PG Prayer Seminar

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Prayer Seminar

Real prayer doesn’t happen until you really pray.

Lack of teaching on prayer is not the problem.

Lack of implementation is.

“We may be assured of this: the secret of all

failure is our failure in secret prayer.”
(The Kneeling Christian, p. 14).
Prayer Seminar

“You can do more than pray after you have

prayed, but you can never do more than pray
until you have prayed.” A. J. Gordon

“The first lesson to be taught the workers in our

institutions is the lesson of total dependence
upon God. Before they can attain success in any
line, they must, each for himself, accept the
truth contained in the words of Christ: ‘Without
Me ye can do nothing.’“ 7T 194.1
Prayer Seminar

“Let nothing, however dear, absorb your mind

and affections, diverting you from the study of
God's word or from earnest prayer. Watch unto
prayer.” 8T 53

“Prayer is not part of the work, prayer is the


“We don’t lack money, training, or knowledge,

we lack the presence.”
Prayer Seminar

The importance of prayer:

1. 2 Chronicles 7:14
2. Zechariah 4:6
3. John 15:1-5
4. John 17
5. Acts 1:8,14; 2:42
6. Luke 11:1-13
Prayer Seminar

Primary Church -
People devoted to prayer.
Prayer Seminar

(1) About prayer

(2) What prayer is / is not
(3) Characteristics of prayer
(4) Hindrances to prayer
(5) Types of prayer
(6) The power of prayer
(7) Action points

Prayer Seminar

Facts about prayer:

1. 450 Bible prayer answers out of 650 (69%)

2. The Bible explains how to pray
(Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21; Prov. 8:17)
3. The Bible reveals the dynamic of prayer
(2 Chron. 7:14; Joel 2:17; Matt. 6:9-13; James 4:2,3)
4. The Bible invites you to pray
(Job 22:27; Ps. 55:17; Phil. 4:6;1 Tim. 2:1)
5. The Bible promises answered prayers
(Ps. 50:15; Jer. 29:13; Luke 11:9; John 16:24)
Prayer Seminar

Prayers in the Bible with same characteristics:

1. Lord’s prayer
2. Moses’ prayer
3. Solomon’s prayer
4. Jehoshaphat’s prayer
5. Daniel’s prayer
6. Isaiah’s prayer
7. Abraham’s prayer
8. David’s prayer
Prayer Seminar

About prayer:

The center of prayer is God, His glory.

The function of prayer is relationship.

The goal of prayer is His presence.

Prayer Seminar

About prayer:

1. Superficial prayer (prayer of form)

2. Real prayer (prayer of faith)

“The repetition of set, customary phrases when

the heart feels no need of God, is formal prayer. . .
We should be extremely careful in all our prayers
to speak the wants of the heart and to say only
what we mean. All the flowery words at our
command are not equivalent to one holy desire.
The most eloquent prayers are but vain repetitions
if they do not express the true sentiments of the
heart.” (My Life Today, 19.) {Pr 265.4}
Prayer Seminar

About prayer:

What prayer is NOT:

1. a monolog
2. a repetition of same words
3. a shopping list
4. an instrument to get what you want
5. to make God in your image
Prayer Seminar

About prayer:

What prayer IS:

• “Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a

friend…” SC 93
• “the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s
storehouse, where are treasured the boundless
resources of Omnipotence” SC 93–95
• Prayer is the breath of the soul. It is the secret of
spiritual power. GW 254
• “communion with God, the Fountain of wisdom, the
Source of strength, and peace, and happiness” Pr 272
Prayer Seminar

About prayer:

Superficial prayer (of cold forms) :

1. Prayer poetry
2. Prayer that doesn’t go through the ceiling
3. Prayer of beggar/consumerism
4. Prayer lukewarm
5. Prayer without meaning
6. Fake/false prayers – pretense

“The repetition of set, customary phrases when the

heart feels no need of God, is formal prayer.”
(My Life Today, 19.) {Pr 265.4}
Prayer Seminar

About prayer:

Real prayer (prayer of faith):

1. genuine, desperate
2. with power, determined
3. consistent, perseverant
4. that changes us
5. that centers on God’s glory and his plan

“The prayer that comes from an earnest heart,

when the simple wants of the soul are expressed,
expecting that it would be granted – this is the
prayer of faith.” My Life Today, 19. {Pr 265.4}
Prayer Seminar

About prayer:

Real prayer:
1. Happens when we respond to God’s call to
bear and possess his Name and reflect his
2. Places us where we belong
3. Changes you, the church, and the world
4. Makes you sensitive to God’s voice and plans
5. Makes us available for God’s service
6. Brings us joy

Real prayer doesn’t happen until you really pray!

Prayer Seminar

Prayer cycle:

God foresees your need &

provides a solution for it
(Isa. 65:24)

We thank and praise God Earth-barriers block

(1 Thess. 5:16-18) solutions (Isa. 59:1,2)
The God-man
Prayer Partnership
Prayers are answered Holy Spirit draws prayers
(Jer. 33:3; 1 John 5:14,15) from us (Rom. 8:27)

God’s solutions now have Our agreement with heaven

access to our lives removes earth-barriers to God’s
(2 Chron. 16:9) solutions (Matt. 18:19)
Prayer Seminar

Characteristics of prayer:

1. centered on God
2. genuine
3. purposeful
4. specific
5. promise-claiming
6. revival-seeking
7. based on faith in His word, His character,
His merits, and His power
“Jesus taught His disciples that only that prayer which
arises from unfeigned lips, prompted by the actual wants
of the soul, is genuine, and will bring heaven's blessing to
the petitioner.” {PaM180.2}
Prayer Seminar

The purpose of prayer:

1. To know God
2. To live in His presence
3. To experience Him and trust Him
4. Discover His plan
5. To allow Him to work for us
6. To be forgiven, cleansed, and changed
7. To allow Him to use us in intercession and
service for others (mission)
8. To be victorious, to reflect His character
9. Outpouring of the Holy Spirit/Revival
Prayer Seminar

Forms of prayer:

1. Secret / private prayer

2. Prayer in group
3. Corporate / public prayer
Prayer Seminar

Forms of prayer:

1. Secret / private prayer

• life-sustaining
• repentance
• revival, change, reformation
• fruits of the Holy Spirit
• spiritual growth
• hear God’s voice, walk with him, total
“We may pray in secret, and He who sees in
secret will hear, and will reward us openly”
{Pr 216.2}
Prayer Seminar

Forms of prayer:

2. Prayer in group
• two or three
• effectual
• build each other
• accountability
Prayer Seminar

Forms of prayer:

3. Corporate/public prayer
• short, earnest
• slow, distinct, simple language
• in unity, simplicity, and trusting faith
• glorifying God
• blessing for hearers
• Revival, dedication, direction

Ex. Solomon, disciples (11+120)

Prayer Seminar

Hindrances to prayer

Bible-based hindrances to prayer:

1.Hindrances that break connection between

man and God
2.Hindrances that delay results
3.The great outside hindrances
Prayer Seminar

Hindrances to prayer

Bible-based hindrances to prayer:

1. Hindrances that break connection to God

a. Cherished iniquity (Ps. 66:18)
b. Not asking (Jam. 4:2)
c. Asking amiss (Jam. 4:3)
d. Lack of forgiveness (Matt. 5:23,24; Matt. 6:9-
15; Matt. 18:19-35; Mark 11:26,27)
e. Double-mindedness (James 1:7,8)
f. Criticism (Matt. 5:22; Gal. 6:1)
g. Worshiping the wrong God (Matt. 6:24; Eze.
Prayer Seminar

Hindrances to prayer

Bible-based hindrances to prayer:

2. Hindrances that delay results

a. Lack of training and ignorance (Jam. 4:2,3; Acts
1:4-8,14;1 John 2:20-27)
b. Un-yielded will (Matt. 26:39)
c. Impatient prayers (Hab. 2:2)
d. Lack of faith (Matt. 17:20; Mk. 9:24; Matt.8:26)
e. Division (Mal. 2:13,14; Prov. 21:9; Prov. 6:19;
Matt. 5:23,24)
f. Fiery tongues (James 3:8-12)
g. Self-righteousness/Self-confidence (Luke
18:10-14; Rev. 3:14-20)
Prayer Seminar

Hindrances to prayer

Bible-based hindrances to prayer:

3. The great outside hindrances

a. The World Environment (Matt. 13:22)
b. Opposition from God's Enemy (Daniel 9,10;
Eph. 6:10-18; 2 Cor. 10:3-5)
c. A Withholding Spirit (Mal. 3:10; Luke 6:38;
Matt. 25:31-46; Acts 10:4)
d. Fiery Arrows (Eph. 6:16)
e. The Martha Syndrome (Luke 10:38-42)
f. The Lion's Roar (1 Pet. 5:8)
g. Spiritual Deception (Matt. 24:4,5,24; 2 Tim.
3:1-7; Col. 2:8)
Prayer Seminar

Hindrances to prayer

Three things that keep us busy (Luke 14:18-20):

Keep us from having relationship with God

1. Possessions
2. Work, worries
3. Relationships
Prayer Seminar

Hindrances to prayer

Useless or invalid prayer:

1. Asking God to do or act contrary to His will (Heb. 6:18;

Ps. 138:2; Matt. 22:37-40; Ex. 20)
2. Asking God to do something He has already done or
to provide something He has already supplied in the
Plan of Redemption. (Col. 1:12, 13)
3. Asking Him to do or provide something for you (or
others) that will, in His wisdom, prove harmful to you
or others. (James 1:17)
4. Asking Him to do something that would force or
coerce the will and right to choose of yourself or others.
(Josh. 24:15)
5. Asking God for something out of selfish reason /
consumerism vs. relationship. (James 4:2)
Prayer Seminar

Hindrances to prayer

Useless or invalid prayer:

6. The taking-God-for-granted prayer – Refraining from

asking because He already knows the need and you
expect Him to automatically grant it. (James 4:1)
7. Asking Him to do something He has already told you
in His Word to do it yourself. (James 4:7,8)
8. Focus on our person and needs vs. God’s glory.
9. Give God our plans/agenda, instead of
waiting/receiving His plans. (Is.50:4)
10. Want our way of answer, in our time; make Him
Prayer Seminar

Barriers to answered prayers

Usual characteristics of regular prayers in our

daily life:
1. Expect to deserve/to pay a little vs. grace
2. No vision/limit God
3. Un-willingness to serve
4. Based on un-forgiveness, false repentance,
duplicity, avoid confession, postpone change
5. Doubtful, lack of faith
6. Self pride, self confidence, not giving up
7. Focus on problems/sin vs. focusing on Jesus
Prayer Seminar

Barriers to answered prayers

Usual characteristics of regular prayers in our

daily life:

8. Asking much, praising little / meaningless

9. Talking and not listening, not contemplating
10. Nurtured sin
11. Too generic vs. specific
12. In hurry vs. quality time for study and
13. Focusing on our person vs. God’s glory
14. Give God own agenda vs. receive His plans
Prayer Seminar

Barriers to answered prayers

Usual characteristics of Bible prayers:

1. Based on God’s grace and character

2. Exercising faith
3. Centered on God, His Glory, His plan
4. Selfless (ready for service, sacrifice)
5. Honest, open, specific
6. Confession, repentance
7. Passionate, meaningful
8. Dialog, listening, waiting
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

1. Worshipping
2. Thanksgiving / Praise
3. Relationship
4. Repentance / Forgiveness
5. Petition
6. Intercession
7. Availability / Service
8. Receive God’s Gifts / Jesus / Holy Spirit /
9. Contemplation
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

• worshiping, exalting and adoring God for
who He is


Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

Worshiping and thanksgiving:

1. David (Psalms)
2. Moses (Exod. 15)
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

• thanking God for something He has done
for your or for others


Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:


Ex.: David - PS 63; 27

Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

Confession / Forgiveness / Repentance

1. definite, to the point

2. specific, particular sins

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to

forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all
unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:
1. Consciousness of sin
2. Conviction of sin
3. Confrontation of sin
a. Revulsion b. Sorrow c. Repentance
4. Confession of sin
a. Admit you have sinned
b. Ask for forgiveness
c. Express desire for expulsion
d. Believe He already forgave you
5. Cleansing process
a. Total dependence on Him/walk with Him
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

Complete forgiveness:
1. Submit the sin-condition to God – a choice to confess
2. Release the sin into His hands – an act-of-will
3. Accept His forgiveness – a choice to accept
4. Receive that forgiveness personally – an act-of-will

“Many Christians are earnestly trying to live complete

spiritual lives with incomplete forgiveness transactions.
They have not learned how to take hold of the
forgiveness-gift God has given them and made it real and
personal in their lives.”
No forgiveness implies no cleansing and no renunciation!
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

• asking God for something for yourself or


Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:


1. physical and spiritual dependence on God

2. in God’s service
3. personal and concrete
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

• The channel through His power is to be
received and distributed
• One of the untouched dimensions of
supernatural power
1. Realize that Jesus is your intercessor
2. Just thank Him for He will be bringing
water to your spiritual desert
3. Ask someone to be your prayer partner
4. Possess your position as priest and king
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

Intercession (7 phases)
• Moses model
1. Establishing the relationship (Ex. 32:7-11)
2. The God-Perspective (Ex. 32:12)
3. The integrity of God’s word (Ex. 32:13-14)
4. Confrontation with sin (Ex. 32:19-28)
5. Resting in the atonement (Ex. 32:29-34)
6. The presence imperative (Ex. 33:1-17)
7. The appeal to grace (submission) (Ex.
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

Service / mission

Rom. 12
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

Asking for God’s gifts

1. “If two of you agree on earth about

anything that they may ask, it shall be done
for them by My Father who is in heaven”
(Matt 18:19)

2. “will freely give us with Him all things”

(Rom. 8:32)
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

Asking for God’s gifts

1. Jesus - John 3:15

forgiveness, cleansing, …
• Justification

2. Holy Spirit – Helper/Comforter: change of

the character
• Sanctification
• And in Jesus all other things …
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

Asking for God’s gifts

1. “If you then, being evil, know how to give

good gifts to your children, how much more
will your heavenly Father give the Holy
Spirit to those who ask Him” (Luke 11:13)

2. His work and His presence are visible

(Acts 1:8; 3:12; 4:31,33; 5:12; 6:8; 8:10,19)
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

The power of Holy Spirit:

• “If the Holy spirit was withdrawn from the

church today, 95% of what we do would go
on and no one would know the difference.”
• “If the Holy spirit had been withdrawn from
the new Testament church 95% of what
they did would stop and everybody would
know the difference.” A. W. Tozer
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

Asking for God’s gifts

Jesus Christ
John 3:16

The Holy Spirit

This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel:
“not by might, nor by power, but by My
Spirit ,” says the LORD Almighty. Zechariah
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

Meditation / contemplation
1. Planed and spontaneous, continue and natural
2. Without hurry
3. Take Time to receive the answer
4. Take Time for spiritual growth
5. Take Time to understand (set understanding
6. Focused on God
7. Focused on His Word and His Law
Prayer Seminar

Types of prayer:

Meditation – methods

1. Be still
2. Contemplate God’s character and works
3. Contemplate His Word and Law
4. Repeat the verse, memorize it
5. Repeat God’s promises back to Him
6. Ask questions
7. Contemplate throughout prayer and study
Prayer Seminar

A prayerless life

Symptoms of a prayerless life:

1. Formality, cold
2. No relevance
3. Devouring pastors and church members
4. Squelching change
5. Absence of young people
6. Lack of growth/unhealthy
7. Unhealthy isolation
8. Concerns for forms without content
Prayer Seminar

A prayerless life

Symptoms of a prayerless life:

9. Lack of love
10. Lack of unity / divisions
11. Lack of joy and peace
12. Lack of life
13. Lack of faith
14. Lack of power
15. God of the past (satisfied with our situation)
Prayer Seminar

A prayerless life

Worse that could happen:

1. We stay just as we are
2. Weary of irrelevant squabbles
3. Lack of love
4. Tired of criticism, faultfinding, and parochial
5. We box God with our preferences, traditions,
cultural Christianity, and religious forms
6. Defeated Christians – know all but… (1 Sam.
17:21,11 – “dressed/lined up for battle, but
no one moved”)
Prayer Seminar

God wants to answer our prayer! John 16:23-24

“I saw that every fervent prayer which is sent up

in faith from an honest heart will be heard of God
and answered, and the one that sends up the
petition will have the blessing when he needs it
most, and it will often exceed his expectations.
Not a prayer of a true saint is lost if sent up in
faith from an honest heart.” {Pr 34.4}
“Our heavenly Father waits to bestow upon us
the fullness of His blessings. It is our privilege to
drink largely at the fountain of boundless love.”
{SC 94.1}
Prayer Seminar

Answered prayer

• To every sincere prayer an answer will come.

It may not come just as you desire, or at the
time you look for it; but it will come in the
way and at the time that will best meet your
need.” (Messages to Young People, 250) {Pr 37.2}
• “When our prayers seem not to be
answered, we are to cling to the promise; for
the time of answering will surely come, and
we shall receive the blessing we need most.”
(Steps to Christ, 96.) {Pr 260.4}
Prayer Seminar

The power of prayer

Powerful prayer:
The Lord is willing to do great things for us.
We shall not gain the victory through numbers,
but through the full surrender of the soul to
Jesus. We are to go forward in His strength,
trusting in the mighty God of Israel. SDG 279

God can do more with one man who is 100%

committed to Him than a whole army of men
who are 99% committed to Him. John Wesley
Prayer Seminar

The power of prayer


“If My people who are called by My name will

1. humble themselves
2. and pray
3. and seek My face
4. and turn from their wicked ways, …”
Prayer Seminar

The power of prayer


1. I will hear/answer from heaven,
2. I will forgive their sin
3. and I will heal their land.”
Prayer Seminar

The power of prayer

1. “Whatever you ask the Father in My name

He will give you.” John 16:23
2. God answers to private prayer publically
3. God changes our heart
4. His work brings visible and unimaginable
Prayer Seminar

• “Pray in faith. And be sure to bring your lives

into harmony with your petitions, that you
may receive the blessings for which you pray.
Let not your faith weaken, for the blessings
received are proportionate to the faith
exercised” (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 7, 274.)
{Pr 216.4}
• “Prayer and faith are closely allied, and they
need to be studied together. In the prayer of
faith there is a divine science; it is a science
that everyone who would make his lifework a
success must understand. Christ says, “What
things so ever ye desire, when ye pray,
believe that ye receive them, and ye shall
have them.” (Mark 11:24) {Pr 318.3}
Prayer Seminar

• “Every prayer which is sent up in faith from

an honest heart will be heard of God and
answered, and the one that sent up the
petition will have the blessing when he needs
it most, and it will often exceed his
expectations. Not a prayer of a true saint is
lost if sent up in faith from an honest heart.”
(Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, 121.) {Pr 34.4}
Prayer Seminar

Action points:

1. Pray intentionally; scheduled time for prayer

2. Pray without ceasing
3. Pray whenever you think about it – anytime,
anywhere, with anyone, in whatever you do
4. Have a specific place of prayer
5. Pray about a variety of things
6. Pray without words, be still, don’t be afraid
of silence, wait for God
7. Separate your prayer and your time of study
Prayer Seminar

Action points:

8. Pray throughout your study

9. Pray for your spouse
10.Pray a blessing on your family – be sure
your life supports your words
11.Pray through newspaper, through
neighborhood, use email prayer, telephone
12.Be real, be consistent, be creative.
=> Pray!!!
Prayer Seminar

Action points:

Return God’s word to Him:

1. Read the Word aloud
2. Pray His Word back to Him
3. Collect Bible verses and passages
4. Memorize Bible verses and repeat them
throughout the day
5. Record your Word resource list on audiotape
6. Apply a Bible text/passage to different
7. Record or journal all His miracles and works
Prayer Seminar

After prayer we stand on:

• on what God has done in the past, for us personally

and for His people
• on God's character, His mercy and His grace
• on His Word, especially on His promises
• positively, regardless of our senses, feelings, logic
(that contradicts God's Word), and scientific prognosis
• against the areas of satanic attack against us and in
our life situation
• with our eyes focused on Jesus only
• intensely expecting God’s answer (manifestation of
God's restoring and upholding power)
Prayer Seminar

Powerful prayer:

“Prayer brings power. Prayer has ‘subdued

kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained
promises, stopped the mouths of lions,
quenched the violence of fire, … turned to
flight the armies of the aliens.’”
{ST, February 3, 1904 par. 7}
“Prayer, faithful earnest prayer will move the
arm that moves the world.“ {PaM 183.1}
Prayer Seminar

“If My people who are called by My name will

humble themselves and pray and seek My face
and turn from their wicked ways, “…then I will
hear / answer from heaven, I will forgive their
sin and I will heal their land.”

“If you abide in me and my words abide in

you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be
done for you.”
Prayer Seminar


Recommended books:

1. The taste of new wine, Keith Miller

2. Waiting on God, Andrew Murray
3. Answers to prayer, George Mueller
4. Flying closer to the flame, Charles Swindoll
5. If my people pray, Randy Maxwell
6. Passionate prayer, Brenda Walsh
7. Communion with God, a devotional guide
for the school of prayer, E.G. White
Prayer Seminar
Prayer Seminar

O God, you are my God, I earnestly seek you; my soul

thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and
weary land where there is no water. I have seen you
in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your
glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips
will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul
will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with
singing lips my mouth will praise you. On my bed I
remember you; I meditate to you through the
watches of the night. Because you are my help,
I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings
to you; your right hand upholds me. Psalm 63:1
A Psalm of David when he was in the Desert of Judah.
Prayer Seminar

One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek:

that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the
days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the
LORD and to seek Him in His temple. Psalm 27:4

I have made you known to them, and will

continue to make you known in order that the
love you have for me may be in them and that I
myself may be in them.“ John 17:26
Prayer Seminar

14.For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15. from

whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives
its name. 16. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may
strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your
inner being, 17. so that Christ may dwell in your hearts
through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and
established in love, 18. may have power, together with
all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and
deep is the love of Christ, 19. and to know this love that
surpasses knowledge-- that you may be filled to the
measure of all the fullness of God. 20. Now to him who
is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or
imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,
21. to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus
throughout all generations, for ever and ever. Amen!

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