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Factual text and reading strategies

Team 1
• Leonardo Díaz Brizuela
• David Azahel Gómez Torres
• Ricardo Jair García Mata
• Danae Roldán Herrera
• Emiliano Sánchez Arzave
Informative texts
● Informative texts are non-fiction text that wants to advise or tell you about something by stating facts.
● Newspaper
● Magazine
● Website of information
Characteristics of informative texts
● Usually they avoid repetition
● Contain facts
● Give information in clear way
● The author helps the reader understand the text.
● Place important vocabulary in bold type
● Use visual representation with captions
Forms of organization
They are using chronological order or sequencing or descriptive texts, with may use a spatial order.
● Sequence of events
● Description by categories
● Process description
● Comparison and contrast
● Problem and solution
● Cause and effect
Reading: skimming and scanning
There are techniques, which enable you to cover a vast amount of material very rapidly, these techniques
have different purpose, especially for quickly looking over.
● Skimming is a method of rapidly moving eyes over texts with the purpose of getting only the main ideas
and general overview of the content
● Reviewing skimming is useful for reviewing text already read
● Reading, skimming is most often used for quickly reading material that, for any number of reasons, does
not need more detailed information.
Steps in Skimming an article
1. Read the title, is the shortest possible summary of the content
2. Read the introduction or lead in paragraph
3. Read the first paragraph completely
4. Look relationship among them
5. Read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph
6. Dip into the text looking for:
●Clue words
●Proper nouns
●Unusual words
●Qualifying adjectives
●Topography al cues
1. Read the final paragraph completely
Reading: skimming and scanning
Scanning is the way the reader locates specific information for example a
date, name or fact.
The steps are:
1.-Keep in mind the information you are looking for.

2.- Anticipate how the information is going to be presented.

3.- Analyze the text before scanning: it could be a brief text, a difficult text, or it could be too long.

4.- Read fast to locate the piece of information you are looking for.

5.- Read the complete sentence which has the specific information you wanted.
Comparative chart between skimming and

Move your eyes fast to get the main or general idea We scan to get specific information.
of the text.

It is useful to review what you will read or what you It is useful to locate a specific name, date or fact without
have already read. reading the complete text.

You do not read for detailed information. We skip parts of the text to locate the information we are
looking for.

Skim a text when you want to pre-read, review or Scan a text when you want to locate detailed pieces of
read a quickly reading material. information.
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Ecology of Food and Nutrition

Ecología de la Alimentación y la Nutrición se esfuerza por convertirse en un foro para difundir información académica sobre
las dimensiones holísticas e interculturales del estudio de la alimentación y la nutrición. Enfatiza los alimentos y los sistemas
alimentarios no solo en términos de su utilización para satisfacer las necesidades nutricionales y de salud humana, sino
también para promover y cuestionar la identidad social y cultural.

Thank you!!!!!!

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