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Presented By:-Mrs Maitrayee Rout ,Assistant Professor

School of Managements Studies,GIET University ,Gunupur

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One week later, Adam met Roy in a lunch gathering and Adam greeted Roy and asked him
casually how is he doing and if he has adapted well to his job. Roy, asked Adam blatantly and
angrily where is his buddy that he had requested. At that moment, Adam recalled on the
existence of this request and unwittingly told Roy that he thought Roy was joking with him
on the request for a buddy as he did not want to admit to Roy that he had clearly forgotten
about the whole issue. Roy was very angered by Adam's response and told him off that he
was very serious in getting a buddy and that its Adam's responsibility to do so. Adam, clearly
embarrassed and guilty about his mistake, apologised immediately and promised to get him
a buddy. On the very day, a buddy- Sam, was found for Roy. Roy was very unhappy with
Adam and confronted Adam and his buddy when he was able to have an official meet up
session with his mentor. Adam explained to Roy that the organisation has no current
practice in place for meet up sessions to be arranged between mentors and mentees and its
a practice for mentees to take self-initiative to do so in arranging for meetings with their
mentors and also that his mentor is currently out of town and will only be back the next day.
Adam, himself being a new staff also was at that moment in time speaking on personal
experience and also based on what Jean had told him. Sam, who was present agreed and
helped to explain to Roy on the practice. Roy kept quiet and Adam unknowingly thought
that Roy has understood the organisation practice. Hence, Adam did not continue to check
with Roy on this aspect.

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The following day, Roy had a feedback session with his manager and Adam
was called upon to sit in as a part of the orientation programme. Roy
brought up the issue on Adam's failure to get him a buddy promptly and
that he was not introduced to his mentor at all. He complained about the
poor management of the HR mentor and buddy system and that it was not
effective at all and that he expressed that he is very unhappy with Adam as
he felt that he was not doing his job at all. Adam tried to explain to Roy and
his manager about what happened and also reassured Roy that he will take
his suggestions of improving on the
system and was apologetic about the issue. He told Roy's manager that he
will bring Roy to see his mentor after the session as his mentor is back in
the office after being on leave for the past week.

Roy was still very unhappy with Adam and continued telling Adam off in
front of his manager.

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1. On an HR practitioner point of view, what should Adam do to resolve the issue?

2. Roy is very unhappy with Adam and holds it against him even though all has
been done and followed up. What should Adam as HR do to resolve this and should
Jean, as Adam's manager do something?

3. What role does Roy's manager play in this issue and should he be implicated?

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• Human Resource Planning could be expressed as a process by
which the management ensures the right number of people
and right kind of people, at the right place, at the right time
doing the right things for which they are recruited and placed
for the achievement of goals of the organization.
• In the words of Colman, “Manpower planning is the
process of determining manpower requirements and the
means of meeting those requirements in order to carry
out the integrated plan of the organization”

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It is the process by which an organisation process by which an
organization ensures that it has the ensures that it has the right
number right number & & kind of people kind of people at the at
the right place right place and at and at the right time right time,
capable of , capable of effectively and efficiently and efficiently
completing those tasks completing those tasks that help the
organization achieve its that help the organization achieve its
overall objectives..

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Objectives of HRP

• Ensure optimum use of human resources currently

• Avoid imbalances in the distribution and allocation of
human resources
• Assess or forecast future skill requirements of the
organization's overall objectives
• Provide control measure to ensure availability of
necessary resources when required
• Control the aspect of human resources
• Formulate transfer and promotion policies
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Nature & Scope of HRP
• It present an inventory of existing man power of the
organization. Analysis of this resource helps in ascertaining the
status of the available personnel and to discover untapped talent
presently available with the organization.
• Helps in determining the short fall or surplus of the resource by
comparing the total resource needs with the present supply. It
also helps in projecting future HR needs.
• Concerned with the initiation of various organization
programmes depending upon the demand and supply of human
• Designing training programme for different categories of human

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Need for HRP
• HRP helps in effective recruitment and
• HRP also facilitates designing of training
programmes for the employees to develop the
required skills in them.
• HRP provides lead time for procuring
personnel as the lead time given is a time
consuming process.

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Internal Factors Affecting HRP
• Strategies of the Company
• Human Resource Policies of the Company
• Formal and Informal Groups
• Job Analysis
• Company’s production Operations policy
• Trade unions

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External Factors Affecting HRP

• Government policies
• Level of economic development
• Business Environment
• Information Technology
• Level of Technology
• International Factors

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Organizational Objectives & Policies

• Downsizing / Expansion
• Acquisition / Merger / Sell-out
• Technology upgradation / Automation
• New Markets & New Products
• External Vs Internal hiring
• Training & Re-training
• Union Constraints

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HR Supply Forecast
• process of estimating future quantity and
quality of manpower available internally &
externally to an organisation.
• Supply Analysis
Existing Human Resources
Internal Sources of Supply
External Sources of Supply

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Existing Human Resources
Capability / Skills Inventory using HR Information System
General Information -
Name: Present Address: Department:
Sex: Designation:
Marital Salary:
Status: Permanent Address: Grade:
Qualification -
Degree/Diploma Institution Class Year of Pass
Experience/Skills -
Job Title/ Organization Brief Skill/
Appointment Responsibilities Specializations
Outstanding Achievement / Additional Information -
Awards Performance Disciplinary Action
Promotions Merit Rating Absenteeism
Career Plans:

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Internal Supply
Inflows & Outflows - The number of losses & gains of
staff is estimated. ###

Turnover Rate - refers to rate of employees leaving.

= ( No. of separations in a year / Avg no. of
employees during the year ) x 100

Absenteeism - unauthorized absence from work.

= ( total absentees in a year / Avg no. of
employees x No. of working days) x 100

Productivity Level - = Output / Input. Change in

productivity affects no. of persons per unit of output.

Movement among Jobs - internal source of

recruitment, selection and placement
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External Supply
External recruitment, selection & placement -Advertisements,
Manpower Consultants, Campus Recruitment, Unsolicited
Applications, Employee Referrals

Yield ratios - are estimated in the process of hiring

applications. Hiring Process Ratio
Ad generates 2000 applications. 200 are potential 10:1
Out of 200, 40 attend interview 5:1
Out of 40, 30 were offered jobs 4:3
Out of 30,20 accepted 3:2
Overall Yield Ratio (2000:20) 100:1

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HR Programming

Balancing Demand and Supply

Vacancies filled in by the right employee at

the right time

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HR Plan Implementation

• Recruitment, Selection & Placement

• Training & Development

• Retraining & Redeployment

• Retention Plan
• Downsizing Plan

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Control & Evaluation

• Are Budgets, Targets & Standards met?

• Responsibilities for Implementation &
• Reports for Monitoring HR Plan

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Benefits of HRP
• HRP results in reduced labour costs as it helps the
management to anticipate shortages and or
surpluses or HR, and correct these imbalances
before they become unmanageable and expensive.
• HRP is the scientific way for planning employee
development that is designed to make optimum use
of workers’ skills within the organization.
• HRP enables identification of the gaps of the existing
HRs so that corrective training could be imparted.

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• HRP leads of improvement in the overall “Business
Planning” process. HRP helps in formulating
managerial succession plan as a part of there
placement planning process.

• HRP leads to a greater awareness of the importance

of soundman power management through out the
organization HRP serves as a tool to evaluate the
effect of alternative man power actions and policies.

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Thank You

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