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Structuring your thesis

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
‘Think of your report as part of your investigation,
not as a duty to be undertaken when your work is
otherwise complete.’ Barras (1993:136)

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this session you will have:
• encountered some typical PhD structures
• audited your own writing and thought about what
you have already written
• written your argument in the form of a hypothesis
• planned a structure for your thesis.

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Overview of session
• Basic structures
• Write early, write often
• Starting your write up
• Planning and amending your plan
• Creating your thesis structure

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Basic structures
On the cards provided you will find the basic
structures of two types of PhDs.

In groups, quickly organise them into two

possible structures.

You don’t have to use all of the cards and you

may add in new sections if you like.

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Basic PhD structure
• Copyright waiver
• Declaration
• Title page
• Abstract
• Acknowledgments
• Table of contents
• Introduction
• Literature review/background
• Middle chapters
• Conclusions and suggestions for further work
• References
• Appendices

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Middle chapters
• Could follow a very conventional IMRaD format:

• Introduction
• Methods
• Results
• Discussion

• Alternatively you may feel your topic needs a

multiple IMRaD approach or some other format
more suited to your research

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Multiple IMRaD

Overview of PhD

Literature survey(?)

Topic one Topic two Topic three

• Introduction • Introduction • Introduction
• Methods • Methods • Methods
• Results • Results • Results
• Discussion • Discussion • Discussion

Conclusion/drawing strands together

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Overview of PhD

Literature survey(?)

Theory (?)

Methods (?)

Theme one Theme two Theme three

eg class eg gender eg race

Conclusion/drawing strands together

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Write early, write often

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Audit what you have
• As you undertake your research you should have
been doing some writing
• Make a list of everything that you have written
• Estimate how many words each piece of writing is.
What is the total number of words you have
• Don’t worry how finished each of these pieces of
writing is
‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae
© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Good writing tasks to complete while
you are researching include:
• Research proposal
• Literature survey
• Analysing data and detailing pilot studies
• Reports for your supervisor
• A personal journal
• Methodology chapters
• Early drafts of other chapters

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
The patchwork

Data Methods


‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Starting your write up…

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
‘A proposition or principle put forth or stated (without
any reference to its correspondence with fact) merely as
a basis for reasoning or argument, or as a premiss from
which to draw a conclusion.’

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Your hypothesis
Ask yourself ‘What am I trying to prove in my thesis?’
Write it in a hypothesis format, eg
• More than 60% of students skip breakfast most

• Ethnic background has a significant impact on

school choice.

• The Hubble telescope will give more accurate

readings of gamma radiation than earthbound
‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae
© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Write a draft structure
Write your patchwork (what you already have) on
to sticky notes

Write your hypothesis across the middle of a

blank piece of paper

Use the sticky notes to create a rough structure

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Planning and amending your

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Once you have a draft structure
1. Look at the structure of recently
submitted PhDs in your discipline

2. Show the structure to your supervisor
3. Attach a word length to each chapter
4. Attach a target to each chapter
5. Work out how what you have done
already fits in
6. Revisit the structure after you finish each

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Communicating your structure
• It is key that you communicate your structure in
your writing
• Repetition and effective signposting will help you to
get your message across

Say what you

Say what you
are going Say it
to say

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
• A detailed contents page
• Abstract
• Introduction and conclusion
• Chapters
• Sub-headings
• Summary paragraphs
• In text, signposts, such as ‘and now it will be
argued that…’

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Creating your thesis structure…

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.
Plan your structure
• Spend a few minutes filling out the handout
based on what we have looked at today

‛Structuring your thesis’ has been developed by Vitae

© 2009 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. Please refer to for full conditions of use.

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