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Reference: Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 1285-1321;

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 265-270

Vocabulary review What is Confirmation? Perpetuates the baptized person’s

Matter of Confirmation
participation in the event of Pentecost

Symbolism of oil
Essential rite Effects and Recipient Recipient and Minister
mixed with balsam
of Confirmation of Confirmation

Can priests Value of

administer Confirmation? on life-long Christian formation
◦ Sacramental economy
“communication of the Christ’s redemption through the
celebration of the sacraments of the Church, most
especially that of the Eucharist, ‘until he comes’ (1 Cor
11:26)” Comp220

◦ Oikonomia < Gr., plan, dispensation, communication

◦ all the works by which God reveals
and communicates Himself to us
◦ creation, redemption, sanctification
CCC 235-236

◦ Sacraments
sensible signs instituted by Christ and entrusted
to the Church that efficaciously transmit grace.
What is
Sacrament that “confirms, strengthens,
and completes baptismal grace”
(Comp 266; CCC 1285)

◦ “a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit

like that of Pentecost”
Comp 268

◦ Jesus already had conferred the Holy Spirit

on Apostles on Easter Sunday
Jn 20:22-23

◦ But before his Ascension, Jesus promises

a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:8
◦ fulfilled on Pentecost Sunday.
◦ “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in
other tongues…”
Acts 2:4
the baptized person’s
participation in the event
of Pentecost
◦ The grace of Pentecost is “perpetuated” (CCC 1288) through
a sacrament complementary to,
but distinct from, Baptism

◦ Testimony from Scripture:

Acts 8:14-19: “When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that
Samaria had received the word of God, they sent to them Peter
and John. On their arrival they prayed for them, that they might
receive the Holy Spirit; for as yet he had not come upon any of
them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord
Jesus. Then they laid their hands on them and they received
the Holy Spirit.”

◦ Cf. also Eph 19:5-6:

St. Paul lays his hands on Christians in Ephesus
of Confirmation
◦ CCC 1288:
From Pentecost onwards,
the Apostles imparted to the newly baptized
the special gift of the Spirit by the “laying on of
hands” (term used in the NT)
◦ laying of hands: symbol in Scripture for the transmission of
power or conferral of a mission

◦ CCC 1289:
Very early, to better signify the gift of the HS,
an anointing with perfumed oil (chrism)
was added to the laying on of hands.
◦ Old Testament: priests, prophets and kings
were anointed with oil
to show they were consecrated for a divine mission
Symbolism of oil
mixed with balsam
◦ Olive (or vegetable) oil:
◦ signifies beauty, health, strength: CCC 1293
◦ the completion of the sacramental configuration
to Christ conferred at Baptism

◦ Jesus is THE ANOINTED ONE (cf. Acts 10:38)

◦ Eastern Churches call this sacrament “Chrismation”

(=anointing with Chrism).
CCC 1289.

◦ Why balsam (perfume) is added:

◦ confirmed person shares more deeply in the mission of bearing
witness to Christ by giving off
His “fragrant aroma” (2 Cor 2:15),
◦ i.e., fragrance of Christian virtue
Essential rite
of Confirmation
(Comp 267)
Anointing with Sacred Chrism
(consecrated by the bishop) on the forehead,
which is done by the laying
on of the hand of the minister

◦ who pronounces the words:

“Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”

◦ the seal (of a ring):

symbol of a person’s authority or ownership
of an object (special belonging to Christ)

◦ Jn 6:27:
Christ says he is marked with his Father’s seal
(= Holy Spirit )

◦ 2 Cor 1:21-22:
Christians have been sealed with God’s seal (Holy Spirit )

the Holy Spirit identifies us more with Christ

and with His saving mission
Effects and Recipient (Comp
A special outpouring of the Holy Spirit as on Pentecost.

◦ impresses indelible character that produces

growth in baptismal grace and perfects baptismal priesthood
(S. Josemaria: “priests of our lives”. Cf. Rom 12:1-2: our bodies,
“a living sacrifice, a spiritual worship”)

◦ intensifies our divine sonship, bonding us more

with Christ and with Church

◦ gives special strength to witness to the faith (“strong wind”

and “tongues of fire” on Pentecost).
Strengthening of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit

For the worthy reception, one must be in the state of grace.

Recipient and Minister
of Confirmation
(Comp 270)
◦ Recipient: any baptized person

◦ “Original minister” of Confirmation: Bishop (successor of Apostles)

◦ Confirmation unites confirmands more closely to the Church,
to her apostolic origins and to her mission of bearing witness to Christ.

◦ Mt 16:18; 18:18:
Christ builds the Church on the Apostles with Peter as head.

◦ Eph 2:20: Church is “built on the foundation of the apostles”

◦ reason why in Latin Church Confirmation is conferred at a later age:
to allow conferral by bishop
◦ In Eastern rite: Baptism and Confirmation are conferred in one ceremony
Can priests administer
◦ Eastern rite: priest ordinarily administers Confirmation (also known
as Chrismation);

◦ Roman rite: priest administers only in 3 special cases:

◦ Adult Baptism
(administered along
with Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist)

◦ when the special faculty to confirm

is given by bishop for grave reasons
(e.g., in mission territories)

◦ danger of death
(priest should confirm)

◦ the link with Bishop: shown by the priesthood

of the minister and by the Sacred Chrism
(always consecrated by bishop himself).

◦ Note:
Deacons don’t have power to administer Confirmation
Value of on life-long
Christian formation
Goal of Baptism and Confirmation
are ordained to our participation in the Eucharistic worship.

◦ Liturgical culmination of our baptismal priesthood:

“Through him, with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honor are yours, Almighty Father, forever and ever.”
-- “AMEN.”
◦ need for ongoing doctrinal, ascetical, religious, apostolic,
human, and professional formation

◦ Acts 2:
“42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching
and in the communion of the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

◦ Iconic role of the godparents

(preferably the same as baptismal godparents).

Reference: Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 1285-1321;

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 265-270

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