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C Reshmitha Naidu

9th class-M2

To Find Operation of sets

by an activity
To Find Power of Set by an activity
 For the set {a,b,c}:
• The empty set {} is a subset of {a,b,c}
• And these are subsets: {a}, {b} and {c}
• And these are also subsets: {a,b}, {a,c} and {b,c}
• And {a,b,c} is a subset of {a,b,c}
And altogether we get the Power Set of {a,b,c}:
 P(S) = { {}, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a, b, c} }
{a,b,c} has three members (a,b and c).
So, the Power Set should have 23 = 8, which it does, as we worked out before.

The number of members of a set is often written as |S|, so when S has n members we can write:
 |P(S)| = 2n
 Let's eat! We have four flavors of ice cream: banana, chocolate, lemon, and strawberry. How
many different ways can we have them?
Let's use letters for the flavors: {b, c, l, s}. Example selections include:
• {} (nothing, you are on a diet)
• {b, c, l, s} (every flavor)
• {b, c} (banana and chocolate are good together)
• Etc.,
The number of members of a set is often written as |S|, so when S has 4 members we can write:
 |P(S)| = 24
= 16

And the result is (more neatly arranged):

 P = { {}, {b}, {c}, {l}, {s}, {b,c}, {b,l}, {b,s}, {c,l}, {c,s}, {l,s}, {b,c,l}, {b,c,s},
{b,l,s}, {c,l,s}, {b,c,l,s} }
To find Unions, Intersections and Difference of Sets by an
Union of two Joint Sets
If A and B are two finite sets and there is some common
elements within them, that is, A∩B≠∅
n (A∪B) =n (A) +n (B)-n (A∩B)

Union of two Disjoint Sets

If A and B are two finite sets and there is no common
elements within them, that is, A∩B=∅
n (A∪B) =n (A) +n (B)
 Intersection of Sets
The intersection of two sets A and B means a set of
all the elements which are common to both A and B.
It is represented by symbol “∩” reads as “Intersection”.
A∩B = {x: x ∈ A and x ∈ B}

Difference of two Sets

The difference of two Sets A and B represents as A-B that is,
all the element which are present in A but not in B.
A – B = {x: x ∈ A and x ∉ B} and vice versa.
A-B is not necessarily equal to B-A
The above figure shows that the sets
  A – B, A ∩ B and B – A are disjoint sets, it means, the
intersection of any of these two sets is the empty set that is, ∅
n (A∪B) = n (A-B) + n (A∩B) + n (B-A)
 Activity
There are 500 students in a school, 220 like science subject, 180 like math and 40 like both science and math. Find the
number of students who like
• Science but not math
• Math but not science
• Either math or science

 Solution 
Let the total number of students be U that is, the universal set.
Let A is the set of number of students who like science.
Let B is the set of number of students who like math.
Here, n (U) =500      n (A) =220    n (B) =180    n (A∩B) =40
• Here we have to find the number of students who like science but not math, so symbolically we have to find A-B.
As it is showing in the Venn diagram,
A = (A-B) ∪ (A∩B)
n (A) = n (A-B) + n (A∩B)
n (A-B) = n (A) - n (A∩B)
= 220 – 40 = 180
Hence, the numbers of students who like science only not math are 180.
• Here we have to find the number of students who like math but not science, so symbolically we have to
find B-A.
B = (B-A) ∪ (A∩B)
n (B) = n (B-A) +n (A∩B)
n (B-A) =n (B)-n (A∩B)
Hence, the numbers of students who like math only not science are 140.
• Here we have to find the number of students who like either math or science.
n (A∪B) = n (A) + n (B) – n (A∩B)
= 220 + 180 – 40
= 360
Thank you

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