Psychological Foundations of Education

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Psychological Foundations

of Education
EDUC 200

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
Learning Objectives:
▪ to define the word Psychology

▪ to understand the importance of Psychological

Foundations of Education: Teacher Education

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
Learning Objectives:
▪ to define the 4 different Psychological Perspective:
Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Humanism and

▪ to identify different theories under each

Psychological Perspective

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
What is Psychology?
Psychology/sīˈkäləj ē/ n.
▪(Silverman,2014), “the science that seeks to
describe and explain and on decision, to change
the behaviour of man and other animals"

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
▪two Greek words "Psyche"(Soul) and "Logos"(Talk
About or Study)

▪Etymological (Study of Soul)

▪provides the basis for understanding how the

learners learn
Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
What is the importance of Psychological
Foundations of Education?

Psychological Foundations of Education: Importance

in Teacher Education Programme

(Mnkandla, 1999) (Smith, 2012) (Berk ,2003)

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
(Mnkandla, 1999)
provides the teacher with principles that illuminate
classroom instruction by providing a framework for
studying the learning process, the learning situation
and the educational system.

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
(Smith, 2012)
allows the teacher to deal with individual
differences in pupils.

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
(Berk ,2003)
▪Children differ in mental thinking ability, genetic
make-up, temperament, cognitive styles,
intelligence, learning styles and motor development.

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
What are the four Psychological Perspective?

Four Psychological Perspective:

3.Humanism and,
Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
What is Behaviorism?
-theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors
are acquired through conditioning and conditioning,
occurs through interaction with environment.

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
Who are the proponents under behaviorism?

Proponents Under Behaviorism:

1.Ivan Pavlov,
2.Edward Thorndike,
3.B.F Skinner

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
1.Ivan Pavlov
Classical Conditioning(Bell&dog)
refers to learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus
becomes associated with a stimulus that naturally
produces a behaviour.

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
2.Edward Thorndike
The 3 Laws(Effect, Exercise, Readiness)

demonstrated that, in learning, there are always valid

fundamental principles, common to all biological forms,
human beings included.

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
The 3 Laws:
1.Law of effect,
2.Law of Exercise,
3.Law of readiness

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
1.Law of Effect
which stated that any behavior that is followed by
pleasant consequences is likely to be repeated, and
any behavior followed by unpleasant consequences
is likely to be stopped

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
2.Law of Exercise
things that are repeated the most are the ones that
are learned best, and therefore exercise and practice
are essential for learning.

2.2 the law of use 2.3. the law of disuse

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
3.Law of Readiness
to learn you need the right starting conditions

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
3.B.F Skinner
Operant Conditioning
behavior that is followed by pleasant consequences is
likely to be repeated, and behavior followed by
unpleasant consequences is less likely to be repeated.
• Positive and Negative Reinforcement
• Punishment
Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
Positive and Negative Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement refers to the delivery of
something positive, whereas negative reinforcement
refers to the removal or reduction of something

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera

to deter an undesirable behavior

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
Words to Ponder

"Education is a progressive discovery of our own


Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera
Prakash J (2014). Introduction to Psychology. New
Delhi: A.I.T.B.S.

Seifert K and Sutton R (2009). Educational

psychology. Global text project. Zurich. Switzerland

Slavin R (2013). Educational psychology; theory and

practice. Peason publishers. Boston
Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera

Student Presenter
Cherry Ann de Vera

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