Kashmir Issue

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Topic :- Kashmir Issue

Group Members
 Location of state
 Population of state
 History of kishmir issue
 Discesions of securty concil
Location and Area of Kashmir
 Jammu and Kashmir is situated on
the extream North of the islamic
republic of pakistan .Its southern
boundary touches pakistan .This is
almost 1000 KM Long.

 The area of state is 84471sq.km

Population Of state
 The total population of state was 4 million
as per census of 1941.It is predominantly
a muslim state.according to census of
1941 muslim were 80%of total population
 The state is about 6000 feet high from sea
level .The british government sold the
whole state area to Dogra Raja,Gulab
singh for rs.75 lac only in 1846.
History of Kashmir Issue
 The state of Jammu and Kashmir is
culturally , geographically and Religiously
very close to pakistan . Most of the rivers
flows from kashmir to pakistan and
irrigate a vast land of pakistan .
 The kashmiris who have been emotionally
attached with pakistan ,pressed the Raja
to join pakistan .The Hindu ruler did not
appareciate the ideas .
History of Kashmir Issue
 Seeing no hope of liberation ,the muslim
started the a freedom movement. Raja did
every thng to crush the activities muslim
kashmiris .million of kashmiris were forced
to migrate to pakistan .
 The dogra forces of raja killed more than
2 lac muslim Kashmiris .At one stage the
Raja found himself helpless , there fore he
appealed to Bharti Governament to come
to his rescue.
History of Kashmir Issue
 The bharti government on the other hand
kept on pressing Raja to sign the
documents of annexation .The Raja utterly
refused for which the indian government
prepare a fack document and declared the
annexation .
 India send its armies which landed on
srinagar airport and entered the Kashmir
through pathan kot Road .
History of Kashmir Issue
 On this pakistan interfered with the help
of Kashmiris Mujahhdeen and tribal
Pathans The Kashmiris got liberated a
large area This is called Azad Kasmir now-
 India become Nervous an took kashmir
issue to security council of united Nations
on august 12,1948 .
Decision of security Council
The security council in its two resolutions agreed
for :-
 Immediate ceasefire should be enacted in
Jammu and Kashmir
 Under the observation of commission of the UN
a ceasefire line should be drawn B/W
independent and occupied Kashmir
 Pakistan and India to call back their armies from
 Under the observation of the UN people of
Kashmir Vote for their future .
Importance of the solution of
Kashmir Issue
 The relations B/W pakistan and India could not
be developed on better lines until the Kashmir
issue is solved
 The UN is so far unable to solve the international
Problem This is the problem whole solution is
important for whole world
 The dispute has led Pakistan and India to two
publicly declared wars in 1965 and 1971 and two
non-publicly declared wars on 1948 and 1999.
Importance of the solution of
Kashmir Issue
 Both pakistan and india are know atomic
powers .if the problem is not solved
quickly third world war might get triggered
up which will prove to be an atomic wars .
 This war effect the whole world to stop
happening this . Kashmir problem has to
be solved according to the wills of
Kashmiri peoples.

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