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Module 1
a. What is the message being conveyed by
the video?
b. What new information did you gather
from the video?
c. Did you notice anything that is very
creative and relevant in terms of language,
how information was expressed?
d. Do you think that the social media,
particularly youtube, is more effective in
promoting a campaign than other forms of
communication, like print media?
e. Can we say that we are fighters and
survivors of this disease spreading around
the world?
f. If you are given a chance to make or
invent something to fight coronavirus, what
is it and why?
Protect yourself and others around you by knowing the
facts and taking appropriate precautions. Follow advice
provided by your local health authority.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19:

1.Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an

alcohol-based hand rub.
2.Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is
coughing or sneezing.
3.Wear a mask when physical distancing is not possible
4.Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
5.Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a
tissue when you cough or sneeze.
6.Stay home if you feel unwell.
7.If you have a fever, cough and difficulty
breathing, seek medical attention.
8.Calling in advance allows your healthcare
provider to quickly direct you to the right
health facility. This protects you, and
prevents the spread of viruses and other
infections. .
TASK 1 -



Give 4 major concepts on the given topic.

How do Primary and Secondary
Sources differ?
• Primary sources are original records of
the political, economic, artistic,
scientific, social, and intellectual
thoughts and achievements of specific
historical periods.
• –the important thing to remember is they
were used or created by someone with
firsthand experience of an event.Letters,
diaries, photographs and videos are all
primary sources.
• While primary sources are the original
records created by firsthand witnesses of
an event, secondary sources are
documents, texts, images, and objects
about an event created by someone
whoistypically the primary sources for their
information. Dictionaries, reviews,
handbooks, encyclopedias, directories are
excellent examples of these sources.
TASK 2: Grounded
Can you classify and tell whether the materials
listed are primary or a secondary source of
information? Write P if the material is Primary
and S if the material is Secondary.

1. Letters and Diaries 6. Encyclopedia

2. History textbook 7. Newspaper
3. Government 8. Journals
documents 9. Magazine
4. Manuscripts 10. Artifact
5. Video tape
Key to Correction:

1. Letters and Diaries-P 6. Encyclopedia-S

2. History textbook-S 7. Newspaper-P
3. Government 8. Journals-P
documents-P 9. Magazine-P
4. Video tape-P 10. Artifact-P
5. Manuscripts-P
How important is the
correctness of information in
research writing?
A. Direction:Identify which of the
following are firsthand documents
and secondhand ones.
• Write F for firsthand and S for
• 1.A YouTube video describing how the
pyramids were built
• 2.A radio broadcast from the day the
Soviet Union launched Sputnik
• 3.A cartoon showing how Pocahontas met
John Smith
• 4.A copy of your parents’ Certificate of
• 5.An ancient Egyptian mummy you saw at
a museum
• 6.A transcript of Rodrigo Duterte’s first
speech as President
• 7.A newspaper article outlining the effect
of the war in Mindanao mythology
• 8.Pictures taken by your Aunt Norma of
the World Trade Center attack
• 9.An ancient tablet of Babylonian King
Hammurabi’s Code of Laws
• 10.A map of China created during ancient
• 11.A website that summarizes ancient
• 12.An encyclopedia entry on the Vietnam
• 13.An original World War I uniform worn
by your great grandfather
• 14.An original photograph from the 1941
attack at Pearl Harbor that you found in
your grandparents photo album
• 15.A chapter in your world history textbook
about the Ancient Greeks
• B. Go over the following cards below.
Distinguish which ones use primary
sources or secondary sources. Write PS
for firsthand sources and SS for things
created using an original source.
1. My friends and I found an old wedding
dress in our house. My father told us
that it belonged to his mom
2. I like to read People magazine. I
really like the articles about my favorite
local artists.
3. At school we use textbooks to learn
about the history of the Philippines.
4. I found a letter to one of my friends in
class after school the other day. I know
it’s private, but I want to read it!
5. I was watching a local news program
and one of the reporters said he had
heard a good reviews about a new sports

• Write an impressive photo essay on

relevant issues today. Be able to use
examples of primary and secondary
sources of information.

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