppliers, employees and customers.
People take orders through internet and make payments online. The
computers are actively involved in such business.
 The computers with sophisticated softwares help business units from
designing, advertising and selling products.
 Managers can effectively record, plan and present business information
through computers.
 Computers help businessmen in creating budget plans, account management,
inventory control etc.

 The field of education is touching new horizons with the help of computers.
Computers are helpful to both the teacher and the students.
 There is no need of carrying huge books to have information from them as books are
available in the form of CDs and students can read them on computers.
 Internet is an ocean of information and you can take any kind of information from it.
 Students are using computers for creating their projects and reports.
 With pictures and animations, the study of subject becomes very interactive and
understandable, so students learn very effectively and quickly.
 Teachers can use multimedia aids of audio, video and animations to illustrate the
complicated parts of lecture.
 Various interactive tutorial CDs are also available which are designed for self learning.

 With adaption of computers in industry, the manufacturing cycle has become

shorter and quick.
 Computer controlled machines work several times faster than conventional
machines that produce products at a very slow speed.
 Modern car and other automobile plants use computer oriented assembly lines
in which most of work is done by computer controlled machines to produce
products at a very fast pace. This process is called computer aided
 Computers also help us to replicate the production of a particular part.
 The manufacturing industries also use computers for creating models of future
products. These models are created with specialized software before creating
the actual products. This technique is called as Computer Aided Design(CAD).
National Level Weather Forecating

 Computers are used for national and international level

weather forecasting.
 Very powerful computers called Super Computers are generally
used to control artificial satellites moving around the earth.
 These satellites constantly send information to the controlling
computer, generally in the form of pictures, which are
thousands in a second.
 Computer analyses the information coming from the satellite
and predicts the change in weather i.e. temperature, pressure,
humidity etc and warns about storms, heavy rains etc.

 With sophisticated computers and planning software, a businessman can

create excellent plans to make the business a successful one.
 It involves study and analysis of very large volumes of present and past figures
and calculation of the cost and time that will be required to complete the
 Before starting any project, planning is done to ensure that the project will be
completed on time and with in budget.
 Many commercial computer applications are being used to create plans. These
complex jobs are done with the help of computers, which calculate these
figures without any errors and within a short span of time.
 These figures can be compared graphically and can be presented using
presentation software.
Multilingual Application

 Computers are widely used in multilingual applications.

These are the applications that support multiple languages
e.g. hindi, english, french etc.
 A user can type in or just speak out the words in order to
enter them into a computer.
 The spoken words are automatically converted from one
language to other language by the software.

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