Car Parking Presentation

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Car Park Ventilation

by Jet Thrust System

Presented By
Ian Watts
Regional Sales & Business Development Manager
Car Park Ventilation

Types of Car Parks

Basic Principles
Types of Systems
Impulse Ventilation Benefits
 Product Range
Types of car parks

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 3

Types of car parks

Car Park Types

 Open Sided Car Parks
 Naturally Ventilated Car Parks
 Mechanical Ventilated Car Parks

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Types of car parks

Regulations and Standards

 Most systems are designed to UK Building Regulations approved document B & F

• 6 air changes per hour for pollution ventilation
• 10 air changes per hour for emergency ventilation

 BS standard BS7346-7

 Impulse system design objectives:

• Even air distribution throughout the area

• Achieve smoke clearance by dispersal

• Assist fire fighting access

• Protect means of escape

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Types of car parks

Open Sided Car Parks

 Completely above ground

 Each storey has 5 % of the floor area as Permanent Wall Openings.
With at least half divided between 2 opposing walls
 Ventilation of Smoke and Vehicle fumes

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Types of car parks

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Types of car parks

Naturally Ventilated Car Parks

 2.5% of the floor area provided as permanent wall openings. With at

least half divided between 2 opposing walls.
 Mechanical assistance required for Vehicle fumes (3AC/h)
 Sufficient for Smoke ventilation

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Types of car parks

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Types of car parks

Mechanically Ventilated Car Park

 Normally located Underground

 Natural Ventilation not possible
 6 Air changes per hour for vehicle fumes
 10 Air changes per hour for Smoke clearance
 Fans rated 300 Deg C 60 minutes
 Extract volume divided between at leas 2 fans
 Ductwork rated 800 Deg C

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Types of car parks

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Types of car parks

• Loading bays

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Types of car parks

• Complex Tunnels

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Basic Principles

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Basic Principals

traditional supply ducting (NOT car parks):

Supply Air Ducts

air is supplied in a controlled manner

to where it is required

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Basic Principals

traditional ducted car park system:

EXTRACTED through the ducts

h ig

ve l

air supply is uncontrolled

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Basic Principals

traditional ducted car park system:

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Basic Principals

• Main extract fans give air change rate

• Supplied air from ramps / openings (or supply fans)

• Jet Thrust Fans control the supplied air

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Basic Principals

 Distribution ducting is replaced by a number of small impulse fans

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Basic Principals

Jet Thrust Fan installation

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Basic Principals

Entrained flow from low level

Jet Thrust Fan - air entrainment

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 21
Basic Principals

Supply air in

Jet Thrust Fans

control the air

Extracted out

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 22

Basic Principals

CFD example of a real car park…

Entrance / exit (Main
source of supply air into
car park)
Extract point
Make-up supply air via
louvre in wall of car park

isometric view (with roof removed)

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 23
Basic Principals

= Primary ‘dead-spots’

CFD analysis to eliminate of ‘dead spots’

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 24
Basic Principals

shows movement of air around the car park…

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Types of systems
Calculation Method

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Types Of System

• Pollution only

• Smoke clearance / purging

• Smoke control

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fume extraction

Pollution Ventilation

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Fume extraction (day-to-day)


• Prevent build up of contaminants:

• Carbon Monoxide (CO)

• Nitrous Oxide (NoX)

• Provide feeling of freshness in the air

• Good Air Distribution

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction (day-to-day)

ducted system - 100 extract points Jet Thrust System - 16 Jet Thrust Fans

air speed air speed

area of still air

area of stagnant air even distribution of clean air

air quality air quality

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 30
Fume extraction – Example codes of practice

Time PPM Ventilati

UK 8 hrs 30 6 – 10
15 mins 90 ac/h
Poland - - 6 – 10
Denmar - - 1.8 L/s.
k m²
German - - 3.3 L/s.
© Fläkt Woods 2007 m²
Fume extraction – Field testing

Source. Ashrae Guide 2001

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Calculation methods

Calculating ventilation rate based on

predicted CO levels in the car park

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction – Design Considerations


Design based on intended car park use and size (Travel time)
% of cars in
operation at
Intended use peak times Ref.
Sports stadium 20 Ashrae guide 2001
Shopping mall 40 Ashrae guide 2001
Office 90 -
Calculate ventilation rate depending on predicted no.
of cars in operation & emission levels

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction – ASHRAE Example

Information Required:-

Number of cars in operation during peak period (  )

Average CO emission rate of a typical car, (), g/s

Average length of operation / travel time ( ), s

CO concentrat ion acceptable in car park (COMax), PPM

Total Floor area of car park ( f ), m 2

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction – Design Considerations

•2 level car park for a shopping mall
•Car capacity 450
•Total floor area 9000m²
•Height 2.7m
•Typical travel distance 2 mins (120s)
•Maximum CO level 25ppm

Number of cars in operation during peak period (  )

Average CO emission rate of a typical car, (), g/s
Average length of operation / travel time ( ), s
CO concentration acceptable in car park (COMax), PPM
Total Floor area of car park ( f ), m 2

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction – Design Considerations

Determine Peak Generation Rate (G), g/s / m²

ITE (Institute of Traffic Engineers)

3-5% for apartments 
15-20% sports stadium
Shopping malls 40%, may be
higher in holiday periods f
Number of cars in operation during peak period (  )
Average CO emission rate of a typical car, (), g/s
Average length of operation / travel time ( ), s
CO concentration acceptable in car park (COMax), PPM
Total Floor area of car park ( f ), m 2

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction – Design Considerations

Determine Peak Generation Rate (G), g/s / m²

Number of cars in operation
450  0.4 during Average
180 peak period (  ) 11.67g/m CO emission
- Average rate ofona atypical
of all values car,
winters day((0.19
), g/s g/s)

ITE (Institute of Traffic Engineers)

3-5% for apartments 
15-20% sports stadium
Shopping malls 40%, may be
higher in holiday periods f
Total Floor area of car2 park ( f ), m 2

Number of cars in operation during peak period (  )

Average CO emission rate of a typical car, (), g/s
Average length of operation / travel time ( ), s
CO concentration acceptable in car park (COMax), PPM
Total Floor area of car park ( f ), m 2

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction – Design Considerations

Determine Peak Generation Rate (G), g/s / m²

450  0.4  180 11.67 - Average of all values on a winters day (0.19 g/s)

G G   0.004 g/s/m 2
9000m 2

Number of cars in operation during peak period (  )

Average CO emission rate of a typical car, (), g/s
Average length of operation / travel time ( ), s
CO concentration acceptable in car park (COMax), PPM
Total Floor area of car park ( f ), m 2 Generation Rate (G)  0.004 g/s /m 2

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction – Design Considerations

Normalize the Generation Value

f  100
26.7g/h/m2 - Constant value taken from actual car park (0.0074g/s/m 2 )

Number of cars in operation during peak period (  )

Average CO emission rate of a typical car, (), g/s
Average length of operation / travel time ( ), s
CO concentration acceptable in car park (COMax), PPM
Total Floor area of car park ( f ), m 2 Generation Rate (G)  0.004 g/s /m 2

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction – Design Considerations

Normalize the Generation Value

Generation Rate (G)  0.004 g/s /m 2

f f   100  54
26.7g/h/m 2 - Constant value taken from actual car park (0.0074g/s/m 2 )

Number of cars in operation during peak period (  )

Average CO emission rate of a typical car, (), g/s
Average length of operation / travel time ( ), s
CO concentration acceptable in car park (COMax), PPM
Total Floor area of car park ( f ), m 2 Normalized Generation Rate ( f )  54

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction – Design Considerations

Calculate Air Change Rate Required

Correlation given for CO levels
C  1.204x10-6 (m 3 /s)/(m2 /s) for COMax  15ppm
 0.692x10-6 (m 3 /s)/(m2 /s) for COMax  25ppm
 0.238x10-6 (m 3 /s)/(m2 /s) for COMax  35ppm
ACH (Air Changes Per Hour)

Q  Cf

Number of cars in operation during peak period (  )

Average CO emission rate of a typical car, (), g/s
Average length of operation / travel time ( ), s
CO concentration acceptable in car park (COMax), PPM
Total Floor area of car park ( f ), m 2 Normalized Generation Rate ( f )  54

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction – Design Considerations

Calculate Air Change Rate Required

6 3 2
Q  0.692  10  54 120s  0.0043(m /s)/m

Number of cars in operation during peak period (  )

Average CO emission rate of a typical car, (), g/s
Average length of operation / travel time ( ), s
CO concentration acceptable in car park (COMax), PPM
Total Floor area of car park ( f ), m 2 Normalized Generation Rate ( f )  54

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction – Design Considerations

Calculate Air Change Rate Required

(0.0043(m 3 /s)/m 2  3600)

Q  5.73 AC/h

Number of cars in operation during peak period (  )

Average CO emission rate of a typical car, (), g/s
Average length of operation / travel time ( ), s
CO concentration acceptable in car park (COMax), PPM
Total Floor area of car park ( f ), m 2 Normalized Generation Rate ( f )  54

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Fume extraction - Summary

• Codes of practice vary widely from country to

country – there is no general consensus on
right or wrong way.

• Fixed ventilation rates means that larger car

parks tend to be over Engineered!

• Some field studies have shown CO levels to

be comparatively lower than standards

• CO emission standards are becoming

increasingly more stringent – Emissions far
less harmful now than 10 years ago.

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Emergency Ventilation
Smoke purging
(smoke clearance systems)

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To dilute, cool and extract smoke
Air Change rate

2 Reasons

•Fire fighters

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Smoke Clearance

extract fans 10AC/h for Example

Only 50% of duct is extracting
smoke at high level - i.e. 5 ac/h

5 air changes at high level

supply air

5 air changes at
low level

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Smoke Clearance

100% is extracting smoke at high level -

extract fans
i.e. 10 ac/h
10 air changes

Jet Thrust Fan

supply air

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Smoke Clearance - Calculation
inlet air
via ramp


Air is


3m high

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Smoke Clearance

Air Change Rate Calculation

Volume of Car park  Air Change Rate

Volume Flow Rate (m3 /s) 

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 51

Smoke Clearance

AC/H Calculation

Volume of Car park  Air Change Rate

Volume Flow Rate (m3 /s) 

Width  Length  Height

64m  125m  3m

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Smoke Clearance

AC/H Calculation

3 24000m3  Air Change Rate

Volume Flow Rate (m /s) 

Air Changes per Hour

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Smoke Clearance

AC/H Calculation

3 24000m3  10AC/h
Volume Flow Rate (m /s) 

To convert into seconds

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Smoke Clearance

AC/H Calculation

3 24000m3  10AC/h
Volume Flow Rate (m /s)   66.67(m3 /s)

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Smoke Clearance
inlet air
via ramp


Air is


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Smoke Control

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Smoke Control – The Differences

•Aim is to provide clear access for fire fighters

•Clear route for escape of occupants

There are 2 main Differences from smoke clearance

•Quantity of Jet Fans

•Volume Flow Rate of Main Fans

•Volume of smoke to be extracted

•Velocity through the car park

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Smoke Control – Applicable to both

•Care should be taken not to induce too much airflow with

Jet fans.

• Extract fans should immediately respond on detection of

a fire.

• A time delay should be incorporated before operating the

jet fans to assist escaping occupants.

© Fläkt Woods 2007

BS7346 part 7

• The air change rate provided should be at least 10 ac/h.

• Care should be taken not to directly expose access

doors to dynamic pressures.

• The discharge point should be sited such that they will

not cause smoke to re-enter the building.

• Requirements of approved document B should be met.

© Fläkt Woods 2007

BS7346 part 7 – Fire fighter access

• Calculations should be based on the appropriate design

fire size.

• Bulk velocity induced sufficient to halt the advance of the

ceiling jet within 10m from the fire for all possible

• Fire fighter access from exterior or protected stairwells to

allow at least one clear approach to any possible fire

• Design should take into account presence of down-stand


© Fläkt Woods 2007

BS7346 part 7 – Fire fighter access

• Velocity within escape routes should not exceed 5m/s

• Maximum inlet air speed should not exceed 2m/s.

• The car park should be divided into smoke control zone

of not more than 2000m².

• Design based on creation of smoke control zones should


• Have physical partitions to prevent smoke spread

• Demonstrate using a CFD model that smoke is

contained within the boundaries.
© Fläkt Woods 2007
Points to consider….

Car park may still smoke log even if sufficient

air is being extracted:

 Location of supply point with respect to


 Effect due to obstructions on flow of air

 Inlet velocity too high

 Many of these may seem obvious but

are often overlooked!

© Fläkt Woods 2007

BS7346 part 7 - Design fires

Steady state design fires

Fire Indoor car Indoor car

parameters park without park with
sprinkler sprinkler
system system
Dimensions 5 m x 5 m 2 mx5 m
Perimeter 20 m 14 m
Heat release 8 MW 4 MW

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Smoke Control


Vs = 1.5m/s Vs = 1.5m/s


where: tunnel: 10m (w) x 5m (h)

car fire 8MW

* based on Heselden’s method of predicting smoke velocity

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Smoke Control

SMOKE VELOCITY (Vs) energy from fire

moves smoke Jet Thrust Fan
>18ms-1 velocity

Vs = 2.8ms -1
1.5 ms-1
entrained air flow


critical velocity of 1.5ms-1

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Smoke Control
inlet air
via ramp


extract fans

smoke perimeter

For Car Parks, the tunnel theory is adapted to take Ps to be

Smoke Perimeter
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Smoke Control

smoke velocities from car fire (8MW)

distance from fire smoke velocity*

(m) (ms-1)

5 1.83

10 1.45

15 1.27

20 1.15

* based on Heselden’s method of predicting smoke velocity

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Smoke Control
inlet air
via ramp

extract fans
?? m3/s


64 x 125 = 8000 m2 , 3m high

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Smoke Control

comparison - air change rate / smoke production

BS7346 - Part 7 2006 (unsprinklered Fire)

Smoke Production m 3/s

Car Park Size 5 AC/hr 10 AC/hr High Ceilings Low Ceilings

m2 m 3/s m 3/s Ce=0.19 Ce=0.21

1000 4.17 8.33 27.48 30.37

2000 8.33 16.67 27.48 30.37

3000 12.5 25 27.48 30.37

4000 16.67 33.33 27.48 30.37

8000 33.33 66.67 27.48 30.37

Effective height of Car Park = 3.00m
Effective height of Clear Layer = 2.5m Fire size
Fire perimeter = 20.0m stays the
Fire size = 8.0MW same for
Convective heat from fire = 6 MW
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Smoke Control

comparison - air change rate / smoke production

BS7346 - Part 7 2006 (unsprinklered Fire)

Smoke Production m 3/s

Car Park Size 5 AC/hr 10 AC/hr High Ceilings Low Ceilings

m2 m 3/s m 3/s Ce=0.19 Ce=0.21

1000 4.17 8.33 27.48 30.37

2000 8.33 16.67 27.48 30.37

3000 12.5 25 27.48 30.37

4000 16.67 33.33 27.48 30.37

8000 33.33 66.67 27.48 30.37

Effective height of Car Park = 3.00m Car Park needs
Effective height of Clear Layer = 2.5m to be 4000m2 to
Fire perimeter = 20.0m extract high
enough volume
Fire size = 8.0MW
Convective heat from fire = 6 MW
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Smoke Control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

Smoke production (kg/s) x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

gives size of main extract

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smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

Smoke production (kg/s) x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

Smoke production (kg/s)  0.21 x Fire perimeter (m) x Height of the clear layer1.5

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 73

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

Smoke production (kg/s) x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

Smoke production (kg/s)  0.21 x Fire perimeter (m) x Height of the clear layer1.5

Ce constant for large room with low Ceiling = 0.21kg/s m2

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smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

Smoke production (kg/s) x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

Smoke production (kg/s)  0.21 x Fire perimeter (m) x Height of the clear layer1.5

e.g. BS7346 pt 7 = 5m by 5m = 20m

for a non-sprinklered fire, (4MW, sprinklered = 14m)

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smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

Smoke production (kg/s) x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

Smoke production (kg/s)  0.21 x 20m x Height of clear layer1.5

clear layer - depends on car park height, typically 1.5 - 2.5m,

e.g. 2.5m for this example

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 76

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

16.6 kg/s  0.21 x 20m x 2.51.5

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 77

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

Absolute layer temp(K)  Ambient temp ( o C)  temp of smoke ( o C)  273

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 78

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

Absolute layer temp(K)  Ambient temp ( o C)  temp of smoke ( o C)  273

adjusted to climate, e.g. for this example 20C

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 79

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

Absolute layer temp (K)  20o C  temp of smoke ( o C)  273

Temp of smoke ( o C)  Convective heat of smoke (MW) / mass of smoke (kg/s)

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 80

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

Absolute layer temp (K)  20o C  temp of smoke ( o C)  273

Temp of smoke ( o C)  Convective heat of smoke (MW) / mass of smoke (kg/s)

e.g. BS7346 pt7 requires 8 MW, less radiant heat loss (25%), therefore, 6 MW
© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 81
smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

Absolute layer temp (K)  20o C  temp of smoke ( o C)  273

Temp of smoke ( o C)  6 MW / mass of smoke (kg/s)

16.6kg from smoke production calculation

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 82
smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

Absolute layer temp (K)  20o C  361o C  273

361o C  6 MW / 16.6 kg

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 83

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x Absolute smoke layer temp (K)

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

Absolute layer temp (K)  20o C  361o C  273

add 273, to give temperature in Kelvin

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 84

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x 654K

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

654 K  20o C  361o C  273

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 85

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x 654K

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

1.22 kg/ based on Density of Air @ 20C

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 86

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x 654K

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x Absolute ambient temp (K)

e.g. here is 20C, + 273 to give Kelvin

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 87

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x 654K

Volume of smoke (m³/s) 
1.22 kg/m³ x 293 K

e.g. here is 20C, + 273 to give Kelvin

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 88

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

16.6 kg/s x 654K

Volume of smoke (m³/s)  = 30.37m3/s
1.22 kg/m³ x 293 K


Main Extract, will need to remove a Minimum of 30.37 m3/s

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Smoke Control
inlet air
via ramp

extract fans

smoke perimeter

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 90

Smoke Control

smoke velocities from car fire (8MW)

distance from fire smoke velocity*

(m) (ms-1)

5 1.83

10 1.45

15 1.27

20 1.15

* based on Heselden’s method of predicting smoke velocity

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Smoke Control
inlet air
via ramp

extract fans

smoke perimeter

Smoke velocity at 10m, 1.45m/s (in all directions)

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Smoke Control
inlet air
via ramp


1.45m/s extract fans


1.45m/s smoke perimeter

controlling velocities
1.45m/s is a MINIMUM Velocity
© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 93
Smoke Control
inlet air
via ramp


1.45m/s extract fans


smoke perimeter

controlling velocities

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 94

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans based on


Volume Flow Rate = Sectional Area x Velocity

Width x Height
64.0m x 3.0m

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smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans based on


Volume Flow Rate = 192m² x Velocity

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smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans based on


Volume Flow Rate = 192m² x Velocity

distance from smoke velocity*

fire (ms-1)
5 1.83
10 1.45
15 1.27
20 1.15

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 97

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans based on


Volume Flow Rate = 192m² x 1.45m/s = 278.4m³/s

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Smoke Control
inlet air
via ramp


1.45m/s extract fans


smoke perimeter

Over 9 times the volume of smoke produced!!!

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Smoke Control
inlet air
via ramp


1.45m/s extract fans


smoke perimeter

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smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

Volume Flow Rate = Sectional Area x Velocity

Width x Height
10.0m x 3.0m

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smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

Volume Flow Rate = 30m² x Velocity

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smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

Volume Flow Rate = 30m² x Velocity

distance from smoke velocity*

fire (ms-1)
5 1.83
10 1.45
15 1.27
20 1.15

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 103

smoke control

Sizing of Main Extract Fans

Volume Flow Rate = 30m² x 1.45m/s = 43.5m³/s

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 104

Smoke Control
inlet air
via ramp


1.45m/s extract fans

54.38m /s

smoke perimeter

Only 80% more

44%Add than
25% the volume
safety Margin of smoke
© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 105
Fläkt Woods fully reversible system

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 106

Fully Reversible Systems

• Requires Supply and Extract Fans

• Supply fans are HT rated

• Truly Symmetrical blades (only Fläkt Woods)

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 107

Fully Reversible Systems

Truly Symmetrical blade technology

• Truly Symmetrical profile

• high efficiency impeller
- fully reversible
• 100% thrust in both directions
• Unique to Fläkt Woods

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 108

Fully Reversible Systems

air flow is controlled - critical velocity controls smoke

zone 1 zone 2

supply extract

supply extract

extract fans meet design criteria to

remove smoke faster than production

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 110

Fully Reversible Systems

fire in zone 1: extract and supply are reversed

zone 1 zone 2

extract supply

X X supply

Selected fans only run to smoke is directed to

minimise smoke spread minimise spread

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 111

Smoke control – Fire within one zone
inlet air
via ramp

smoke zone 1


smoke zone 2

jet fan off
= 2000m² smoke
control zone jet fan on
© Fläkt Woods 2007
Smoke control – Fire at the zone boundary
inlet air
via ramp

smoke zone 1

sub zone
50m 10m

smoke zone 2


jet fan on

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Selecting type
& quantity of jet fans

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Product range

Impulse Fan Types - Axial

 Integral silencers Cylindrical, Octagonal

 Uni-directional or Truly reversible
 Single or multi-speed
 Continuous duty plus 300 °C for 60 minutes
emergency operation

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Product Range

Impulse Fan Types -


 High velocity laminar airflow

 Reduced height profile
 Continuous duty plus 300 °C for 60 minutes
emergency operation

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Selecting type & quantity of jet fans

Design considerations:

• Manual calculation very limited – no data on ‘installation

factors’ for down-stand beams, pipe work etc, car’s etc.

• Use Engineering judgement / experience / knowledge of


• Height restrictions in car park may limit choice of jet fan(s).

• Aspect ratio with respect to airflow direction – high aspect

ratio will require more fans than low aspect ratio.

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Selecting type & quantity of jet fans

Design considerations:

• Number of inlet openings / extract points.

• Inlet velocity ideally < 2 m/s.

• Redundancy - if designing smoke control scheme.

• Effect of beams / obstructions at high level.

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Selecting type & quantity of jet fans

Aspect Ratios – Width to length

Ratio 1:1

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Selecting type & quantity of jet fans

Basic guidelines:

Max Longitu
Jet Profile
Lateral dinal
Thrust range*
spacing spacing
Fan (m²)
* (m) * (m)
* Depending on aspect ratio of car park & airflow direction
315 dia 167 - 6 - 7 28 - 33
355 dia 250 - 7 – 8 36 – 50
© Fläkt Woods 2007
400 dia 333 - 8 - 11 42 - 65
Selecting type & quantity of jet fans

• Simple geometry - Air path is unrestricted by internal stair
cores / large obstructions.

• Inlet velocity can be kept low typically 2 m/s.

• If beams exist Jet Thrust fans can be positioned with correct fan

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Selecting type & quantity of jet fans

Low Aspect Ratios >2500m²

Jet Profile
Low = Thrus area
Ratio t Fan (m²)
315 200
355 400
© Fläkt Woods 2007
400 700
Selecting type & quantity of jet fans

High Aspect Ratios >2500m²

Jet Profile
High = Thrus area
Ratio t Fan (m²)
315 167
+ 355 250


400 333
© Fläkt Woods 2007
Selecting type & quantity of jet fans

Equal Aspect Ratio >2500m²

Jet Profile
Equal = Thrus area
Ratio t Fan (m²)
315 184
355 275

400 367
© Fläkt Woods 2007
Selecting type & quantity of jet fans

Car parks with particularly complex geometry

• Air path is severely restricted by beams, high level services etc.

• Inlet air velocity > 2m/s.

• Incorrect spacing of Jet Thrust Fans – e.g. fan outlet < 10 fan
diameters from beam & no deflector fitted to fan.

• Use lower limits from table:

Max Longitu
Jet Profile
Lateral dinal
Thrust range*
spacing spacing
Fan (m²)
• If unsure seek guidance from UK Car* (m)COE team.
parks * (m)
315 dia 167 -
© Fläkt Woods 2007 6 - 7 28 - 33

CFD study to look

at installation effects

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 1 – Beam effects

2 metres from beam

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 1 – Beam effects

2 metres from beam

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 1 – Beam effects

4 metres from beam

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 1 – Beam effects

4 metres from beam

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 1 – Beam effects

4 metres from beam with air deflection of 5°

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 1 – Beam effects

4 metres from beam with air deflection of 5°

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 1 – Beam effects


• Jet fan at 2m from beam with no air deflection - jet

reaches jet terminal velocity within 30m with jet
circulating back.

• Jet fan at 4m with no air deflection - jet reaches

terminal velocity within 30m. Resultant air continues to
travel in desired direction with velocity > 0.1 m/s.

• Optimum is with jet fan positioned at 4m with an air

deflection of 5°. Jet is still travelling at >1m/s at distance
of approx 45m from fan.

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 2 – Incorrect lateral spacing

• CFX software used.

• Jet Thrust fan = 400 dia modelled @ 2 pole. Velocity profile

with swirl component using data from CFD model of fan

• Scenarios considered:

• Lateral spacing outside of normal limits – 15m.

Domain size = 50m x 46m x 3m (L x W x


• Recommended lateral spacing – lower limit: 8m.

Domain size = 50m x 32m x 3m (L x W x

© Fläkt Woods 2007
CFD study 2 – Incorrect lateral spacing

15m spacing
Too much
separation of

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 2 – Incorrect lateral spacing

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 2 – Incorrect lateral spacing

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 2 – Correct lateral spacing

8m spacing
Jets combine
to create bulk
flow in excess
of 1m/s.

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 2 – Correct lateral spacing

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 2 – Correct lateral spacing

© Fläkt Woods 2007

CFD study 2 – Incorrect lateral spacing


• Increasing lateral spacing past normal recommended

limits results in separation of jets & lower velocities
between them.

• When positioned correctly jets combined to create

uniform bulk flow that will be more effective in opposing
smoke ceiling jet velocity.

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Controls and zoning

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 142


• Types of systems and car parks

• Designing the most suitable Jet Thrust System:

- Controls
- Supply / extract
- Zoning
- Special considerations
- JTF and / or Induction fans

• Energy use comparisons

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 143

Types of systems

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 144

Types of systems

• Pollution only

• Smoke clearance / purging

• Smoke control

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 145

Types of car parks

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 146

Types of car parks

• Enclosed

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 147

Types of car parks

• Partially enclosed (underground)

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 148

Types of car parks

• Partially enclosed (above ground)

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 149

Types of car parks

• Loading bay

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 150

Types of car parks

• Tunnels

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 151


• Types of systems
- Pollution
- Smoke purging / clearance
- Smoke control

• Types of car parks

- Enclosed
- Partially enclosed (underground / above ground)
- Loading bay
- Tunnels

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 152

Designing the most suitable
Jet Thrust System

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 153


© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 154


Operation philosophies:

• 24 / 7

• Timer

• CO / NOx sensors

• Wind sensors


© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 155

Controls – 24/7

• System operates at a required speed for high

pollution ventilation during all times.

• Operates regardless of the movement in the car


• It is not dependent on any other variables (such

as CO or NOX)

• Very high energy consumption!

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 156

Controls – Timer

• System will switch on / off regardless of the

movement in the car park.

• High pollution build up while the system is

switched off.

• Controls should be programmed so that it should

overpass the timer and turn on the system in
emergency mode.

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 157

Controls – CO / NOx sensors

• System operates in respect to the amount of CO /

NOx detected in the car park / loading bay.

• ‘Intelligent’, energy efficient system.

• It will operate at higher speeds

when there is a lot of movement
in the car park / loading bay.

• Capable of providing background

ventilation if there is little or no

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 158

Controls – Wind sensors

• Used mostly in open sided car parks / tunnels.

• Air will be supplied and extracted via the

openings (of the tunnel or) on the walls of the car

• System will operate in relation to the velocity of

the wind.

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 159

Controls – Wind sensors

• If the wind velocity is high enough then the

system may switch off.

• Otherwise, the Jet Thrust Fans will operate to aid

the movement of the air through the car park /

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 160

Controls – Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

• Some countries already take into consideration

LPG powered cars.

• LPG leaks / exhaust can be very dangerous.

• Requires a dedicated detection system.

• Mode of operation very similar to CO / NOx

detection systems.

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 161

Supply and Extract considerations

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 162

Supply and Extract

Customer’s proposed
Extract location

Entrance / exit of car park

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 163

Supply and Extract

Modified extract

Entrance / exit of car park

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 164

Supply and Extract

Ventilation shaft
Ventilation shaft
Ventilation shaft

Supply of air from

entrance / exit ramp

Supply of air from

entrance / exit ramp

Ventilation shaft

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 165

Supply and Extract

Ventilation shaft
Ventilation shaft
Ventilation shaft

Supply of air from

entrance / exit ramp

Supply of air from

entrance / exit ramp

Additional proposed
Ventilation shaft
Additional proposed
Ventilation shaft
Direction of airflow
Ventilation shaft

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 166


• Basic principles

• Types of systems

• Designing the most suitable Jet Thrust System:

- Controls:
24 / 7, Timer, CO / NOx, Wind, LPG

- Supply / extract

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 167


© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 168



• Why do we do it?

• When is it applied?

• How is it successfully applied?

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 169


Shafts used for car park ventilation system

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 170



© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 171




© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 172


© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 173

Special considerations

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 174

Special considerations

• Height restrictions

• Customer requirements
- Fire fighter access
- Cannot install JTF on the roadways
- etc

• Filtration of the air

• Treated air

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 175


• Basic principles

• Types of systems and car parks

• Designing the most suitable Jet Thrust System:

- Controls
- Supply / extract
- Zoning
- Special considerations

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 176

JTF and / or Induction fans?

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 177

JTF or Induction fans

• Which?

• When?

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 178

JTF or Induction fans


• Reversible system

• Emergency ventilation (both smoke clearance

and control)

• Tunnels

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 179

Jet Thrust Fan Spacing


Long and Thin Short and W ide

B 315mm dia 7m 25m 8m 20m
355mm dia 8m 30m 9m 30m
400mm dia 9m 60m 10m 40m

1/2 A

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 180

JTF or Induction fans

Induction fans

• Against corners

• In car parks where there are very deep beams in

close proximity to each other.

Large angle of deflection of the air

Inlet is below the fan
at the outlet of the fan

Air is entrained by the fan

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 181

JTF or Induction fans

Smoke purging / clearance

• Dilution of the smoke and effective clearance can

be achieved with either one.

• In some cases, for a more efficient system, both

types of fans can be used in the same car park.

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 182

JTF or Induction fans

Smoke control

• Jet Thrust Fans are more effective in the case of

smoke control

• The option of reversibility and the fact that they

manage to keep smoke at high level makes Jet
Thrust Fans much more favourable.

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 183

Computational Fluid Dynamics

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 184


•A design tool to aid with the detailed design of the

Jet Thrust system.

• The software allows the designer to model

complex airflows within the car park, visually
inspect and analyse the airflow patterns.
© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 185

• The software uses the mathematical method of

Finite Volume Analysis. The model is divided into
adjoining finite volumes with the conservation
equations represented in algebraic form being
solved iteratively for each finite volume.

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 186


• As a result, it can calculate solutions for pressure

(P), temperature (T), x-velocity (u), y-velocity (v)
and z-velocity (w), as well as visibility and smoke

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 187


• Ensures that the best possible system is being

designed for that specific car park

• It can then be confirmed during commissioning

what has been modelled takes place in reality.

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 188


• Always offered as part of the Jet Thrust System


© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 189


• Basic principles

• Types of systems and car parks

• Designing the most suitable Jet Thrust System:

- Controls
- Supply / extract
- Zoning
- Special considerations
- JTF and / or Induction fans

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 190

Energy saving comparison

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 191

Energy saving comparison example

• Take a car park with 4000m² (80m long x 50m wide)

with 3m height.
- One is designed using a Jet Thrust System
- The other a ducted system

• Looking at the energy required depending on the

controls, a comparison can be done on the various
types of systems.
Supply via ramp Supply via ramp

Extract Extract

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 192

Energy saving comparison

Jet Thrust
System Main Jet
189.6k 121.9k
24 / 7 40.8kW
Timer 71.1kW 23.8kW
CO 51.2kW 33.1kW 6.8kW
© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 193
Energy Efficiency

summary - benefits of Jet Thrust System

• higher system performance – better air distribution

• lower installation costs
• lower running costs
• optimises car park use (more space)
• lower external noise levels (lower powered extract fans)
• cleaner lighter appearance
• lower install cost for other services (no routing around ducts)
• Truly Symmetrical blades allows fully reversible design if required

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 194

Example Project

Maratex Baia Mare

Car Park Ventilation Scheme

~ where safety comes first ~

© Fläkt Woods 2007

What should be achieved?

Day to day ventilation

# Modern medical science is aware of the harm of

Nitrous Oxide
Carbon Monoxide

# Regulations take this into account, and prescribe suitable

levels of ventilation to ensure a healthy environment is

# Maximum CO level - 60ppm average over each 15

minute period.

© Fläkt Woods 2007

What should be achieved?

Emergency Ventilation

# Safe Escape for patrons

# Safe access for Fire Fighting personnel

# Protection of property.

Most efficient system type is an “impulse ventilation system”

(Fläkt Woods Jet Thrust System)

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Standards Applied

VDI 2053 for Day to day ventilation (German Standard)

• CO concentrations  60ppm average over 15 minutes

• CO > 60ppm average requires audible warning alarm

BS 7346:7 Emergency ventilation (UK Standard)

• 8MW design fire size (unsprinkled)

• Fire Fighter Access to within 10m of seat of fire

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Design Proposal for Maratex

6 Entrance/ Exit ramps

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Design Proposal for Maratex

Assumed Floor to Ceiling Height : 3.0 m

Assumed clear head height: 2.1 m


Fans to be rated minimum of 300C for 1 Hour

(Fläkt Woods fans are 300C for 2 hours)

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Design Proposal for Maratex

9 Zones:

4 5 6

3 7 8 9

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Design Proposal for Maratex

Supply / Extract Shafts:

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Design Proposal for Maratex

Supply Air: Zone 1

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Design Proposal for Maratex

Supply Air: Zone 2

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Design Proposal for Maratex

Supply Air: Zones 4 - 9

4 5 6

3 7 8 9

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Emergency Ventilation

What Happens in an Emergency?

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Emergency Ventilation

Zones as previous slides

Zone 1 - 3 unidirectional smoke extract

Zones 4 - 9 reversible, allowing extract to nearest point

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Emergency Ventilation

Control Philosophy
1. Smoke detected
2. ALL fans switch off, EXCEPT the fire zone
3. Fire Zone Main Extract/Supply Fans run to full speed
4. Jet Thrust Fans switch off for safety period
5. Jet Thrust Fans (Fire Zone only) run to full speed

(direction of running dependant on where the smoke is detected)

Example emergency scenarios: eg Zone 5…

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Emergency Ventilation

Examples shown in Zone 5…

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Design Proposal for Maratex

9 Zones:

4 5 6

3 7 8 9

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Example emergency scenarios: Zone 5

Event 1:
day to day


Shut off
Jet Thrust

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Example emergency scenarios: Zone 5

Event 1: Smoke spreads,

i. fire starts toward extract,
ii. smoke dectected but in layered
iii. Main Extract fashion…
ramps up (and all X
other fans shut

Shafts X X X X X X X X X
Shut off
Jet Thrust X
Fan X X

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Example emergency scenarios: Zone 5



Smoke spreads,
toward extract,
but in layered Assists safe escape UNDER the
fashion… smoke layer
© Fläkt Woods 2007
Example emergency scenarios: Zone 5

Jet Thrust Fan


entrained air flow


Jet Thrust Fans then run to full speed to control

smoke spread, and direct toward extract

© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 214

Example emergency scenarios: Zone 5

Event 1:
i. fire starts
ii. smoke dectected
iii. Main Extract
ramps up (and all X
other fans shut

Shut off
Jet Thrust

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Example emergency scenarios: Zone 5

Event 2: Smoke spreads,

i. fire starts toward extract,
ii. smoke dectected but in layered
iii. Main Extract on fashion…
and ramps up (and X
all other fans shut

Shafts X X X X X X X X X
Shut off
Jet Thrust X
Fan X X

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Example emergency scenarios: Zone 5

Event 2:
iv. Jet Thrust Fans
go to full speed

Shut off
Jet Thrust X
Fan X X

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Design Process

Initial Drawings and Specification from customer

Calculations made on main extract requirements

Philosophy and estimation made on number of JTFs

Approval saught.

On order received - CFD analysis to “prove” the system

Cold smoke tests verify (by others)

Approving Authority certify the system

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Maratex Proposal

© Fläkt Woods 2007

Maratex Proposal

© Fläkt Woods 2007


Any Questions???

This presentation and any accompanying notes are copyright of Fläkt Woods Limited and should not be copied or reproduced without
written permission. Please note that figures in this presentation should NOT be applied to any project designs without the express
written permission of Fläkt Woods Limited
© Fläkt Woods 2007 SLIDE 221

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