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School of PGSR

Quantitative Method in Construction

Werku Koshe Hareru (Ph.D, PE)
Construction Engineering
Mobile: +252 637048441
Date: 27/03/2022
MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM
Quantitative Method in Construction

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM

Components of the Assessment
• The final course Grade will be made up as
» Project 30%
» Quiz 10%
» Final Exam 60%
Total = 100%
Fixed Grading system

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 1

Class Rules

• Try to come on time

• No disturbance during lecture
• Bring your note book, pen and calculator
• No cell phone calls, No SMS
• Copying of assignments is strictly prohibited
• Meet the deadlines of assignments
• Maintain your attendance

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 2

Course Content
1. Introduction to quantitative method/ OR
2. Formulation and application Linear Programming
in construction project
2.1. General Introduction to LP
2.2. Graphical method
2.3. The Simplex Method
2.4. Transportation problems
2.5. Assignment problems
3. GOAL Programming

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 3

Course Content
4. Network Models
 network – nodes, arcs
 evaluated network
 minimal distance, maximal flow etc.

5. Inventory Models
 how much to order?
 when to order?
 deterministic/probabilistic models

6. Computer Simulation

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 4

Quantitative Method in Construction

What do you expect from

this Course ?
Why should you take this course?

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 5

Chapter – one

Quantitative Method in Construction


MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 6

Quantitative Method
Alternative Names

 operational research
 operations analysis
 quantitative analysis
 systems analysis
 decision analysis
 decision science

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 7

Management Science and operation
Alternative Names

 operational research
Operations Research = Management Science
Software TORA
 Matlab & other

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 8

Quantitative Method in Construction Management
1.QM/OR is the application of scientific methods,
techniques and tools to problems involving the operations
of systems, so as to provide those in control of the
operations with optimum solutions to the problems.

2. QM/OR is the application of the scientific methods to the

study of the operations of large, complex organizations
or activities.

3. MS/OR is the application of the scientific method to the

analysis and solution of managerial decision problems.

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 9

MS/Quantitative Method
Definition - Summary

 Application of SCIENTIFIC METHOD





MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 10

MS/OR/Quantitative Method
Modeling Process

Recognition and Formulation and

Real-World Definition of the Construction of the
Problem Problem Mathematical

Validation and Solution
Implementation Sensitivity Analysis of the Model
of the Model

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 11

MS/OR/Quantitative Method
Modeling Process

Recognition and
Real-World Definition of the
Problem Problem

 Processes
 Restrictions
 Goal

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 12

MS/OR/Quantitative Method
Modeling Process
Formulation and  Variables
Construction of the
Mathematical  Constraints (equations, inequalities)
 Objective function

Reality Model
Finding a proper balance between
the level of simplification of reality
is good representation of reality.
 Deterministic
 Probabilistic
MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 13
MS/OR/Quantitative Method
Modeling Process

Recognition and Formulation and

Real-World Definition of the Construction of the
Problem Mathematical Model

of the Model

 Feasible
 Optimal
 Infeasible
MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 14
MS/OR/Quantitative Method
Modeling Process

Recognition and Formulation and

Real-World Definition of the Construction of the
Problem Problem Mathematical

Validation and Solution
Implementation Sensitivity Analysis of the Model
of the Model

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 11

MS/OR/Quantitative Method
• To make overall arrangement of the limited
resources of human, financial and material
in the economic system by using analytical,
experimental and numerical methods,
aiming to provide optimal plans for
decision makers to achieve the most
effective management.1
Encyclopedia of the Chinese Enterprise


MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM

Linear Programming

Formulation and application Linear Programming

in construction project
2.1 General Introduction to LP Todays’
2.2 Graphical Method Agenda

2. 3 The Simplex Method

2.4 Transportation problems
2.5 Assignment problems

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM


• Linear programing was developed by George

Dantzing in year 1947 while working on
research projects for the USA air Force.
• Early application of LP was mainly in
military operations.
• Subsequently its application spread in
solving a number of business problems

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM

Linear Programming (LP)
LP is a mathematical technique for optimum
allocation of scarce or limited resources to
several competing activities on the basis of
given principle of optimality, which can be
either performance, ROI, cost, utility, time,
distance etc.

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM

• In construction projects the PM has ensure that
the project objectives are achieved within the
limited resources and various environmental
and social issue.
• LP tries to address this problem mathematically
by converting the objective and constraints in
the form of equation and inequalities
• LP assumes liner relation ship among various
variables considered in a problem, which may
not be true or justifiable.
MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM
Linear Programming
In order to apply LP certain requirements have to be
1. Objective function must be a linear function of
decision variables

2. Constraints should be linear function of decision


3. All the decision variables must be nonnegative

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM
Linear Programming (LP)


1. Formulate the objective function

2. Formulate the constraints

3. Define decision variables

4. Mention the non-negativity criteria

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM
Formulation of Linear Programming

Objective function

Constraint functions
MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM
Standard form of LP problems
• Standard form of LP problems must have
following three characteristics:

1. Objective function should be of maximization type

2. All the constraints should be of equality type

3. All the decision variables should be nonnegative

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• We shall try to explore the fundamental of
linear programming by the help of an

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM

Case study to understand LP
• Consider a contractor who manufacture door
and window


MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM
Case study to understand LP

Profit $ 600
Profit $ 500
Details of manufacturing process is given:
Items Working Hrs. carpentry Working Hrs. for painting
Window 3 hours 1 hours
Door 2 hours 4 hours

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM

Case study to understand LP
Details of manufacturing process is given:

Items Working Hrs. carpentry Working Hrs. for painting

Window 3 hours 1 hours
Door 2 hours 4 hours

Department Employed labor Total working

hours per day
Carpentry 8 Carpentry working 8 hours daily 64 hours
Painting 8 Painter working 8 hours daily and 1 64+4= 68 hours
Department painter working 4 hours (per time)

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM

Case study to understand LP

Product Hrs. required per pieces Max possible Profit Total

production based on per profit
Total Hrs. Available unit
Carpentry Painting Carpentr Painting

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Window 3 1 64/3=21.3 68/1=68 $500 21.3*500
Door 2 4 64/2=32 68/4=17 $600 17*600=

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM

Solutions that contractors will seek

• Does the option giving a profit of $ 10,666.7 represent

the optimum solution or the maximum profit?

• Can the profit be increased by combination of

production of Door and Window?

• What will be change in profit if we add one hour of


MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM

LP: Graphical method steps

Step 1: Draw each constraint on the graph

Step 2: Determine the feasible region
Step 3 : Determine the corner points of the
feasible region
Step 4: Substitute each corner point in the
objective function
Step 5: Select point that realize objective
function as optimal solution.

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM

Example 2
• A small company produces construction materials for the commercial
and residential construction industry. The company produces two
products: a universal concrete patching product (CON) and a
decorative brick mortar (MORT). The company can sell the CON for a
profit of $ 140/ton and the MORT for a profit of $160/ton. Each ton of
the CON requires 2 m3 of the red clay and each ton produced of the
MORT requires 4 m3. A maximum of 28 m3 of the red clay could be
available every week. The machine used to blend these products can
work only a maximum of 50 hours per week. This machine blends a
ton of either product at a time, and the blending process requires 5
hours to complete. Each material must be stored in a separate curing
vat, thus limiting the overall production volume of each product. The
curing vats for CON and MORT have capacities of 8 and 6 tons,
respectively. What is optimal production strategy for the company
given this information?

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM


Maximize Z 6x5
subject to y (c-1)
2x3y (c-2)
4 x  y  15 (c-3)
x  3 y  11
x, y  0 (c-4 & c-5)

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM 38

Graphical method: Step - 1

Plot all the constraints

one by one on a graph

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Graphical method: Step - 2

Identify the common

region of all the

This is known as
‘feasible region’

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Graphical method: Step - 3

Plot the objective function

assuming any constant, k,
i.e. 6 x  5 y 
This is known as ‘Z line’,

which can be shifted

perpendicularly by
changing the value of k.

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Graphical method: Step - 4
Notice that value of the objective

function will be maximum when

it passes through the intersection
x  3 y  11 and 4 x  y  15
(straight lines associated with 2nd
and 3rd constraints).

This is known as ‘Optimal Point’

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Graphical method: Step - 5

Thus the optimal point of the

present* problem is
x  3.091

y *  2.636

And the optimal solution is

6x*  5 y *  31.726

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Graphical Method

• Minimization problem

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM

Simplex Method

• Maximization problem

MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM


MSO H.K. Werku AU, SPGSR MSc. in CM

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