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Gender studies
Equality and Equity
Submitted to:
Mam Sahiba Irfan
Group No: 3
Meraj khan
Khizar Hayat
Tehmina Fareed
Maida Iqbal
Ajmal Kashif
Zain Mustafa
Main Heading: Equality and Equity

 Sub headings:
 Definition of equality and equity with example
 Difference b/w Equality and Equity
 Importance of Equality and Equity
 Ways to promote Equality and Equity
 Equality and social discrimation of women
 Challenges faced by Muslim societies
Definition of Equality and Equity
equality can be defined as treating each and every individual in the same manner irrespective. This is
to say that whatever the necessity of the individual is , it is ignored to prom
 Equality: can be defined as treating each and every individual in the same manner irrespective.
This is to say that whatever the necessity of the individual is , it is ignored to promote the ideal of
fairness equal treatment.

 Example: if you are the teacher of the class and have been giving a task of distribution tofu to all
the kids equally.......
• the the ideal of fairness equal treatment.

• Example if you are the teacher of the class and have been giving a task of distribution tofu to all the
kids equally.......
Equity: can be defined as the quality of treating individuals fairly based on their needs and
requirements. This does not denoted that an equal amount should be distributed to each and
every individual.......

Example: in business, do you divide profits equally among the labours and officer class?.
Or divide the profits among partners equally....
Difference b/w Equality and Equity

 Equality and equity are quite different. But those who are not aware of the English language
often get confused between these two words.

 Equality: It demands everyone to be treated same.

 Individuals needs and requirements are ignored.

 Equity: It is based on justice and fairness.

 Attention is paid to individual needs and requirements.

 Focus:

 Equality: It focus on giving something to all the people irrespective of the need.

 Equity: Its main focus is on need and requirement of the people.

Importance of Equality and EQUITY

 A nation can progress and attain higher development growth only when both men and women are entitled to equal
opportunities. Women in society are often cornered and refrained from getting equal rights as men to
health,education,decision making and economic independence in terms of wages.

 Gender equality makes our communities safer and healthier. Main advantages of gender equality is that men and
women can achieve all the same things in life, from the same career, and jobs types and can rise up the rank in the
same fashion.

 Violence disturbs society at every level gender inequality is the source of a lot violence including human
trafficking and a lack of legal protection for abused women. Improving equality for girls and women can reduce
the amount of violence and provide the security who are vulnerable.

 Gender equality is good for business and economy, when women and men get equal opportunities all of society
get benefits. Studies reveals that a diverse workplace is a more reproductive workplace that diversity include
gender diversity.
 In modern societies, the usage of equity has increased due to concerns about social justice and a
desire of fairness for historically oppressed groups. In terms of the law, minority groups have
technically equal rights but are still treated unfairly due to unequal access to resources or
opposition from dominant groups who deny other equal representation while still acting with the

 Some societies view equity as a worthy goal in and of itself because of its moral implications
and its intimate link with fairness and social justice. Policies that promote equity can help,
directly and indirectly, reduce poverty. Policies that promote equality can boost social cohesion
and reduce the political conflict. Many development agencies recognize equity as a central goal
for their programming. If there would be equity in society then ultimately there would be
prosperity and peace because by equity the needs and requirements of people can be fulfilled.
Ways to promote Gender Equality and
 Family play an important role to create a sense of equity and equality among children of both
gender. Parents are the first role model children have. So, if they grew up seeing inequality is
being tolerated in this relationship, they are more likely to be exposed to negative gender
stereotype. So, it is important for parents that children of both gender should be listened and
heard carefully.

 Children learn a lot from their surroundings. Culture and traditions can cause gender
inequality. Children who grow up in gender equitable environment tend to believe in gender
stereotype less than children who grow up in gender inequitable environment

 There has been much progress increasing access to education. But progress has been slow in
improving gender sensitive Of the education system, including text books promote positive
 Media can play role as a game changer. All forms of media must promote positive
gender role models and equitable gender norms through movies, shows, documentaries
and articles. They can communicate to masses and have an impact due to depth of
messaging and reach.

 Mutual respect for all irrespective of sex, caste, socioeconomic status, religion, region
and educational status. These are the core values which starts getting ingrained in
younger minds from an early age. Hence it is important to imbibe mutual and
unconditional respect, equality and opportunity amongst all to lay a strong found for a
gender equal society.
Equality and social discrimination of
Definition with Example

 Gender equality is the state in which access to rights or opportunities is

unaffected by gender. But in realty women not enjoyed much rights as men in
the society and this is called social discrimination of women 1

 Example

 government and private sector facilitate men more as compared to women like
in our upper house (Senate) there are limited seats for female

 Example

 In our society, patriarchal social structure is more dominant so decision making

authority is in the hand of men
Is this difference can be eradicated:
Yes this difference can be eradicated ,Article 32 and 34 of same Constitution says
that they give freedom to women to take full participation in every sphere of
life....USAID is working with Pakistan in improving ,
main access to economic opportunities
Increasing girls access to education etc..
Ifwe want to eradicate this difference completely we have to change our social
though which needs too much efforts...

Equality and socialism:

Socialism is an economic system where everyone in society equally owns the
factors of produce society Equality and socialism
Equality is undoubtedly the defining goal of socialism. ... Socialists favor a more
equal distribution of wealth and income within society.
Challenges faced by Muslim societies

The battle between extremism and moderation:

Extremism means to the extreme or the quality of being extreme . Moderation is the middle
and straight path which is against terrorism , violence and destruction . Islam asks for
moderation .
Equitable distribution of income and wealth
1 Depending on one effort
2 Those who are unable should be helped
Takes into account condition of economy before it engages itself in production process
Post production distribution:
Functional distribution : allocating the product among factors of production
Recognition of the human dignity especially that of human: Human dignity is the belief
that all people hold a special value that is tied solely to their humanity . Recognizing human
dignity is very important . All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights .
True respect for woman starts with accepting . It involves creating the social conditions for
her to live freely and fully , without discrimination , according to her feminine genius , the
special wisdom she has in caring for the intrinsic dignity of everyone , in nurturing life and
love and in developing others gifts.

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