Fantasy With A Hollow Spirit

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Fantasy with a hollow spirit?

By Elon Musk Of Failures

OFC writer
• Fantasy, comedy, adventure, mythical

• ??????

• This story is about a man whose wish was granted by god but
sadly god was not a weeb.
Chapter 1:Granted?

Long long ago there was a man named Mr. Monatomic Fatuous.
One day he woke up and heard a voice of his friend. “Hey MF are you finished
dreaming of elfs!” shouted his friend “come to work before you got fired.” Then he
went to work. He got fired the next day because of this creepy fantasy dream. But
still he believed that elfs exist and his dream was to meet an elf like a game but
because of that dream he had suffered too much and still he didn’t give up. At last
he died. A few moments later he found himself in a big forest. He though he was
kidnapped by someone. He was thirsty and found a rivcr. He has no choice but to
drink it. In the process he found out that he was back to himself when he was 19
years old. And suddenly he saw a young teenager fishing. He saw the black aura
coming out from him and he was scared but also happy at same time because that
will make sure that his dream was true.
Vocabulary this chapter

• Monatomic : consisting of one atom

• Fatuous : stupid,dumb,silly,foolish
• MF : you know what
Chapter 2: I am dead? But worth it
MF went closer but the closer he got the more preassure he feel.
Suddenly the boy looked him back. The boy cast a magic barrier
to stop him from coming thinking he was a danger. The boy
stopped his aura and casting when MF hands up. The boy
immediately noticed that he is not from this world and make MF
understand the language of fantasy. They somehow become good
friends and the boy stated that MF’s body is already dead and the
time of the body is stopped to stop it from rotting. MF was sad but
very happy at the same time that magic exit and that mean that
elfs exist too. And the boy revealed that he is a 291 years old
hollow spirit
.(now in present)MF now knows that he is reincarnated as himself from
22 years ago. He was a big weeb so he though that he have a special
ability. MF has memories of his past life but some are not very accurate.
The Boy looks in his memory and said that he was dead because a horse
played soccer and that kick was instant death ability killing MF in the
process. MF felt the pain just by thinking it as well as the boy.
Chapter 3: WTH will of D? this is only chapter 3 btw
Somehow the conversation went to their goals. The boy said his goal is to find his sister who is half elf and half demon and said
she went out for training and didn’t come back. MF said that he wanted to meet an elf and he now sure that elfs exist and he
decided to help the boy so that will make easier for him to find elfs. The boy accepted his help and said elfs are legendary
creatures like his specie demon hollows. And the boy finally reveal his name. Dilhevia D. Sabnack Necron.
D. Snuts in short form. D. Snuts explained about the will of D which is legends among legends. And D. Snuts and MF started
their journey. D. Snuts disguised as a human and they went to a town. Since MF was a big weeb he have knowledge about the
fantasy. They go to a guild and register. And it showed that D. Snuts has dimensional ability which is known as one of ARC
ability. He can see people’s memories by watching the dimension in their mind But in other hand MF got an unknown ability to
peoples there. MF surly knew the ability. The is from his world. That ability is Kanchou.
The ability is called Kanchou mugan which means Inf Sennen goroshi.
This ability added the damage effect to kanchou let him kanchou marked
enemy at any time.MF was sad because of his useless ability.When they
come out the saw the girl named Liniyon. D. Snuts saw his sister in her
memories.They made a party with D. Snuts, MF and Liniyon. They took
first quest to kill orcs. Liniyon’s ability was spirit of water and she was a
strong fighter too and then MF found out that his ability can instant kill
enemies who aren’t 2 times stronger him.
Then while they while hunting Orc Lord named Butatoutei but they were
starters and they couldn’t fight him then D. Snuts sister appear and saved
then. Her name was Phyrra Tyrant (Putin in short form)
D. Snuts and MF’s desire was fulfilled but D. Snuts sister and Liniyon said
they want to defeat demon lord .
Chapter 4 : Why he become demon king and I become Cooking
The demon king’s name is Floudlin Kingpin and that was a strange name for
peoples from other world. MF know that he is not from this world and he is
familier with that name in his world. His bully senior’s name was same too. They
call him FK but the people here called Fakkin. MF felt somehow angry. Two
people got to fantasy but one became demon king but another didn’t get anything.
That is crazy to defeat demon king but MF was irritated and said to help them out
and D. Snuts agree too. At the same time MF is excited to go on a big adventure
with an elf just as expected from a big weeb.So then they started their historical
jorney. To be continued in MF and D. Snuts’s adventure dk.

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