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K. K.

Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik-3

Chapter 5

Java Applets and Graphics

• Applet is a small program which provides a Graphical User
Interface (GUI) to user.
• Applet programs are executed with a special JDK tool-
Applet and Application
Sr. No. Application Applet
Applications are just like a Java Applets are small Java programs that
programs that can be execute are designed to be included with HTML
independently without using web web document. They require a Java-
browser. enabled web browser for execution.

Application program requires a main Applet does not require a main function
function for its execution. for its execution.

Java application programs have the full Applets don’t have local disk and
access to the local file system network. network access.

Applets can only access the browser

Applications can access all kinds of
4. specific services. They don’t have
resources available on the system.
access to the local system.

Applications can executes the programs Applets cannot execute programs from
from the local system. the local machine.

An application program is needed to An applet program is needed to

perform some task directly for the user. perform small tasks or the part of it.
Applet Life Cycle
Applet Methods Sequence
import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*;
Applet Skeleton public class MyApplet extends Applet
{ public void init( )
// initializes applet
public void start( )
// start or resume execution
public void stop( )
// suspends execution
public void destroy( )
// perform shutdown activities
public void paint(Graphics g)
// redisplay contents of window
} }
Applet tag
[ CODEBASE = codebaseURL]
CODE = appletFile
[ ALT = alternateText]
[ NAME = appletInstanceName]
WIDTH = pixels HEIGHT = pixels
[ ALIGN = alignment]
[ VSPACE = pixels] [HSPACE = pixels] >
[< PARAM NAME = AttributeName VALUE =AttributeValue>]
[< PARAM NAME = AttributeName2 VALUE =AttributeValue>]
Passing Parameters to Applet
To pass the parameters to Applet <param> tag is used.

Syntax: <param name= name value=value>

To retrieve parameters from param tag in program following

method is used:
String getParameter(String s)

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