What Is Your Social Marketing Strategy - 06

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What is your Social Marketing strategy?

(or is your marketing strategy getting more social)

September 29 & 30th , 2009 Henry Anderson, Novartis Consumer Health

Bringing Social Media into perspective What is currently going on in the U.S.? Suggestions and learnings for the Canadian pharmaceutical

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Lets start with some sizzle

and your first lesson.

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Reference definition: Marketing

identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer needs profitably.

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and Social Media Marketing

act of using social influencers, social media platforms, online communities for marketing

fans of a brand or company can promote it themselves

Parameters surrounding social media marketing are arguably elusive today.

content is published by users, not employees of the company

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a lot of red flags for pharma!

This is NOT marketing, but it is how we commonly behave

I want a cool website! I want a Social Media strategy I want an innovative marketing campaign I want an integrated, multi-channel customer experience I want a fantastic ROIfrom online Sounds good, well lets get started with your objectives & marketing brief but you gave me the budget for a Oh yeah, well I want a

which, ironically, is what my wife says I actually need.

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Which brings me to my first few points...

The web and social media do not drive the

marketing process.

Successful marketing (online or otherwise) lies in

your understanding of your business challenges.

Online/Interactive subject matter experts (SMEs)

provide marketing solutions that leverage any number of aspects of the web including social media.

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Now consider how marketing has simultaneously changed and remained the same because of social media

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Has social media changed the marketing funnel or marketing process? No.

Understand & observe


Engage and acquire






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But has social media changed the marketing environment? Absolutely.

Will blog monitoring generate excessive AE events? To Tweet or not to Tweet today? Headhunter stalking you through Linked In OMG! Your BFF just tagged you in an inappropriate
Facebook picture

You have to check out that Susan Boyle song on YouTube Your doctor just posted an answer to your health forum
question and

apparently theres an iPhone App for that embarassing

health condition
10 | PAAB Social Media & Marketing | Henry Anderson | September 29-30, 2009 | Business Use Only

New social environment = new formula needed

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Look closer at how social the news has become CNN goes farther

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Social media functionality is pushing readers down the marketing funnel of the news portal

Understand & observe

Engage and acquire



Like/Unlike Comment Forward Post link RSS Subscribe Download news app

13 | PAAB Social Media & Marketing | Henry Anderson | September 29-30, 2009 | Business Use Only

The lesson?
News organizations today are harnessing our online
behaviours of commenting, forwarding, and rating.

Citizen journalists who submit stories are actually

building a content foundation for ad serving.

Technology now dynamically serves our news for a more

personal, public and popular news format the industry have magically turned their audience into the editor.

Value created:
With engagement & time on site up and more pages of content, Im starting to get interested to put my media dollars to work here

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The British Monarchy and the Vatican both have YouTube channels

Of note: Social media functionalities are limited to registered members. Value created: Hip image & visibility to a younger demographic. Rich metrics.
15 | PAAB Social Media & Marketing | Henry Anderson | September 29-30, 2009 | Business Use Only

Military: Gaming is highly social

Lesson: Highly engaging interpersonal dynamics and a very attractive package help attract and prescreen recruits. Value created: Targeted, economical & organic online recruitment. New approach to training.


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Fast food: Burger King Whopper Sacrifice

Creative Innovative Facebook use gets media attention: Youve been dropped for a Whopper

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Results & next phase

Food: Kraft Apps for moms to select and prepare delicious meals

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R&D: Open-source problem solving

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Finance: Tweet-stream advertising

OMG!! A product apology!!

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Automotive: Audi visualizing pre-launch buzz

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Grass-roots public pressure (Take note Montreal)

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Politics: Transformational leadership

Massive influx of support, funding and community self-organization all coordinated online

Lesson: Online channel was a campaign focal point, with exceptional

social utility, but it was the unifying message of change that drove Americans into action online.

Value created: A President Post-script:

Database conversion post-inauguration Online public applications for staff vacancies URL mention in State of the Union address YouTube posting of address to the Muslim world Blackberry addiction
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Conversation vs. control

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A word about viral I want a viral campaign!!!

What tends to go viral includes:

NSFW Jokes

No you dont!

Impossible (often Photoshop-ed) stunts (Howd they do that?) Embarrasments (celebrity, corporate) Contests Publicity stunts Dancing babies and talking dogs Edgy Superbowl or European ads

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Selected U.S. health initiatives

General health-space chatter & peer-to-peer social platforms JnJ: jnjbtw, Motrin P&G: Social Media research Novartis: CML Earth, Ride for the Cure Nike & Apple: Nike fit Google: Flu Trends Internal

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Social media enables constructive and destructive industry dialogue, but can be overly biased of many people & professionsgenerally without recourse

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Peer-to-peer social health platforms Patient/consumer Physician/HCP

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Corporate blogging: Johnson & Johnson

Corporate scope Candid tone, rich format Content team Post-this & comment functionality
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YouTube: Motrin Moms the timescale of social media

Sept 2008 Oct Nov Sat Sun 15th 16th (AM) Sun 16th (PM) Mon 17th Tue 18th Old news

9/30: Motrin Mom campaign launched

Video finds its way to a Yahoo Group about attachment parenting 11/15 5:45PM Blogger takes offense & mobilizes her network to tweet

the next morning, her CTA is generating 300 Tweets per hour

JnJ pulls multichannel campaign & posts genuine apology on Motrin site

JnJ Blog post

Because it is a top Tweet subject, it becomes visible to the news circuit

11/17 AM News story

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Consumer research: Proctor & Gamble

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Novartis: Creating an online health community

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Novartis: Sharing our charitable contributions

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Nike + Apple: Platform for collective running motivation

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Google Flu Trends

Health surveillance via
social search.

Keyword activity &

search volume is now being mined to provide leading indicators of public health.

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Corporate intranets enable a variety of social employee activities

Communal workspaces Virtual project teams Classifieds Donation gathering, voting CEO & employee blogs Wikis Employee training Employee social media policies & guidelines
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So, here are a few recommendations

before you run out the door madly texting your agency.

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Everyone is somewhere on the Social Media ladder. Figure out where you are, then move up.



Source: http://www.forrester.com/Groundswell/ladder.html
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Guidelines to help you climb the Social Media ladder in Pharma

Before engaging:
Can you reconcile innovative customer engagement if you are part of the old commercial model? Do you understand the online social behaviours of your customers? Remember good old Marketing 101 comes first Do you have an agency with a Social Media competency? Have you established social media guidelines for your organization? Do you have internal champions? Advocates? SMEs? & support from all levels? Have you assembled a x-functional team to tackle the challenges Has your x-functional team created the SOPs for various scenarios? Can you find programs that exemplify success to you? Know your organizational culture. How do you handle eMarketing, Closed Loop Marketing (CLM), CRM? How does your organization handle tactical failures? Have you sought counsel from industry partners? E.g. the PAAB?

Passive engagement:
Listening is often a logical first step, and can still be considered engagement, albeit passive

Active engagement:
When actively engaging, carefully consider creation of a platform vs. leveraging a platform. Are you adequately committed to moderation, rapidly response plans, and adding value over time? How will you integrate your social media project into the broader scope of your campaign?
39 | PAAB Social Media & Marketing | Henry Anderson | September 29-30, 2009 | Business Use Only

Its an exciting time to be a marketer and an innovator,
but let your planning processes determine needs.

Know that Social Media can have a 3600 impact Progressive engagement is often safest:
Internal Passive External Active External

Collaborating in Social Media is not only essential,

it yields greater results.

Thank you!
40 | PAAB Social Media & Marketing | Henry Anderson | September 29-30, 2009 | Business Use Only

Henry Anderson
Global Manager, OTC Interactive Marketing, The Americas Novartis Consumer Health henry.anderson@novartis.com Twitter: twit_chat LinkedIn: Henry Anderson Facebook: Ill think about it ;-)

41 | PAAB Social Media & Marketing | Henry Anderson | September 29-30, 2009 | Business Use Only

Reference links
Slide 3:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIFYPQjYhv8 http://socialnomics.net/

Slide 27:
http://www.ignitelabs.com/pharmatweeps, http://www.glassdoor.com, http://www.cafepharma.com, http://www.ratemds.com

Slide 4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing Slide 5:


Slide 11: Slide 12:

http://www.cbc.ca/news, http://www.cnn.com/ireport/

Slide 28:
http://www.patientslikeme.com, http://www.sermo.com, http://www.tudiabetes.com


Slide 29: www.jnjbtw.com Slide 30:http://www.motrin.com Slide 31: http://www.pgsocialmedialab.com/login/default.asp Slide 32: http://www.cmlearth.com Slide 33: http://rideforthecure.blogspot.com Slide 34: http://nikerunning.nike.com/nikeplus/ Slide 35: http://www.google.org/flutrends/ Slide 38:

Slide 15:
http://www.youtube.com/user/TheRoyalChannel http://www.youtube.com/user/vatican

Slide 16: http://www.americasarmy.com/ Slide 17: http://www.whoppersacrifice.com/ Slide 18:http://www.kraftfoods.com/kf/iFood.aspx Slide 19: http://innocentive.com/ Slide 21: http://www.audi.com Slide 22: http://www.mysociety.org

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