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Dan Pearson-light

Basic information
The name of the photographer is Darren Pearson, he was born in Los Angeles. This photo is a part of
a series of photos called skeletons and most of the photos were taken around 2012. The name of
the photograph is ‘McQueen rides again’ and was taken on May 5th ,2012. This an is example of
Darren Pearson’ light painting photographs.
Visual qualities
The photograph shows a Skelton on a motorcycle, it is meant to represent the actor Steve McQueen
who is probably best known for the motorcycle chase scene in the Great Escape. The main focus of
the photograph is that the Skelton riding a motorcycle. I like the fact that in the image there is a
Skelton riding the motorcycle and there is blue smoke coming out from the motorcycle. The
composition rules they have used are filling the frame. They have used light in this photo by drawing
with it while using a high shutter speed. The formal elements shown are use of colour (on the
skeleton, smoke and background), lines (drawing the motorcycle and skeleton like the rims of the
wheels) and they have used good composition(by placing the subject, the Skelton, in the
foreground.) The photographer has achieved the concept of the photograph by basing it off a real
person ( Steve McQueen.)
I think that they have focused the camera in the middle of the landscape. I think the aperture settings used
was depth of field because it is a landscape. I think the shutter speed would be 1/500 secs to draw the
‘McQueen rides again’.

Relate to my work
I'm influenced by this photographers work and by looking at his photographs I would incorporate his good
choice of background(to make sure it fits with the subject/idea of the photograph.) I would think that he
plans what to draw and how before going to do (draw it on a piece of paper until perfect.) In addition, I
would think that this would take serval hours to getting it perfect, this influences me to be resilient in
drawing light paintings.

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