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Kathryn Abbs

17 June 2022

Can O’ Your Town

This was my favorite project so far. To begin with, I began making a rough draft of my label on scrap
paper. I went to the Chamber of Commerce website for my hometown and wrote down on my label
where and how I wanted to address the most interesting facts. I knew exactly how I wanted to create my
label, now I had to execute it. I went to PowerPoint and started with my rectangle. I measured my
Cambell’s Soup label with a ruler and added the dimensions to my label. I then started creating my
masterpiece using my photo and one of my favorite photos of my hometown. I then based my color
scheme on my favorite colors from the city’s photo. I used the shape tool to create a few different visual
appeals. I used word art and the text box tool for all of my writing. As far as the UPC symbol goes- I
used the rectangle tool and colored the border and fill with white and then used the line tool with different
widths in the color black and used the same numbers from my can and positioned it as they did. I did end
up having an issue with my label’s size. When I printed it, my label was too small for my soup can. I then
had to take a different approach with my dimensions and label size. I tweaked it, then had to redo the
entire label making it shift and fit appropriately to the new dimensions. The most frustrating part was
recreating the UPC symbol. To be honest, The second attempt looked much better than my first and I can
say I’m extremely happy and proud of my label.

I believe the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students addressed in this
particular project is the Creative Communicator (1.6). The students creatively communicate about
their hometown and learn through technology tools to create a label showcasing their hometown.
Executing the use of graphics, shapes, and words in their creation.

I think this would be a great project for my future students! We could do labels based on the
city we currently live. I think it would be fun to compare and contrast the class ideas of the
city in which we all would be living in. I also think it would be fun to do an “about me” label.
Featuring all the great characteristics, hobbies, values, and interests of each student. It
would be great to present these projects so our class family could get to know each other
better, as well as finding similarities with each other. I also think it would be fun to create a
label of our families. We each could share special things and traditions each family has and
then present it as a class family. All in all, I believe this is a wonderful project to get to know
one another and to dig deep into what students would like to present to the world. I think it’s
fun because it is so personal and it would be original in the sense only you can create your
label. It would also be fun to have each student create their own restaurant or food truck
label. They could create the menu and selling points for their restaurant. A good way to
teach advertising.

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