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SDO Abra

1 Quarter Division and School Managers


and Leaders conference

Issues/concerns and agreements

University of Abra Gabaldon building . March 28, 2022

Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)

1. School Heads not Will write a justification SH concerned March 29, As of April 1, 2022, only 6
present letter 2022 SHs submitted
OSDS Proper justifications for being
absent. List of attendees
will be part of the report in
the google drive

2. Protocol Officer in Identification of Protocol ASDS

every … to guide field Officer/s for discussion in
personnel in DO the DO

ex. First time teacher in

going to DO: Who are to
approach?, Protocol
Officer should be
knowledgeable of the
requested transaction/s
of the teacher
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)

3. Link of the Minutes Inputs to be incorporated OSDS Proper

(to be saved in Google as mentioned by SDS
drive) to be shared/sent
through email
addresses of the SHs

4. Volunteer Host (by To submit the name of Manabo NHS June 2022
Municipality district) for school
the 2nd Quarter
Conference Foods: c/o DO

Logistics and Venue: c/o

District host
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)

For CID:
5. For CID to give To identify schools that CID CES 2nd Quarter
action/feedback to the may have complied with
SHs the call ups
6. Assessment results: To identify schools that CID CES 2nd Quarter
Need Analysis of used data to innovate or
Assessment for conduct research
intervention and some

For CID CES: to give a To identify strategies of CID-CES April 1, 2022

certain number; blended learning to be
recommend using expanded (HyTEQ
consolidated data Innovation versus Two-
which strategy can be way Radio)

7. Inventory of those To submit to SDS CID-CES Before final Still being updated
who received SLMs distribution
of minutes of
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)

8. Funds downloaded to Recipient schools to CID-CES 2nd Quarter

replace damaged SLMs adhere to the
caused by Typhoon specifications mentioned
Maring. There are in the Division Memo, for
specifications in the the PSDSes to monitor
Division Memorandum

9. Limited F2F, __ Coordinate with SGOD SGOD and CID Before final 8 schools were reported to
schools mentioned by CES distribution have started F2F already
CID CES; schools with of minutes of upon approval of the PIATF
no SSAT: ___ (all conference through the Honorable
schools should be SSAT Maria Jocelyn Valera
compliance) Bernos, Governor of Abra

No./status of
vaccination of teachers
and learners, to be
submitted to CID
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)

10. For CID CES to give For the CID to provide the CID CES Before final For the meantime, please
quantified database number of schools which distribution refer to consolidated travel
feedback: __- participated in the of minutes of findings in the folder of
Basa Abrenio: all programs and to conference reports.
(59/60?) schools who determine which district
have participated to be has the highest rate of CID may give the report
recommended as participation later.
priority to be given

11. On contextualized For the CID to determine CID CES Before final Report may be shared later
LMs: Which district which districts, which distribution
who have the most subject has the most of minutes of
number? number of contextualized conference
Which subjects are LRs
most contextualized?
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)

12. Area in Curriculum For the CID to report on CID CES Before final For the meantime, please
and Instruction: the strengths and distribution refer to consolidated travel
weaknesses of schools on of minutes of findings in the folder of
Strength - Who are the CI if there are conference reports.
CID may give the report
Weakness - Who are later.
the schools?)
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)

13. PPA Action Plans of SDS: recommendation to SGOD April 2022
Schools create a link of the Google
Drive (by SGOD), folder per
Municipality -> folder per

For monitoring and

-for Sir Lemuel to share who
are the schools who have
submitted and not

No more hard copies

School Action Plan - no need

to be approved in the DO
(only NOTED by the PSDS)
except AIP, PPMP, APP

Assignment: For SGOD to

study what are the docs.
needed for SDS’ signature
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)

14. Bulletin Board/ Creation of link of the CID and SGOD April 2022
Transparency Board Google Drive for CID and CES

For feedbacking
15. Enhancement for To nominate for F2F only SGOD CES Before final Report will be attached in
school Health Corners: (not for implementing yet) distribution the google drive upon
schools who have of minutes of availability
passed the SSAT Continue to submit conference
schools for nomination
and implementation

Follow the Existing

DepEd policy (on SSAT)
while waiting for the
Amendment still to be
signed by DepEd Sec.
16. School visits by SGOD to see if ALL SGOD CES Before final Report will be attached in
School Health schools have been visited distribution the google drive upon
personnel including by School Health of minutes of availability
Medical and Dental personnel conference
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)
17. 9 unvaccinated Under Level 1, personnel to SH concerned
teachers report 100% and
unvaccinated cannot
participate in the F2F, to
undergo RTPCR every 2
18. Signing of Documents To provide a Division Memo SGOD CES ASAP TIP completion conducted on
on TIP Completion to inform about the process: March 31, 2022
content, compliant to DMOS

Receiving and releasing at

the Records Section
19. DRRM PPAs: To give feedback who SGOD CES Before final Report may be shared later
monitoring under the 1st submitted and who have not distribution of
Quarter submitted (date and time of minutes of
submission) conference
Feedback on remarkable
findings (1st Quarter)
20. Incident Report (Fire, To disseminate properly the SGOD CES Before final To be disseminated ASAP
earthquake) process provided by the RO distribution of
through RM in a form of a minutes of
Division Memo (to attach conference
the RM)
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)
21. Non submission of For DPARs 2022 (Jan. and SGOD CES Before final Memo is to be issued to inform
DPAR Feb.), to give report on those distribution of those who did not submit
who have not submitted minutes of
through a Division Memo conference

22. Analysis on the DPAR: To provide TA on PRIME- SGOD CES 2nd Quarter
low accomplishment on HRM, depends on the
Human Resource recommendation of SGOD ASDS
Management and
Development For PMT, PRAISE, PDC,
HRMPSB to sit down and
23. Targeting of KRAs: With the help of ASDS as SGOD CES 2nd Quarter
concentration on 1 or 2 the rater to make sure there
KRA only is Coaching based on the ASDS
findings of DPAR

To see how
accomplishments are related
to standards of DepEd
PPSSH (Philippine
Professional Standards for
School Heads)
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)

On Admin. Concerns:
24. Processing of appts. For compliance SHs
(complete attachments
such as Notice of OSDS
Vacancy, Notice of

On Substitute teachers:
releasing of appt. is
based on the date of
25. Appointment and Signatory: DepEd SHs
Reassignment/ Secretary
Deployment OSDS Proper
To endorse to CO by the
DO to be shipped thru
26. Processing of Existing Provident AO V
Provident Loans Tracking Form – Administrative
suggested processing Unit
days: 3 days
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)

27. Online submission To submit via Records SHs

of approval of request: Section email address:
Benchmarking, Travel,
Notice of Vacancy m
, to be forwarded to SDS’
email or for printing (if
SDS is onsite)
28. PPEI (School To submit updated PPEI SHs March 29 to Memo is issued to inform
building, artesian well) April 1, 2022 the schools that did not yet
Process of condemnation: AO V - submit
to request to COA and DO Administrative
to witness the Unit
condemning of
unserviceable equipment

By April 2022, PPEI have

to be updated

Assignment: Release
name of school who did
not submit their PPEI
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
Person (reports/ updates)

On Finance:
29. LBP WeAccess ALL schools to be AO IV-Cash 2nd Quarter
Registration registered at WeAccess

DO to request to LBP the

schedule on WeAccess

30. Liquidation status To ask the Accountant Accountant 2nd Quarter Accountant to give report
of Schools: there are the data/information on on the dates of submission
still 2021 CDRs being the liquidation status of and rate of liquidation
submitted for signature schools’ MOOE before downloading the next
of the SDS MOOE
Who are the School Heads
At least 75% liquidated who have the highest and
before downloading of lowest percentage of
MOOE liquidations?
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
(raised by the SHs) Person (reports/ updates)

31. OPCRF template To be finalized this week ASDS March 28 –

April 1, 2022
32. Unclaimed To provide the names of SGOD CES
OPCRF/IPCRF for SY teachers
2020-2021 Concerned SHs
33. Lower downloading DO 155, s. 2022 Accountant
of school MOOE than
the previous Still waiting for listing of AO V - Finance
additional MOOE
34. To have a same CID CES
template of the 4
Forms: MPS, Final
Average, Summarized
Level of Proficiency, and
Summarized LOP per
Learning Area
35. Consolidation of According to CID CES: CID CES
Reflection of teachers should be per Grade level
And is School level
reflection only
Agenda/ Issues and Agreements/ Reminders Office/ Timeline Updates and Actions
Concerns Responsible Taken
(raised by the SHs) Person (reports/ updates)
36. Limitation of TIC SDS: Designation as School SDS
versus Cluster Head Cluster Head - supervision;
approval of AIP; sign
checks; supervise the/rater
of the TIC; instructional
supervision and financial

Designation as TIC - to
prepare WFP, AIP; can still
teach; approval of OPCRF
by ASDS; administrative
37. Evaluation on the According to SGOD CE, SGOD CES
application to conduct schools are already
limited F2F – already included on the list for
have documents validation (for approval of
the SSAT)
San Quintin CS including
cluster schools: already
awarded with Safety Seal

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