Indigenous People in Northern Philippines: Igorot: Prepared By: Aina M. Balang

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People in
Prepared by:
 ILO 1: Achieve a knowledge base about indigenous
people in Northern Philippines;
 ILO 2: Become aware of the contributions of Igorot
people to the economic wellness of the Philippines;
 ILO 3: Identify the different Igorot ethnic group;
 ILO 4: Identify the culture practices and history of
indigenous people in Norther Philippines;
 ILO 5: Understand the importance of indigenous
people in the Philippines;
People from the Mountains
 The Igorots are an ethnic people of the Philippines,
clustered in the Cordillera region of Luzon
 “Igorot” is the modern term to describe the indigenous
people of the Cordillera Mountains located in the northern
part of the Philippine island of Luzon.
 When first “discovered” by the Spaniards in the 16th
century, they were called “Ygolotes” – later to be re-
spelled “Igorrotes.”
Five inscribed clusters are
 Nagacadan terrace cluster
 Hungduan terrace cluster
 Bangaan terrace cluster
 Batad terrace cluster
Spirits and Religion
Spirits and Religion
 The basis of Igorot religion is a belief in
the spirit world—animism is found
widespread among most primitive tribes.
The Igorot believed in the Anito, or spirit
of the dead, which governs all dead
people, and has all power for good, evil,
life, and death.
Faith and Rituals
Faith and Rituals

 Pinikpikan

Is a dish from the Cordilleras that’s

prepared by beating a live chicken,
before burning, slaughtering, and
cooking it. It’s name comes from the
word “pikpik,” or “to beat
Categories of God
 Dios Adi Kaila – the creator
 Kabunyan – the one who
executes the creator’s plans
 Anitos – ancestral spirits
 Cañao – offered for religious celebration,
funerals, and to secure healing
 Begnas – offered for bountiful harvest;
usually they offer killed animals for their
“Anitos” and distribute the meat to the
whole village
 Senga for Be-ey – House blessing
 Senga for Newly wed couples – they offer
animals like chicken, pig, cow, or carabao
that they distribute to their relatives who
attended and even those who did not.
 The Igorot live in small hamlets
scattered among the rice terraces.
Traditional houses were composed by
wooden floors, windowless walls and
pyramidal thatch roofs. They are
elevated from the ground by trunks.
The inhabitants used removable
staircases that were hoisted up at
night to protect the family inside.
Male native costume
 The “bag” (bahag) is the
common costumes for male
Igorots or Kalingas. It is a
long woven material about 10
to 15 inches wide and 3 to 5
feet long.
Female native costume
 On the other hand, the
female Igorot or Kalinga
costume consists of a large
rectangular woven clothing
about 3 to 5 feet wide, and 3
to 4 feet long.

 Their language is Austronesian (Malayo-

Polynesian), similar to one of neighbors, but with
a number of particular characteristics that set them
 Igorot have one of the world’s most extensive
oral legal traditions: Hudhud chants of the Ifugao,
consisting in narrative chants, were inscribed in
2008 by UNESCO on the Representative List of the
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Wooden spoons with human figures
baskets made of bejuco
Headhunting and Tattoos
 Headhunting for the Igorot was for religious
purposes and the acquisition of magical powers. Also
to ensure abundant harvests, increase prosperity, and
to ensure the fertility of the tribe.
 The chaklag tattoo
Usually a design going upward from each nipple, and
curving outward onto the shoulder and region of the
upper arms, symbolizes the number of fresh trophy
heads taken during inter-tribal raids and battles.
 Wasay

This particular battle axe is used by the Igorots of

the Kalinga tribe and can be, and still is used, for
carving wood to make things such as furniture,
statues, weapons such as spears and shields, not to
mention building houses and other things like
 The kalaság
Is large rectangular wooden
shield used by precolonial
Filipinos. The shield is made of
hardwood and is decorated with
intricate carvings and an
elaborate rattan binding on the
 Sibat
 A spear typically made with rattan,
bamboo, bahi or other hardwood,
either with a sharpened tip or a head
made from metal.
 Gangsa is a single hand-held smooth-
surfaced gong with a narrow rim. A set
of gangsa, which is played one gong
per musician, consists of gangsa tuned
to different notes, depending on
regional or local cultural preferences.
 Kalaleng or Tongali (nose
flute)  Because the kalaleng is long and
has a narrow internal diameter, it is
possible to play different harmonics
through overblowing—even with the
rather weak airflow from one nostril.
 Tongatong is a bamboo percussion
instrument used by the people of Kalinga
to communicate with spirits during house
blessings. It is made of bamboo cut in
various lengths. 
 Diwdiw-as is a 5 or more different size
of slender bamboo that is tied together.
 Saggeypo it is a bamboo pipe that is
closed on one end by a node with the
open end held against the lower lip of the
player as he blows directly across the
top. The pipe can be played individually
by one person or in ensembles of three or
 Solibao is hallow wooden Igorot
drug topped with pig skin or
lizard skin this is played by
striking the drum head using the
palm of the hand.
 Bungkaka- bamboo buzzer
 Kullitong- polychordal bamboo
tube zither

 Ulibaw- bamboo jaw’s harp

 Patangguk- bamboo quill-

 Pateteg- bamboo leg

 Paldong- bamboo lip-valley

Bontoc Tribes
 Bontoc

is a small community in Mountain Province in the

Central Cordillera Range at the end of the famous
Halsema Highway that starts in Baguio. It is located
on the Chico River amidst stunning scenery.
 Bayyo Rice Terraces
Is located along the Bontoc-Banaue Road. You can
view this stunning vista along the road. It is around
30-40 minutes of jeepney ride from Bontoc
 Bontoc Museum
Is located in the town proper at the Saint Vincent
Elementary School. In here, you can see photos
depicting the different cultures, customs and
traditions of the Igorot people.
 Lang-ay Festival
Is the foremost festival of Mountain Province,
celebrated annually in Bontoc, the capital town. It
draws not only thousands of local and foreign tourists
but also expats who trace their roots here. It has become
the largest come-on of the said province, showcasing
the best of their cultural heritage.
 Whitewater rafting on the Chico River
The Chico River is the longest river in the Cordillera
Range. We will take you whitewater rafting on this
spectacular river. The Chico River is the longest
river in the Cordillera Range.

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