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Lesson 1

ICT Online Platforms

in Creating Web
• We are on the Information Age on which
information seems so easy to reach. One
of the tools that we usually use if you
need to answer a question from your
subject is a website which can we use if
we are online.
• A website or web site is a set of related
resources from the web. These resources
were considered as web pages and
multimedia (e.g.: videos, music, images).
• ACTIVITY 1: Website or application
(apps) you are using.
• In your smartphone or computer list ten
(10) websites or applications you usually
use or visit and identify the best feature
that you like on it. The first item listed
on the table is an example to guide you
on this activity. Write it on your big
• A platform-enabled website or online
platforms gives a feature on which allows
to manipulate the content of the
Three types of
online platforms
Social Media Platforms
• This platforms allows you to create your
personal account and profile. After you
register on this website, it will allow you
to create pages or even groups where you
can share content and ideas. Social Media
platforms enables you to connect
yourself to other users and get updates
on their news feed.
Blogging Platforms
• A platform on where a writer or even a
group of writers can share on an
individual subject. It is comparable to a
newsletter where you can add menus,
designs or even multimedia of a
subject. Blogger is an example of
blogging site. If you love to write or
share ideas online, blogging platforms is
the perfect tool you can use.
Content Management
System or CMS

• One of the feature of this platform is that

you can publish your own website and
manage its content through intranet or in
a single computer. This is a software
where you can easily create, update,
organize, and publish the content of your
website. A popular example of CMS is

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