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Communication and Relationship Management

To the respected Participants of Oman Airports -Salalah
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The Effective E-mail and report writing for
basic & intermediate levels
Designed and presented by

Ghaith Khaled Al Samarraie

To the respected Participants of Oman Airports – Muscat at the
designation of :

The Administrators, the Junior Staff, the Personal Assistants

a staff needs the knowledge on writing the e-mails and reports

The Related Competency

1. The Process of Communication and its Skills.

2. The Operational Excellence.
3. The Analytical Thinking.
4. The Report Writing.
5. The Email Writing.

The Course Objectives

1. Identifying the purpose of business report in organization context.

2. Explaining the reasons of the business reports and when it is required to
write such type of reports.
3. Explaining the value of good written communication.
4. Learning how to write simple, concrete and complete reports.
5. Learning about the letters, memos and report writing principles.
6. Learning how to express the data and information using tables, figures,
diagrams and charts.
7. Developing the paragraphs that introduce, connect and conclude the ideas.
8. Preparing the reports and the proposals that are both informative and
9. Proofreading of the works so it is clear, concise, complete and correct.
10.Understanding the connection between audience awareness and a writer’s
stylistic choices.
The Program Content

• Communication Overview
1. The process of communication.
2. Principles of writing.
3. The value of good written communication
• The Stages of Communication
1. Knowing the objective to communicate
2. Choice of communication form
3. Knowing the audience
4. The content
5. The method
6. Message transmission
7. Message reception
8. Feedback
• Principles of Writing Letters, Memos and Reports
1. Why write
2. Writing clearly
3. Writing concisely
4. Make your writing complete
5. Grammar
6. English language & structure
7. The role of the Memo
8. How to write an effective memo
9. How to write an effective letter
• Matching the Tone & Style in Writing
1. Punctuation
2. Making Words Agree
3. Active & Passive Voice
4. Practical Language
5. Inclusive Language
• Overview of Report Writing
1. Introduction and what is a report
2. Understanding the concept of a report
3. Basic principles for good report writing
4. Types of Reports
5. Establishing the purpose of reports
6. Identify the purpose of business report in Oman Airports context
The Course Outline
• Principle Reasons for Writing Business Reports
1. Persuasive
2. Explanatory
3. Discursive
4. Informative
5. When it is required to write a report
6. Essential writing characteristics of a reader-friendly report
• Report Characteristics
1. Factual Orientation
2. Circulation
3. Frequency of Submission
4. Formality
5. Direct or indirect approach
6. Arrangement of points
7. Format – logical, sectional, creative

• Steps and Process of Writing A Report
1. Knowing what you want to communicate.
2. Planning to write a report.
3. Understand the purpose of the report.
4. Knowing who your audience is and how you wish to approach it.
5. Understand the connection between audience awareness and a writer’s
stylistic choices.
6. Know how to do it.
7. Gathering and analyzing information.
8. Preparing the first draft.
9. Proof reading.
10. Editing the report Produce the final.
11. Producing the report.

• The Structure of a Simple, Concrete and Complete Report
1. Title page.
2. Executive Summary.
3. Table of contents.
4. Acknowledgements.
5. Developing paragraphs that introduce, connect, develop and conclude the information.
6. Introduction.
7. Body of report (middle sections).
8. Research and Findings.

The Major Concepts of the Course
1. Using Tables, Figures, Diagrams and Charts.
2. Deciding to include graphic aids.
3. Useful purpose.
4. Degree of complexity.
5. Smooth integration.
6. Unobtrusive references to figures.
7. Self-explanatory Nature.
8. Tables.
9. Bar graphs, line graphs and circle (or Pie) graphs.
11.Email Writing.
12.The basics
13.The technical side
14.The Writing Process for Emails
15.Writing planning
16.Dissecting correspondence
17.Writing building blocks
18.Spelling & proof-reading
19.Avoiding vague terms & jargon
20.Matching the tone & style in emails to suit the reader
21.Achieving Clarity in Email Writing
22.Email Etiquette
23.Writing Challenges.
24.Use of clear language in emails.
How to Choose the Right Communication Channel for Every Task

• The Writing is a key method of the communication for most people and it is one that many
people struggle with. Writing and communication skills have degraded with more and
more people communicating through email and text messaging. Developing writing skills is
still important. It is the business world that creates the proper documents (such as
proposals, reports, and agendas). It is giving you that extra edge in the workplace.
• We communicate with coworkers throughout the workday in a variety of ways; but
sometimes it is tough to know which channel is the best for each message. Is it better to
communicate with someone on a messaging platform or send an email?, to post feedback
in a public channel or send it privately?. Is it beneficiary to set the thoughts down in a
shared document or to share them in a phone call?
• There is a good chance for your default professional communication tool that is an email.
According to some surveys, the workers spend 80% of their time communicating with their
colleagues via the emails. Although it is clearly a popular choice, it is not always the best
communication method for all scenarios. With so many communication channels available
in the workplace, it might not always be obvious which mode is the most effective. Here is
a guide to the different channels, how they may be used within your team, and how to
choose the best one in the moment.
• The type of communication channel that’s right for any given situation depends on a few
factors. By understanding the benefits of each channel, you’ll better understand which
communication option is the most effective for your goal.
• Asynchronous vs. Synchronous communication:
• Before determining what kind of channel best suits your needs, it is helpful to
understand how you should engage with your coworkers to get your message across.
We will break down two types of communication: asynchronous and synchronous.
• It might sound complex, but understanding the differences between asynchronous
and synchronous communication is fairly simple. Asynchronous means the
communication does “not exist or occur at the same time.” An example is sending a
letter. Synchronous, therefore, means “existing or occurring at the same time” and
describes where parties are present and interacting simultaneously for instance, in
a phone call. Asynchronous communication doesn’t allow for an immediate
response, while synchronous communication requires the processing of the
information followed by a response in real time.
• When deciding which communication channel to use, you’ll need to reflect on your
company’s culture and your expectations about the message you’re communicating. 
• For example, let’s say you need to discuss a personal matter with your manager. Do
they prefer an email that they can prepare a response for—and follow up with—on
their own timeline, or do they encourage scheduling a one-on-one meeting? If it’s
the latter, a synchronous communication method, like an in-person meeting, might
be in order.

• Types of communication channels:
1. Company hub or intranet
• Best for: Corporate announcements; annual reports; and organizational follow-ups
• As an asynchronous communication channel that’s accessible to a wide audience, an intranet or online hub serves as a dashboard of high-level movement
within an organization. It helps send a consistent message on a centralized and official platform. 
• It also keeps resources and information available across all levels within an organization. 
2. Emails
• Best for: Gathering feedback and/or ideas from multiple people; sharing updates and results with a team or inter-departmentally; and problem-solving that’s
not urgent
• Email is an asynchronous type of communication that sets the expectation that a recipient’s response isn’t needed immediately. Emailed messages can be
directed to an individual or to a small group. For example, an email can be sent to a team about a new protocol process that’ll be in effect the following
• This method is effective because it lets the sender share the same information with multiple people and gives recipients time to process the information and
share their input. For greater success with this channel, learn more about business email etiquette. 
3. Meetings
• Best for: Troubleshooting unplanned roadblocks; building rapport; discussing sensitive and/or private information;  communicating difficult feedback; time-
sensitive issues; and collaboration and coordination
• Although there’s such a thing as “meeting burnout,” meetings are a vital communication channel in any organization. Whether you’ve set up an in-person
meeting or video conference call, productive meetings can help teams iron out complex problems. It encourages on-the-spot brainstorming, collaboration,
and even negotiation. 
• Meetings can also be beneficial for one-one-one interactions, especially to develop rapport and communicate performance feedback. Not all meetings are
effective, however; mastering a meeting recap is a great way to ensure key information is retained.
4. Messaging platforms
• Best for: Providing in-context status updates; building company culture; and collaborating between multiple people and teams 
• Messaging apps, like Slack, are more popular with more employees working remotely. Although messaging can feel distant at times, it offers users both
asynchronous and synchronous communication options.
• For example, a public channel can be used for ongoing weekly project updates across teams, or as a place to build interpersonal connections and chat about
teammates’ weekends. Similarly, messaging or commenting features, within project management systems are helpful for asking questions or providing
feedback about a particular project or task.
5. Phone or video call
• Best for: Anticipated back-and-forth clarification; problem-solving in an emergency situation; highly important messages; last-minute changes
• If setting up a meeting isn’t possible, the next best option for synchronous communication might be a phone call. Phone calls are practical when conveying
complex ideas or information that might generate many questions.
• It is s also an ideal alternative to face-to-face communication, especially when communicating a sensitive or emotionally charged message. This is because,
although a phone call might lack visual communication cues, it offers the benefit of tonal cues between callers.
How can we write properly?
• There are almost (4) steps to write a suitable
well- organized piece of writing which are as
follows :
Step (1) : Stimulating the ideas
Step (2) : Brainstorming and outlining
Step (3) : Developing the ideas
Step (4) : Editing the piece of writing

• Step (1) Stimulating the Ideas :
In this step, we have to gather the ideas by motivating and inspiring them individually about
the topic that we need to write about it. We should highlight and underline the main
interesting ideas as well as collecting some related vocabulary of the given topic. We have to
be very specific to the essential purpose of the writing.
• Step (2) Brainstorming and Outlining :
By this step, we make a plan that has a clear focus and a logical sequence. We should write in
a way that the reader can understand the ideas by organizing them into three parts as an
introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. The strategies to achieve this step can be
done by creating a list, table, chart, or a diagram in order to collect the data given and then to
decide how we will organize it according to the purpose of the writing and the reader of the
• Step (3) Developing the Ideas :
This step encourages the writer to write a first draft that explains the main ideas very clearly
of the topic following the outline and trying improve the ideas changing some of them if
necessary and supporting those ideas with more details.
• Step (4) Editing the piece of writing :
Reaching this step, the writer will be able to write the second and sometimes the third draft
of the topic obtaining the opportunities to check the grammar, the vocabulary, the spelling of
the words as well as the connectors and punctuation marks of the whole text paragraphs.

The Implementation of the Writing Steps Strategies

• The Strategies of Step (1) Stimulating the ideas :

1. Highlight the most important parts of the given subject or topic.
2. Talk about your ideas to a classmate who is working at the same department of
yours and sharing you the writing of the topic.
3. Write whatever ideas you have in front of you.
4. Circle and underline the most attractive ideas to you about the topic.
5. Then choose the closest related ideas to the topic to start with in your writing.
• The Strategies of Step (2) Brainstorming and Outlining :
1. Create a list, a diagram, a chart or table in order to be used in collecting the data
or the ideas and to organize the writing.
2. Think about your audience and the purpose of the writing all the time when you
organize your ideas. What ideas are relevant to the topic and what are not?
3. Make a simple list of the vocabulary words that you sure you will use in your
4. Check your collected ideas and vocabulary related to the topic and be sure that
your plan is matching the topic purpose.
5. Make an outline that will guide you in writing your drafting process.
• The Strategies of Step (3) Developing the Ideas:
1. Review your data before start writing the first draft.
2. Put a double space between the written lines as you can make
changes wherever necessary later.
3. Reread your ideas after gathering them in one piece of writing.
4. Add connectors to make your ideas flow more effectively.
5. Add more details if needed to make your ideas clearer.
6. Remove any unrelated ideas which are not supporting the topic.
• The Strategies of Step (4) Editing the Piece of Writing:
1. Check about any mistakes in the subject- verb agreement as for the
(singular and plural forms), the verbs tenses , words order and
punctuation marks.
2. Checking the dictionary for any vocabulary or spelling corrections.
3. Then write your final draft of the piece of writing which contains the
titles, the subtitles, and page number.
What is a report?
1) The definition:
A report is a formal documentation of an event, a person or other entity. It provides the details, the
insights and the facts that are organized in the form of a document – typically a newsletter or a
magazine article. It could have implications in many fields such as education, business, governance,
medicine, forensics etc. Hence, report writing is an important skill to learn. A report is a formal piece of
written work through which the following objectives can be conducted:
1. Introducing some informative and fact-based writing.
2. Presenting the most prominent findings and important data collected periodically.
3. Content is divided into sections with shorter paragraphs and bullet points
4. Can be read as sections at the reader's convenience
2) The Report General structure :
The reports are a structured piece of writing designed to be read quickly, briefly and easily. The
information that build up the report structure is provided in headed sections of writing, enabling the
reader to easily find the targeted information he wants. Several basic steps are required to structure a
report such as :
• Accomplishing your project or topic before you start to write about it.
• Gathering your information and group it into categories.
• Finding the key points you will need to report on that are relevant to your reader.
• Analyzing and grouping your work first will help you find an order to your information. You may
already start to see sections of your report emerging.
• Considering the following questions when analyzing your information is useful as well to structure your report:
1. What the facts and/or evidences do you have to support your key points?
2. What are your conclusions?
3. Are there any limitations or faults in your findings?
4. Is any of your evidence inconsistent or contradicting one another?

3) The Report sections :

• The reports have specific requirements when it comes to their structure. However, these requirements can vary
across the different work field demands as well as the multiple needs of the business and duties. For example, a
business related report may be asked to include an executive daily, weekly or monthly summary. Accordingly,
you have comprehend and read your assignment or duty criteria carefully to know how you should structure
your report.
• A longer report may also include a table of contents, a table of figures/illustrations and acknowledgements all
before the abstract/executive summary. Refer to your assignment criteria to know which sections you’ll need to
include in your report.
• Ask yourself some basic questions before you begin to organize your information for your report. The answers
to these questions will help you define the purpose of your report. Keep your answers in mind at all times
when you are proceeding the writing. Remember, your report sections should be brief and concise, therefore
keeping your information focused and to the right audience will help you to stay on topic and avoid deviation.
• Why are you writing this report (other than because it’s an assignment)?
• What is your project trying to present or argue?
• What is your research question or the research objective(s)?
• Who is this report for and what will they need to know about?

• The Abstract or The Executive Summary:
1. What is your report about?
2. What are the key aims/objectives?
3. What are the main findings?
4. What are your recommendations as a result of your study?
• The Introduction:
1. What is the background of your study?
2. What are your aims and objectives?
• The Methodology:
1. What did you do?
2. How did you do it?
3. Why did you do it that way?
4. What were the strengths/limitations to your study?
• The Results or the Findings:
1. What did you find out from your study?
2. Can you show this visually e.g. in a graph, table or image ?
• The Discussion:
1. What was your project aiming to present or argue?
2. Has this been achieved?
3. How accurate are your findings?
4. How have you interpreted your findings and why is this important?
5. How do your findings compare or differ to findings in previous studies?
• The Conclusion and The Recommendations:
1. What are the outcomes of your study?
2. What further actions or research could be taken?
• The References of the Report: Give the full reference list for all research cited in your report.
• The Appendix / Appendices: You can attach any additional information referred to in your report. 
4) What are the key features of a report?
1.A description, an analysis and interpretation of a sequence of some events or a whole happened
2.An evaluation of the facts or results of your project.
3.A recommendation for a change in the style of a work and/or future action.
4.The content of a report can vary depending on your subject of study and the criteria of the topic
under investigation.

5) The purpose of a report

• Conveying some important reasonable information about an action or an error that has been
happened or it is expected to be happening in a short period of time.
• Setting the most significant details about any case or topic given to you and sharing your knowledge
with other members at the same work field of yours. Being aware when you are writing a report if
you are reporting on an experiment you have conducted or just providing information based on
your research about the topic of the report. You have to focus whether your report will dictate the
type of information that needs to be included in your report or not and for this purpose you have to
check your assignment or topic criteria to find out the focus of your report.
• Obtaining the solutions for the problems that a report may disclose. To achieve this purpose, it is
highly important to know who you are writing for and why you direct and send this report for him
especially. Different people will need to know different information and a report should only include
the relevant information to the appropriate reader in order to assist solving the problems according
to his authority space.
6. The Characteristics of a Good Report:
The report provides the factual information depending on which decisions are made. So everyone should take conscious steps to
ensure that a report has all the essential qualities which turn it into a good report. We know that a report is a written document that
shows information in an organized way using a specific format and presentation. The audience and objective are specific for a report.
So, writing a qualitative report may be a hard nut to crack. But not for those who know the essential characteristics of a good report
because those characteristics help them to judge what the qualities are present in their report. A good report contains all the
features which it should have. All the qualities or characteristics of a good report should be ideally known by a good reporter so that
his/her report becomes a good one.
7.The Essential Qualities of a Good Report : A good report must have the following qualities:

• The Precision: In a good report, the report writer is very clear about the exact and definite purpose of writing the report. His investigation,
analysis and recommendations are directed by this central purpose. The precision of a report provides the unity to the report and makes it a
valuable document for best usage.
• The Accuracy of Facts: The information that have been contained in a report must be based on certain accurate facts. Since the decisions are
taken based on the report information, any inaccurate information or assured statistics will lead to an incorrect decision. It will hamper to
ensure the achievement of the organizational goal.
• The Relevancy: The facts presented in a report should not be only accurate but also be relevant. Irrelevant facts make a report confusing and
likely to be misleading to make a proper decision.
• The Reader-Orientation: While drafting any report, it is necessary to keep in mind about the person who is going to read it. That's why a good
report is always reader oriented. Reader's knowledge and level of understanding should be considered by the writer of the report. Well,
reader-oriented information qualifies a report to be a good one.
• The Simple Language: Simplicity is the best for anything in the world. It is just another essential feature of a good report. A good report is
written in a simple language avoiding vague and unclear words. The language of the report should not be influenced by the writer's emotion or
goal. The message of a good report should be self-explanatory. A good reporter should be careful of using simple sentences instead of using a
complex sentence in the narration of facts.
• The Conciseness: A good report should be concise but it does not mean that a report can never be long. Rather it means that a good report or
a business report is one that transmits maximum information with minimum words. It avoids unnecessary detail and includes everything which
are significant and necessary to present proper information.

• The Grammatical Accuracy: A good report is free from errors. Any faulty construction of a sentence may make its
meaning different to the reader's mind. And sometimes it may become confusing or ambiguous. If a report is not
accurate grammatically, then it will lost its usefulness to its users. So, while writing a report, a reporter should keep in
head about the grammatical accuracy of his writing.  
• The Unbiased Recommendation: Recommendation on report usually make effect on the reader mind. So if
recommendations are made at the end of a report, they must be impartial and objective. They should come as
logical conclusion for investigation and analysis. A reporter should try to use universal and proven truth in his report
rather than using the concept which is not yet established or completed. 
• The Clarity: Clarity depends on proper arrangement of facts. A good report is absolutely clear. Reporter should make
his purpose clear, define his sources, state his findings and finally make necessary recommendation. To be
an effective communication through report, A report must be clear to understand for
making communication success.
• The Attractive Presentation: The presentation of a report is also a factor which should be consider for a good report.
A good report provides a catchy and smart look and creates attention of the reader. The structure, content, language,
typing and presentation style of a good report should be attractive to make a clear impression in the mind of its
• The Complete Information:
• A good report shown important information. Most of these information are analyzed as the basis of importance. A
good reporter has to show the skill in such cases efficiently. How is that? A good reporter should shown information
as importance and not much so that the report become useless or vague but it should give the read a completeness
• The Positivity: A good report should have the positivity. It should narrate the positive statement instead of showing
negative one. Showing positivity in report helps to observe the issue positively which is covered in a report.
• The Summary: A good report should have a summary by which the reader of the report can take a decision at all or
stand on a decision what to do next in such condition. A summary can reflect the whole picture at a glance. So, it has
a large impact. So, writing a summary is an important feature of a good report. A good reporter should not forget
Important Brief Description of the Reports:
• The inclusion of above factors, features or characteristics, make a good report to be effective and fruitful. It also helps to achieve
the report goal. 
• A reporter who is making the report, always should be careful about those factors to make his report a good one.
• A report is a nonfiction account that presents and/or summarizes the facts about a particular event, topic, or issue. The idea is that
people who are unfamiliar with the subject can find everything they need to know from a good report. 
• Reports make it easy to catch someone up to speed on a subject, but actually writing a report is anything but easy. So to help you
understand what to do, below we present a little report of our own, all about report writing. 
• Once again what is a report? 
In technical terms, the definition of a report is pretty vague: any account, spoken or written, of the matters concerning a particular
topic. This could refer to anything from a courtroom testimony to a grade schooler’s book report. Really, when people talk about
“reports,” they’re usually referring to official documents outlining the facts of a topic, typically written by an expert on the subject or
someone assigned to investigate it. There are different types of reports, explained in the next section, but they mostly fit this
• What kind of information is shared in reports? Although all facts are welcome, reports, in particular, tend to feature these types of
• Details of an event or situation.
• The consequences or ongoing effect of an event or situation.
• Evaluation of statistical data or analytics.
• Interpretations from the information in the report.
• Predictions or recommendations based on the information in the report.
• How the information relates to other events or reports.
• Reports are closely related to essay writing, although there are some clear distinctions. While both rely on facts, essays add the
personal opinions and arguments of the authors. Reports typically stick only to the facts, although they may include some of the
author’s interpretation of these facts, most likely in the conclusion. 
• Moreover, reports are heavily organized, commonly with tables of contents and copious headings and subheadings. This makes it
easier for readers to scan reports for the information they’re looking for. Essays, on the other hand, are meant to be read start to
finish, not browsed for specific insights. 

• The Types of the Reports:
There are few different types of the reports, depending on the purpose and to whom you present your report. Here’s a quick list of the common types of
1. Academic report: Tests a student’s comprehension of the subject matter, such as book reports, reports on historical events, and biographies 
2. Business report: Identifies information useful in business strategy, such as marketing reports, internal memos, SWOT analysis, and feasibility reports
3. Scientific report: Shares the research findings, such as research papers and case studies, typically in science journals
The Reports can be further divided into categories based on how they are written. For example, a report could be formal or informal, short or long, and
internal or external. In business, a vertical report shares information with people on different levels of the hierarchy (i.e., people who work above you and
below you), while a lateral report is for people on the author’s same level, but in different departments. There are as many types of reports as there are
writing styles, but in this guide, we focus on academic reports, which tend to be formal and informational. 
• What is the structure of a report?
• The structure of a report depends on the type of the report itself and the requirements of the assignment. While reports can use their own unique
structure, most follow this basic template:
• Executive summary: Just like an abstract in an academic paper, an executive summary is a standalone section that summarizes the findings in your
report so readers know what to expect. These are mostly for official reports and less so for school reports. 
• Introduction: Setting up the body of the report, your introduction explains the overall topic that you’re about to discuss, with your thesis statement
and any need-to-know background information before you get into your own findings. 
• Body: The body of the report explains all your major discoveries, broken up into headings and subheadings. The body makes up the majority of the
entire report; whereas the introduction and conclusion are just a few paragraphs each, the body can go on for pages. 
• Conclusion: The conclusion is where you bring together all the information in your report and come to a definitive interpretation or judgment. This is
usually where the author inputs their own personal opinions or inferences.  
• If you’re familiar with how to write a research paper, you’ll notice that report writing follows the same introduction-body-conclusion structure,
sometimes adding an executive summary. Reports usually have their own additional requirements as well, such as title pages and tables of content,
which we explain in the next section. 
• What should be included in a report?
There are no firm requirements for what’s included in a report. Every school, company, laboratory, task manager, and teacher can make their own format,
depending on their unique needs. In general, though, be on the lookout for these particular requirements—they tend to crop up a lot: 
1. Title page: Official reports often use a title page to keep things organized; if a person has to read multiple reports, title pages make them easier to keep
track of. 
2. Table of contents: Just like in books, the table of contents helps readers go directly to the section they’re interested in, allowing for faster browsing. 
3. Page numbering: A common courtesy if you’re writing a longer report, page numbering makes sure the pages are in order in the case of mix-ups or
4. Headings and subheadings: Reports are typically broken up into sections, divided by headings and subheadings, to facilitate browsing and scanning. 
5. Citations: If you’re citing information from another source, the citations guidelines tell you the recommended format.
6. Works cited page: A bibliography at the end of the report lists credits and the legal information for the other sources you got information from. 
• How to write a report in 7 steps:
Now let’s get into the specifics of how to write a report. Follow the seven steps on report writing below to take
you from an idea to a completed paper. 

1. Choose a topic based on the assignment:

Before you start writing, you need to pick the topic of your report. Often, the topic is assigned for you, as with
most business reports, or predetermined by the nature of your work, as with scientific reports. If that’s the case,
you can ignore this step and move on. If you’re in charge of choosing your own topic, as with a lot of academic
reports, then this is one of the most important steps in the whole writing process. Try to pick a topic that fits
these two criteria: 
• There’s adequate information: Choose a topic that’s not too general but not too specific, with enough
information to fill your report without padding, but not too much that you can’t cover everything. 
• It’s something you’re interested in: Although this isn’t a strict requirement, it does help the quality of a report if
you’re engaged by the subject matter. Of course, don’t forget the instructions of the assignment, including
length, so keep those in the back of your head when deciding. 

2. Conduct research:
• With business and scientific reports, the research is usually your own or provided by the company—although
there’s still plenty of digging for external sources in both. 
• For academic papers, you’re largely on your own for research, unless you’re required to use class materials.
That’s one of the reasons why choosing the right topic is so crucial; you won’t go far if the topic you picked
doesn’t have enough available research. 
• The key is to search only for reputable sources: official documents, other reports, research papers, case studies,
books from respected authors, etc. Feel free to use research cited in other similar reports. You can often find a
lot of information online through search engines, but a quick trip to the library can also help in a pinch. 
3. Write a thesis statement:
• Before you go any further, write a thesis statement to help you conceptualize the main theme of your report.
Just like the topic sentence of a paragraph, the thesis statement summarizes the main point of your writing, in
this case, the report. 
• Once you’ve collected enough research, you should notice some trends and patterns in the information. If these
patterns all infer or lead up to a bigger, overarching point, that’s your thesis statement. 
• For example, if you were writing a report on the wages of fast-food employees, your thesis might be something
like, “Although wages used to be commensurate with living expenses, after years of stagnation they are no
longer adequate.” From there, the rest of your report will elaborate on that thesis, with ample evidence and
supporting arguments. 
• It’s good to include your thesis statement in both the executive summary and introduction of your report, but
you still want to figure it out early so you know which direction to go when you work on your outline next. 
4. Prepare an outline:
• Writing an outline is recommended for all kinds of writing, but it’s especially useful for reports given their
emphasis on organization. Because reports are often separated by headings and subheadings, a solid outline
makes sure you stay on track while writing without missing anything. 
• Really, you should start thinking about your outline during the research phase, when you start to notice patterns
and trends. If you’re stuck, try making a list of all the key points, details, and evidence you want to mention. See
if you can fit them into general and specific categories, which you can turn into headings and subheadings

5. Write a rough draft:
• Actually writing the rough draft, or first draft, is usually the most time-consuming step.
Here’s where you take all the information from your research and put it into words. To avoid
getting overwhelmed, simply follow your outline step by step to make sure you don’t
accidentally leave out anything. 
• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; that’s the number one rule for writing a rough draft.
Expecting your first draft to be perfect adds a lot of pressure. Instead, write in a natural and
relaxed way, and worry about the specific details like word choice and correcting mistakes
later. That’s what the last two steps are for, anyway. 
6. Revise and edit your report:
• Once your rough draft is finished, it’s time to go back and start fixing the mistakes you
ignored the first time around. (Before you dive right back in, though, it helps to sleep on it
to start editing fresh, or at least take a small break to unwind from writing the rough draft.) 
• We recommend first rereading your report for any major issues, such as cutting or moving
around entire sentences and paragraphs. Sometimes you’ll find your data doesn’t line up, or
that you misinterpreted a key piece of evidence. This is the right time to fix the “big picture”
mistakes and rewrite any longer sections as needed. 
7. Proofread and check for mistakes:
• Last, it pays to go over your report one final time, just to optimize your wording and check
for grammatical or spelling mistakes. In the previous step you checked for “big picture”
mistakes, but here you’re looking for specific, even nitpicky problems. 
• Guidelines for Report Writing
The Following are a few important tips and guidelines when writing a report:
• Identify the purpose for writing a report.
• Use language that is unambiguous, concise and jargon-free.
• Express facts and details in an unbiased manner.
• Do not use slang or other informal words and contractions.
• Organize the content for easy navigation and logical flow of information
• Revise and proofread
• Read through the entire report before sending it in.
• The Report Writing Topics
These are the most commonly used report types:
• Analytical Report
• External Report
• Formal Report
• Functional Report
• Informal Report
• Informational Report
• Internal Report
• Lateral Report
• Long Report
• Magazine Report
• Newspaper Report
• News Report Writing Format
• Periodic Report
• Proposal Report
• Short Report
• Vertical Report

Sample of writing a report
The Main Heading of the Report:
• (This section contains a title that is representative of the content in the report. Do note that the title
must be unambiguous).

• By Line:
• (This section contains the name of the person drafting the report. It can also contain the designation of
the person. More importantly, the drafter’s name or other personal information must not be mentioned
in the main body)

• Opening paragraph:
• (This section provides a brief overview of the report. Also, it includes the headline’s expansion)

• The Main Body of the Report:

• (This section provides the complete details of the report. Important details that must be
included are “why”, “how”, “what”, “when” etc. Other details can also be included if they
provide better context or clarity to the report)

• Conclusion:
• (This section contains details on how the event in question ended. It can also contain other
details which provides more information about the event)

• The Images, Graphs, Charts, Tables, Figures and Diagrams:
• A common feature of report writing is to include graphs in the forms of (Bar graphs, line graphs
and Circle or Pie graphs), charts, tables, diagrams and images as well as to visually illustrate your
work. It is important to ensure these graphics are accompanied with appropriate information for
the reader to understand what they’re looking at and why. The example below shows a standard
layout of a graph and details the information which must be included. Click on the dots for more
• Graphs, charts and images are labeled as ‘figures’ e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 etc. Tables are
labeled as ‘tables’ e.g. Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 etc. Your report should include a ‘List of figures’
and a ‘List of tables’ after your contents page (if you have one) and before your
abstract/executive summary (if you have one) or introduction. (
• Top tip: if you are importing a graph or chart generated through Microsoft Excel, make sure you
have all your labeling correct and in a large enough font to be readable on your report before
you download the image.

• Appendices:
• ‘Appendices’ is the plural of the word ‘appendix’. This section of your report is titled ‘Appendices’ if it
has more than one appendix entry. If you only have one item to put in this section, you would title it
• Appendices are at the very back of your report as the last part to your report structure. The section
also requires a strict format to tell the reader what each appendix entry is. Look at the image below for
more details on how your appendices should be formatted. Click on the dots for more information.
Here are some key points for organizing your appendices:
• Alphabetical or numeral headings e.g. Appendix A or Appendix 1 etc.
• Refer to your appendices in the main body of your report e.g. ‘see Appendix A for the survey questions’
• Organize by the order they appear in the main body of your report
• List your Appendices in your contents page
• Remember, each appendix entry is additional information to the main body of your report to support
your work. If you have not mentioned the information in your report, it should not be in your
• (
• (

What is an Electronic Mail (E-mail)?
1. The definition :
An Electronic Email (most well- known in the abbreviated word as E-mail) is a form of writing which consists of some
details, information or instructions to be exchanged between two or more persons about an event, a situation, an
action or previous past experiences. The E-mail is a new type of the popular and more common style of writing that is
called a (Letter) as the procedures that we need to follow when writing a letter can be implemented similarly in the
writing of an E-mail. It is worth mentioning that the e-mail has to be written on specific mailing accounts established
by famous electronic websites and companies like (Google, Yahoo and Hotmail).
2. The purposes to write an Email :
Whether you are a professional or a newly seasoned staff at any junior or senior position, an e-mail writing is a vital
aspect of business communication for you with other employees. It can be a daily routine struggle for any one
working in an establishment to write a simple e-mail regarding a specific topic forwarded it to another staff or to reply
on an e-mail that he already receives from a colleague or a senior personnel. There are many purposes to write an e-
mail or a letter; however, the most prominent reasons to write the e-mail is either for a formal matter communication
or informal issues to be mentioned. The tone, quality and level of formality that you use in your e-mail or letter will
definitely affect how successful you are at communicating your messages. The tone of your letter or e-mail depends
on who you are writing. If you are writing a formal letter, your language used should be clear, more tidily and well
orderly. While writing a letter or an e-mail to a friend may contain less formal expressions and more to be direct. To
write a great worthy email, you need to know three things:
• what an e-mail looks like.
• certain common mistakes to be avoided.
• next-level strategies to get ahead in e-mail communications.
• how to motivate busy people relevant to the e-mail subject to respond or address a potentially.
The Anatomy of a good email
• Every email you write has the same basic structure: Subject line, greeting, email body, and closing. But as with every written
form of professional communication, there’s a right way to do it and standards that should be followed. Here’s how to write a
proper email:
1. Subject line:
The subject line could be the most important part of the email, though it’s often overlooked in favor of the email body. But if
you’re cold-emailing someone, or just establishing a professional relationship, your subject line can entice people to open the
message as well as set expectations about what’s enclosed. On the other hand, a poorly crafted or generic subject line (like “Hi”
or “You don’t wAnt to miss thos”) can deter the reader and result in your email landing in the spam folder. “Spend double the
amount of time crafting the right subject line as you do on the [body] because if they don’t open the email, it doesn’t matter,”
says Cole Schafer, founder and copy chief of Honey Copy.
2. The Openers:
In most email writing situations, you’ll want to include a quick greeting to acknowledge the reader before diving into your main
message or request. The exception: When you’re on an email chain with close colleagues, it often becomes more natural to drop
the opener (as well as the closing). Though it may initially feel like a faux pas, it signals a better professional rapport.
3. The Body:
The body of an email is the meat of your message, and it must have a clear and specific purpose, such as getting feedback on a
presentation or arranging a meeting with a new client. It should also be concise. That way, people will be more inclined to read
it, rather than skimming it and risking missing critical information. If you can, boil it down to a few choice sentences. For the
emails that require more length and detail, keep it as focused as you can. “Nobody wants to receive a novel. You want to keep it
between three, four, or five lines of text,” says Schafer.
4. The Closings:
Just as you want to start things off on the right foot with your greeting, you also want to part well. That means writing a
friendly sign- off and there are plenty of options to choose from. For example, here are 12 common, and professional, closings
that the users chose on a given day: You’ll want to choose a closing that feels genuine to your personality and tailor it to the
relationship to ensure an appropriate level of professionalism. On the other hand, common closings like “love,” “sent from
iphone,” or “thx,” may be best left unused in professional emails.

• Common Email Writing Mistakes (and what to do instead):

Just as every email is an opportunity for professional growth, there’s also the potential to fall
into common email writing bad habits. Here are eight mistakes to avoid:

1.  Omitting necessary Oxford commas:

• The Oxford comma can be somewhat polarizing when thinking about how to write a proper
email, depending on which style guide is utilized for professional communications in your
industry —it’s usually either shunned or hailed as a tool for clarification. Either way, a lot of
people have strong opinions about it. But leaving them out can lead to confusion, depending
on the sentence.
• What to do instead: While the Oxford comma may not be suitable in certain contexts, it’s
usually a good idea to use them in emails. That’s because it can help you save time and avoid
miscommunication, confusion, and even legal trouble.
2.  The Hedging:
• The users know that when it comes to hedging, it’s better to omit it than leave it in, especially
in the emails. And if you’re worried about coming off as impolite, don’t be: Contrary to
popular belief, hedging language makes you sound less confident, which can ultimately
undermine your writing.
• What to do instead: State your idea or opinion, then explain the “why” behind your
reasoning. That way, you’ll be better understood and your brilliance can shine through.
3.  Extremely long and/or unclear copy:
• Would you read an email that was 1,000 words long? Probably not most people skim
emails that are on the long side and if you add hard to follow sentences or mixed messages
to your draft you’re even less likely to get a satisfactory response. (Or any response.)
• “I get a ton of [emails] that are just these huge blocks of text. And I understand why they
do that so you have enough detail. But it’s really hard to read and I’m not going to read
the whole thing,” says Kat Boogaard, a Wisconsin-based freelance writer.
• What to do instead: Keep it concise and focus on the matter at hand. Then end with a call
to action, a requested response date, and make it clear that you’re open to questions and
follow-ups (if that’s the case).
4.  Being too casual (or formal):
• Depending on your circumstances, wavering too much to the casual or formal side of
writing can be a misstep. Being overly casual is often seen as a rookie mistake, but stiff,
formal language can also be detrimental to your message.
• What to do instead: In striking the perfect balance between formal and casual, the key is
thinking about the relationship between yourself and the recipient and take social cues as
your communication progresses.
• “You kind of want to see what someone else is doing and participate, play along, sort of
acknowledge the way communication develops and the way expectations in a
relationship develop,” says Dan Post Senning, an etiquette expert at the Emily Post
• Here’s a tip: While GIFs and emojis can be great for creating a sense of comrade
(that is a feeling of being as workmates or friends) between co-workers, these
can be seen as overly casual in many contexts.
• “Be careful in new relationships. The intelligent use of emoticons in emails can
help you be more understood. At the same time, a lot of people will read it as
unprofessional, so until you’ve established that relationship, you want to be
careful with how you use it. Take care and think about it,” says Post Senning.
5. The Clichés:
• Not all email clichés are cardinal, fundamental or basic sins. Certain aspects of
your emails are bound to be a little formulaic. After all, most emails have the
same basic structure, and there are phrases that you may use to ensure clarity or
cover your bases. But if you’re going to repeat phrases, make sure they have a
clear purpose.
• As Kiera Wright-Ruiz, a social media manager at Google’s Local Guides puts it,
“Even though I always repeat, ‘please let me know if you have any questions,’ I
actually do want to know if they have questions.”
• However, most of the time, you’ll want to edit out clichés whenever possible
since they can make people tune out. Here are the top seven to avoid:
• Method: We searched for terms used by the users based on our most
popular blog articles.
• What to do instead: Try reading the draft for clichés, tone, and voice to
more effectively communicate your message while keeping the reader
engaged. Ask yourself: If your boss (or mom) read this email, would you be
happy with it? If the answer is yes, then you’re on the right track.
6.  The Repetition:
• People often repeat words within the same paragraph, twice in two
sentences, or just too close together to go unnoticed. While it’s not the
worst offense, it’s another thing that can make a reader tune out.
• Here are the most commonly repeated words to avoid:

• What to do instead: Try reading your draft out loud, using the text-to-speech function on your phone, or
running it by a colleague before sending it off.
7. The Robotic language:
• Email may be a descendant of snail mail, but that doesn’t mean your messages should sound like an old-
timey version of yourself. In fact, emails should sound like the person who is writing it. So using phrases that
sound like something out of a Victorian novel isn’t the best move if you want to connect with the reader.
• “Let’s face it: Nobody wants to read a college textbook. You want to read a blog or an article or a real
conversation. They’re a person, they’re not a robot. So use language that sounds like something you would
say if you’re just sitting in a coffee shop,” says copy chief Schafer.
• What to do instead: You can get a more natural effect by pretending you’re writing to a friend or having a
conversation with a friendly acquaintance. For example, you probably wouldn’t say something like,
“Greetings” and “I hope the weather is fair where you are” if you were meeting someone for coffee. You’d
say something like, “Hi” and “Thanks again for your time.”
8. The Overuse of exclamation points!
• Enthusiasm is great. But in certain contexts, the overuse of exclamation points can do more harm than
good. This is especially true if you’re forging a new relationship or contacting someone outside of your
company. You are, after all, a representative of your work when you use a company email address. But
people love exclamation points, and they’re still something that many people rely on to convey a positive
• What to do instead: After you’ve written your draft, do a quick search for exclamation points and use your
judgment to determine which (if any) to keep based on your relationship with the recipient. As a general
rule, try to keep it to one or two per email with colleagues.
• For example, here are the most common sentences and words people use with exclamation points in
9. Next-level email writing moves:
• Once you’ve got the proper email format and you know what mistakes to avoid, it’s time to focus on making your drafts stand out from the numerous
emails most people get every day. Here are four strategies to take yours to the next level:
• Think positive:
• Sending an email that is remotely negative, or even neutral, can put you in a tricky place. And as with any written communication, there may be room
for misinterpretation.
• “In the absence of other information, our interpretation often defaults to the negative,” explains communication-etiquette expert Post Senning. “When
you’re talking about negative communication, you’re [missing] the information that is tone of voice, the twinkle in your eye, the good humor that you
intend something with or even the genuine care or concern with which you’re offering critique. So be really careful. When something reads as negative
to you, it probably comes across as even more negative to someone else.”
• Strike the right tone:
• You wouldn’t want to get an email that reads, “Dear [client],” or which references your work in public relations when you’re actually in sales, because it
would immediately show that the sender is either mass emailing you, or they didn’t do the proper research and find the right contact. Similarly, you’ll
want to make sure that every email you send has a tone that’s crafted specifically for the recipient, and that you’re sending it to the right person.
• So even though it may be tempting to use templates, it’s important to personalize it and keep in mind the communication style of the recipient before
hitting send. To accomplish this, a quick Google search or a peek at the recipient’s LinkedIn or Twitter feed can do wonders.
• Before sending, try putting yourself in the recipient’s shoes for a gut-check on tone and content. And if you have a hard time reading your own tone in
• Follow up—in good time:
• If you’re sending an email, you’re likely looking for a timely response. But with the large amounts of emails most people sort through each day, things
can end up getting lost. As a general rule, a follow-up message should never come less than twenty-four hours after sending the initial email.
• In other words: Don’t be the person who sends a follow-up request two hours after sending. In extreme cases, that kind of behavior can even get you
blocked. “When you’re taking more time and actually caring about the person on the other side of the email, you’re immediately going to see a much
higher response rate. I had to learn that the hard way,” says copy chief Schafer.
• Make it easy on the eyes:
• Most of the messages you send will likely be on the shorter side, which is great for rapid responses and getting things done. But for longer emails, scan
ability is the name of the game. That’s when things like bolded font, bullet points, underlined sentences, and a TL;DR (too long, didn’t read) section
come in handy.
• There are a lot of factors to keep in mind when composing an email, and there’s a wide margin of error. But after all is said and done, it isn’t about
perfection. It’s about effective communication.
• “I think people feel this pressure that you need to be this perfect communicator with this huge vocabulary and these perfectly structured sentences.
And I don’t know that that’s always the case because you’re just two people, communicating,” says freelance writer Boogaard.

How to Write a Follow-Up Email After an Interview

• Although the end of a job interview may feel like your last chance at making a good impression, it’s not. Writing thank-
you emails after an interview is a final chance to put your best self forward. According to some surveys in this regard
which show that up to (80%) of human resources managers found thank-you messages helpful; but only (24%)said they
received them from interview applicants.
• Writing a follow-up email after an interview is an effective way to show your gratitude for the opportunity and as the
above data shows truly stand out. Keep reading the following dos and don’ts to remember when crafting a successful
thank-you email.
• Hone, refine and improve your message:
• Do refer to the specific points discussed during the interview.
• The content of your message should acknowledge or reiterate details that were discussed in the interview. This will also
help your interviewers remember you clearly and distinguish you from other candidates. For example, let’s say your
interviewer mentioned that the department is facing challenges with scaling production. 
• In your follow-up email, you can allude to this point and reinforce how your skills in XYZ can help them address those
challenges. This is also a prime opportunity to introduce a point that you forgot to mention during the interview, or
clarify a talking point in greater detail.
• Don’t make generic statements: 
• This is your last chance to place yourself as a top hiring candidate. So, avoid writing a follow-up email that only sums up
the same closing sentiments you used in the interview. For example, don’t simply write, “Thank you for your time
yesterday. I’m excited about the idea of joining your team!”
• Remember email length:
• Do keep it to a paragraph.
• Although most hiring managers likely appreciate a follow-up email, it’s important to keep your message concise. Aside
from hiring a candidate for the role, they’re likely working on other projects in tandem and don’t have time to read
wordy follow-ups. If possible, limit your thank-you email to one succinct paragraph. For more on this, read our tips on
improving your writing clarity and conciseness.
• Don’t rewrite your cover letter:
• Some candidates make the mistake of overwriting and repeating the information that was in their initial cover
letter. The hiring manager already knows your basic qualifications, job history, and that you think you’d be “great
for the role.” Your thank-you message must enhance, not restate, what you’ve already shared about your
• Stay on top of a follow-up timeline:
• Do follow up within one to two days.
• The entire hiring process is a whirlwind for interviewees and interviewers alike. It’s best to send a follow-up email
within twenty-four hours, and at the latest within two days. This helps hiring managers easily link your message
to the impression you made during the interview. The last thing you’d want is to be mistaken for another
• Don’t procrastinate:
• With a majority of human resources professionals citing a thank-you note as being helpful, this isn’t a task to
delay. Being proactive also signals your enthusiasm for the role, and how “on top” of follow-up you are in your
day-to-day work.
• Message recipients thoughtfully:
• Do send a unique follow-up email to each interviewer.
• You might meet with several people for an interview, whether in a group setting or in one-on-one conversations.
Write a variation of your follow-up email that’s tailored to each person you spoke to, and send them individually.
Alluding to a topic or detail that each person discussed shows that you were attentive during your time together. 
• Don’t copy-paste the same message to each interviewer:
• Avoid sending the same generic thank-you messages to each person on your interview panel. Hiring teams often
compare notes when choosing a candidate, and a follow-up with an untailored message can come off as
thoughtless and insincere. It’s akin to a bot sending spam to an email list—no one appreciates it!
• Although writing a follow-up email after an interview won’t in itself guarantee you the job, it’s a professional and
personal way to show your appreciation.
How to Write a Perfect Professional Email in English: 7 Useful Tips
It’s an exciting first day at your new job and it’s the kind of show that you could get used to sitting in a comfortable chair and handling
emails isn’t exactly backbreaking labor; but parts of this scene may not come exactly as your sweetie expectations. Maybe you want the
emails you draft to project confidence and control; but you have started being nervous about arranging each part in the right order.
Maybe you are uncertain as to the best way to say hello. Maybe you didn’t grow up speaking English at home and maybe it’s still not the
language you dream in. Whatever the case, you needn’t worry because with some practice writing the perfect professional email will
start to feel easy even automatic. Here are some tips to help you get started:
1. Greet the person you’re writing to.
• It may seem odd to address a stranger on the Internet as Dear, but it’s standard in formal correspondence. Other respectable but
less commonplace options include Greetings and Salutations. When possible, it’s best to put the recipient’s name. Follow it with a
comma or colon, as in these examples:
• Dear Chad,
• Dear Mr. Oswald:
• Dear Ms. Picard-Mimms:
• If you’re not sure whether a woman you’re writing to is (Ms. or Mrs., then Ms.) is usually the safer option. Another solid, gender-
neutral approach is to simply put the recipient’s full name:
• Dear Alex Lee:
• By contrast, the generic Dear Sir or Madam seems impersonal and should be avoided.
2. Are you thanking the recipient, or are you responding to a recent message from them? If so, start there.
• (If you’re reaching out to a stranger you’ve never corresponded with before, begin the body of your email with Step 3.)
• What you choose to write about first tells the reader what you think is important.
• If you have something to express gratitude for, you want to do so at the beginning, so it doesn’t feel like an afterthought. Similarly, if
you’re already in the midst of a back-and-forth conversation, you want to stay on track and not change the subject. Some examples:
• Thank you for your kind contribution to Red Panda Conservation International.
• Thanks for your interest; my client would be more than happy to chat at the time you suggested.
• The replacement parts you requested for your DeLorean are scheduled for delivery this week.
• The key here is to get to the point quickly; you don’t want to keep a busy reader wondering.

3. Explain what you are writing about:
• There are two questions you need to answer plainly. What are you hoping to make happen, and how can the person you’re writing help? For instance:
• I’m writing to inquire about your research on how cats groom their coats.
• I’m a local radio producer looking to schedule a live interview ahead of your performance in Oakland next week.
• My architectural firm is in need of expertise on treehouses, and several colleagues tell me your insight is unrivaled.
• In stating your purpose, you want to be direct, but not to the point of seeming brusque or rude. If this feels like an awkward balancing act, err on the side of
formality. Just as it’s better to be slightly overdressed at work than too casual, it’s usually better for your first email to a new contact to be exceptionally polite.
4. Remember to keep it short:
• Professional emails shouldn’t be epic in length. Be respectful of your readers’ time, because if they feel your message is unduly long, they’ll likely start to skim.
• If a weighty subject requires lengthy discussion, look for better ways to communicate about it than email. Use your message as a way to set up a meeting or
discussion, rather than a venue for a dense treatise on the subject.
5. Wrap up with a closing line:
• Your email should conclude with one sentence that makes your meaning clear and sets up whatever’s next. It might nudge the reader to take action, or be a way
of gently winding down the conversation.
• I’ll look forward to discussing this with you further at 11 a.m. Thursday.
• Please look over the draft manuscript I’m attaching, and let me know what revisions or questions come to mind.
• Your guidance has been extremely helpful, and I look forward to being in touch.
• Just as your message might’ve begun where a previous email left off, you want this one to end by setting up future correspondence.
6. Sign off with an appropriate closing:
• There are lots of ways to end an email before putting your name, but in the interest of professional decorum, it’s probably best not to get too creative. Many
people gripe about distracting email sign-offs like “cheers” and “VR” (very respectfully), so choose one that won’t feel out of place. Some of the most reliable
options are:
• Sincerely,
• Yours truly,
• Thanks again,
• Appreciatively,
• Best regards,
• Respectfully,
7.   Take a moment to proofread:
• Looking back over what you wrote before hitting send shouldn’t be a time-consuming chore: Remember, the ideal email is concise.
• Make sure your greeting looks right (nothing feels worse than realizing the name of the person you just emailed was misspelled) and that you say thanks when
it’s appropriate. Double-check that any request you’re making is straightforward and easy to understand, but not abrupt or presumptuous.
• Also, this is your last chance to catch any subtle typos; we’ve watched more than one email thread jump completely off the rails when someone meant to type
“now” but accidentally put “not” instead—as in, “We’re not trying to have the presentation ready by Thursday.” Be vigilant.  

How do we write a Welcome Message to a New Employee?

• A new hire’s first few days at a company set the tone for their tenure there. A warm welcome message, which often gets sent during those critical first few
days of onboarding, informs the new team member about the company’s processes, values, and culture. This greeting can also help them develop an
information network as they get familiar with the team and how their new role relates to the greater goal. A poor onboarding experience can result in new
hires being twice as likely to look for another job elsewhere. As more employers extend remote work or transition into a long-term hybrid arrangement,
reaching out to new hires effectively can cultivate cooperative relationships regardless of the work setting.    
1. What is a welcome letter or message?
• The onboarding process for new employees often includes an onslaught of paperwork to sign, system accounts to create, process-sharing, training, and
introductions. Welcome messages can formally introduce the new employee to large groups within the organization, or they can be informal introductions
between peers. Often, some details are shared, which can include information about their previous role and what they’ll contribute to the company.  
2. What should it include? 
• The specifics about what to include in a welcome greeting, as well as the tone, depend on the sender. Below are examples of what welcome messages can
include, depending on who’s sending them.
3. Human Resource HR/Recruiters:
• The welcome letters that are written by a recruiter or Human Resources team member will open the message with an enthusiastic greeting. 
• They might then include a list of administrative tasks that the employee must complete on their first day to get themselves set up to start working. For
example, it could detail instructions for creating a user account for the organization’s intranet or include attachments or links to preliminary paperwork
that needs to be signed. 
• Welcome letters from recruiters and HR team members might also provide an itinerary of meetings to attend with department heads, the hiring manager,
or other personnel as part of the onboarding process. Organization guidelines, such as dress code, break requirements, parking information, company
benefits, and other policies might also be shared in their welcome letter.
• HR might also release a general company announcement via email or the internal portal with an overview of the new hire’s past work experience and what
they’ve been brought onto the team to accomplish.
4. Hiring managers:
• The hiring managers who’ll work closely with the new employee often provide more information about what the new hire can expect in their first few
days, and possibly even their first few weeks and months. In addition to opening the letter with a greeting that’s welcoming, the message might include a
daily and hourly breakdown of training sessions or department processes to review.
• It might also be an opportunity for hiring managers to name other team members and their roles. Typically, the message will close by inviting the new hire
to raise questions or ask for clarification, if needed.
5. Teammates
• The individual team members might also feel compelled to reach out to a new hire with a welcoming introduction. These messages are usually informal in
structure, tone, and format. 
• For example, a peer might write a brief direct message on Slack introducing themselves and what they do on the team and closing with a casual “Welcome
to the team!”

6. Examples of welcome messages:
• Greeting a new employee to your team can take a variety of forms. These correspondences are often in long or short form as for which  
work communication channel to use, long-form welcome letters are typically relayed via email or as a physical letter while short-form messages might take
place on a messaging platform, such as Loose. Below are a couple of examples to illustrate how each type of welcome message might look.
• Long-form :
• Dear [Employee full name], 
• On behalf of [company/department], I want to welcome you to the team. Your expertise in [skill/industry] will help us get to our goals in the upcoming year,
and we look forward to your contributions.
• Here’s an overview of your day-one schedule and tasks to complete:
• Itinerary:
• [time] New hire orientation
• [time] Introduction to CEO and COO
• [time] Lunch
• [time] One-on-one with manager
• [time] Benefits enrollment meeting
• Tasks: 
• Read and sign the attached paperwork
• Set up user accounts for company and department tools
• Create your intranet profile
• Schedule an intro meeting with your mentor/buddy
• If you have any questions, please feel welcome to reach out to me at [phone number/email]. Again, we’re so excited that you’ve chosen to join our
• Regards, 
• [sender name]
• [sender title]
• Short-form :
• Hey [new hire first name]! I’m [sender first name] and I’m the [title]. I’m handling the [XYZ task] and will be working with you closely, so I wanted to reach out
and personally welcome you to the team. Let me know if there’s anything you need help with during your transition. I hope you’re enjoying your first day so far!
• Strike the right tone :
• As many as (69%)of employees are more likely to stay with a company for three years if they had a positive onboarding experience, according to SHRM. The
first-touch communication of a welcome message can have lasting effects on a new employee.
• Regardless of who’s writing the welcome letter or message, using the appropriate tone can be tricky. If you’re on the leadership team or in HR, you may want
your message to convey a formal, but encouraging, tone. Peers who are welcoming a new hire might want to achieve a friendly and cooperative tone in their

How to Write a Follow-up Email That Gets a Response: 7 Action Tips

If only the people you emailed would answer every time. Unfortunately, many of your emails
are destined to go unanswered. The average email user receives (92) emails per a day (17) of
which are likely to be spam and opens only about one in three. If you want to make yourself
heard in a noisy digital world, being able to write a compelling follow-up email is an essential
skill. Here are the (7) action tips to write a follow –up email that would get a response:
1.   Take time to create an attention getting a subject line:
• Half the battle when it comes to getting a response is getting your email opened in the
first place. The average open rate for emails is (34%) . Although the odds are stacked
against your lowly digital missive, you can improve them by investing extra time into
creating a subject header that’s difficult to ignore. While there are exceptions to every
rule, these strategies are known to get results:
• Keep it short. (40%) of the emails are opened on mobiles. Short subject lines are less
likely to get cut off.
• Use concise language. Get the best language and don’t waste words.
• Ask a question. Emails with questions in their subject lines can urge readers to open the
message, either to search for the answer or to provide one.
• Don’t get into selling emails. Create interest without resorting to exaggeration. Would
you want to open an email you suspected was nothing more than a sales offer?

2. Know your objective, then stick to the subject:
It is important that your subject line reflect your email’s objective, which brings us to our next tip. What are you
trying to accomplish with your follow-up email? It is important to have a desired outcome in mind so you can keep
your email focused on achieving it. Are you writing to ask for a meeting? Request a status update? Ask a favor? Say
thanks? Whatever your goal, everything from your subject line to your message body to your sign-off should help
you reach that goal.
• Don’t stray off on any lines before you’ve gotten a response to your email and engaged in a conversation even if
ultimately your request will have lots of moving parts. For instance, let’s say you’re following up on a job
application. Your brain may be turning over all sorts of big-picture issues like your salary requirements or
availability. But before you can talk about any of those things you have to accomplish just one get an interview.
That means your follow-up email should be laser focused on providing only the information that will convince a
potential employer to offer you an interview. Don’t throw inside notes that will muddy the waters.
3. Use the right salutation:
• When you’re writing a prospective employer to follow up on your application, always use:
• Dear [Name],
In fact, in any sort of formal email it is appropriate to begin with “Dear” rather than “Hi.” “Hey” is arguably the most
informal salutation of them all, so save it for when you’re corresponding with someone you know and have a
friendly relationship with.
4.  Open with some context:
• Even if your follow-up email is threaded and contains your original email, it’s still a good practice to include a
sentence or two of context.
• Dear Bob,
The upcoming mobile app, the most awesome thing Ever, is in beta. I wrote last week to ask whether you’d like to
be one of the first to take it for a test drive. It’s not necessary to reiterate everything; just highlight what’s crucial.
Ask yourself, “What’s the bare minimum my recipient must understand so that the rest of my email makes sense?”

5.  Personalize it:
• Add a personal touch to your emails whenever you can. If you met the recipient at a conference, say so. If you read an article they’ve written, mention your favorite takeaway. If
you’ve interviewed with them for a job, reference a highlight from the interview.
• I was inspired by what you said about Excellent Company’s branding strategy. Not only does your vision closely match my own, but I feel I could learn and grow as a part of your
• The key is to sound friendly but not smarmy. Personalization shouldn’t involve random name-dropping. It should help establish your connection with the recipient. Don’t force it.
6.   Don’t be vague:
• Your first email might not have gotten a response because you didn’t clearly state its purpose. Your follow-up email affords you a chance to correct that.
• Journalists receive a ton of pitch emails daily from PR representatives who want them to cover a story. One of their pet peeves, and the thing most likely to cause them to delete
an email, is having no clue what that email is actually about. As Matthew Hughes wrote for The Next Web:
• The best pitches I get are the ones where I can understand the product or story after reading just one paragraph. Drop the jargon and the braggadocio – just keep it short and
• Whether you’re following up on a pitch or a request for a meeting, be specific and state clearly what you want to happen.
• I wish to discuss collaboration perspectives with you.
• You’d like to what, now? What does “collaboration perspectives” even mean?
• I’d like to write an article for your blog, and I hope you’ll write one for mine in return.
• Oooh! Now we get it.
7. Include a call to action:
• If you want the recipient to respond to your email, in most cases you’re going to have to ask for it. That request is called a call to action.
• CTAs are a marketing tool, but they’re important in email follow-ups, as well. They point your recipient toward the next step, which in turn prompts a response. Here are a few
• Request a meeting
• I’d like to meet for lunch and ask you a few questions about Mega Corp’s email strategy. Would Tuesday at noon work?
• Ask for feedback
• I know you have great insight to offer when it comes to [topic.] Would you take a few moments to share your feedback?
• Solicit a sale, donation, or subscription
• Reveal your mystery coupon
• Donate by [date] and [Company] will match your donation!
• Subscribe today to stay in the loop!
• After a job interview
• I thought I’d pass along links to the clips I mentioned yesterday. Is there anything else you’d like me to send?
• Keeping it simple isn’t always simple
• Now that you’ve learned some of the tricks to writing a great follow-up email, you face one more challenge—keeping it short and sweet. (A study by the email app Boomerang
showed that emails between seventy-five and one hundred words have the best response rates.)
• The more concise your follow-up email, the longer it will probably take you to write it. Crafting emails that stick to the subject, clearly state a purpose, and include a compelling
call to action is trickier than it seems. Practice makes perfect! Invest time into fine-tuning your follow-up emails and you’re sure to earn more replies. 

Writing an Introduction over an Email in (5) Steps

• Making a good first impression is important and that can be challenging

over the medium of email. In a one sided message, the lack of visual cues
such as facial expressions or body language to add warmth or confidence to
the exchange can make introductory wording feel stiff or bland.
• Have you ever used any of the following phrases? 
• “I’d like to introduce myself.”
• “It’s nice to e-meet you!”
• “We’ve never met, but . . .”
• Chances are you have. We all have! Phrases like these may be
straightforward; but they also have a way of making your reader’s eyes gloss
over. That’s why it’s important to move beyond these kinds of openers. That
way, you can make your emails feel fresh while also making a good first

• Read on for specific tips for certain email situations, along with five creative alternatives to those old standbys.
1. How to connect two people over an email:
• Connecting the colleagues or friends sounds great in theory; but it presents a bit of a logistical challenge. After all, emails are typically a one-to-one (or one-to-
many) medium. Once you’ve made sure both parties consent to the introduction, the best way to get around that issue is to attack things head-on and address
each person separately.
• Option 1: Be formal and straightforward
• What to include:
• An explanation of why the two people should meet each other
• Some pleasantries to close
• Subject: X Name / Y Name
• Body:
• Hello X and Y!
• X, meet Y. Y is on the marketing team at my company and is focused on consumer research.
• Y, meet X. X is considering transitioning into consumer research and is interested in talking to a seasoned pro.
• I’ll let you take it from here!
• Thanks,
• [Your name/signature]
• This approach works because it not only gives the recipients a quick recap of the situation (in both the subject line and structure), but it also starts the email with
key information. Namely, it states why each recipient should care about meeting each other.
• Option 2: Strike a friendly tone
• Alternatively, if it’s a casual social introduction, you can add more warmth. But, still aim to keep things simple.
• What to include:
• A brief explanation of why the two people should be acquainted
• Note: It’s acceptable to use a more casual or even playful tone.
• Subject: Connecting X and Y
• Body:
• Hey X and Y!
• I’m excited to introduce you two! You’re both cat enthusiasts, especially when it comes to internet cat memes. I think you’d hit it off and would have a lot to talk
about meow. 
• Thanks,
• [Your name/signature]
• How to introduce yourself to a new contact
• Reaching out to a new connection can feel daunting. Remember to clarify how you know your recipient and keep your message gracious and concise. 
• Option 1: Politely jog their memory
• Knowing the person you’re emailing—even if you’ve only met in passing—makes it more likely the recipient will read on. So pointing out that connection is key. 

• What to include:
• Where and when you met
• Why you’re reaching out and what they should know about you
• A call to action
• Some pleasantries to close
• For example, if you met at a recent work conference, you can say: 
• Subject: [Your name, company]
• Body: 
• Hello X,
• It was great to meet you at the [conference name] last week. 
• I enjoyed our brief conversation about software development. As a front-end developer, I’m interested in learning more about your approach.
• I’d like to schedule a meeting for next week to discuss your team’s software development projects.
• I appreciate you taking the time and look forward to our chat. 
• Thanks,
• [Your name/signature]
• Option 2: Name a common acquaintance
• Or, perhaps you’re leveraging your network to reach someone you haven’t yet met in person. Ideally, you’d use that common connection as a way to make the first move. But that isn’t always possible. In that case, you should still focus on that
common acquaintance.
• What to include:
• How you’re commonly connected
• Why you’re reaching out and what value you could bring
• A call to action
• Some pleasantries to close
• Subject: [Why they need your product/services or why you’re reaching out]
• Body: 
• Hello X,
• I’m a colleague of Y, who suggested I reach out. I’m Z, [your job title] at [company]. My team offers training on various software systems and I understand you’re looking to invest in professional development at your company.  
• I’d love to set up a demo on what we can offer this month.. Let me know if you’re available later this week..
• Thanks,
• [Your name/signature]
• How to make a cold introduction
• Cold outreach is often the most difficult way to get someone’s attention. After all, seeing an unknown name in your inbox makes it easier to ignore. And unsolicited messages often break  email etiquette, making the bias against them a steeper
obstacle to overcome.
• But there are ways to do cold outreach right. Here’s one effective method.
• Highlight your value
• What to include:
• How you found them, if relevant, and why you’re reaching out
• An example of their work you admire, if applicable
• The value you could bring to them
• A call to action
• Some pleasantries to close
• Subject: [Why you’re reaching out / sincere compliment]
• Body: 
• Hello X,
• I’m Y, [job title] at [company]. I’ve been following your work for a while now and especially loved your latest blog post on productivity hacks.  
• I was wondering if you’d be interested in writing for [Z publication]. Productivity and other workplace topics really resonate with our readers. We have a great content distribution model, with an audience reach of 500k page views per month.  
• I’d be happy to set up a call for next week to discuss writing opportunities. I look forward to speaking with you soon.   
• Thanks,
• [Your name/signature]
• You don’t need to say that you haven’t met—doing so only reminds them that they can ignore you, so it’s best skipped. You should also take care to use the contact’s proper spelling and title in your  greeting. And, as with any email, your goal
should be to keep things brief and to the point.

The Dos and Don’ts of Business Email Etiquette

Few things can tarnish your professional brand quite like a poorly written, misguided email. One click of the “send” button can be the difference between a
successful business exchange and a potential HR issue or coworker conflict. And while Americans send hundreds of thousands of emails a day, it should not be
taken for granted. Whether you’re a senior professional or an office newbie, here are 13 must-remember dos and don’ts of business email etiquette.
• Do Pay Attention to The Subject Line
• Write a clear, concise subject line that reflects the body of the email. Avoid subject lines with general words like, “Hi,” “Touching Base,” or “FYI,” and do not
leave the subject line blank.
• Do Use a Proper Salutation
• “Hi” and “Hey” communicate a lack of professionalism and maturity. Begin your email with phrases such as “Good morning,” “Good afternoon,” “Good
evening,” or “Hello.” “Good day” or “Greetings” are other phrases used frequently in the international arena.
• Do Use an Introduction
• In cultures like the U.S., the best practice is for the sender to introduce themselves by first and last name with some background information in the first few
lines. For example, “Dear Ms. Mandell: My name is Sharon Schweitzer, founder of Access to Culture. I was referred to you by . . .” or “My name is Sharon
Schweitzer and I am an International Business Expert writing to you about . . .” This is especially important when introducing yourself to new contacts,
potential customers, clients, and employers who want to know how you received their contact information.
• You’re Sabotaging or Damaging Your Success: Unknown Communication Mistakes & How to Fix Them
• Do Know The Culture
• When sending emails to people from indirect cultures, it is proper protocol and a best practice to research country customs. For example, in Japan, it is
polite, appropriate, and customary to inquire about the weather in the first sentence of a business email. Contrastingly, it would be inappropriate to send
an email introducing yourself to a potential Japanese contact. In indirect cultures, introductions are only made by mutually respected third parties due to
custom; cold emails are ignored, deleted, blocked, and/or marked as junk.
• Don’t Include Humor and Sarcasm
• Emails can easily be misinterpreted through text without context. Humor is culture-specific. Avoid both humor and sarcasm in emails as the recipient may
be confused, or worse, offended.
• Do Double-Check Your Attachments
• When you attach a file, be kind enough to take a few extra seconds to paste it into the body of the email as well. This shows consideration to the recipient,
by saving them time and risk in opening attachments. Is this more time consuming for you? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes.
• Don’t Hit “Reply All”
• Avoid using “Reply All” unless everyone needs to know. When the C-Suite (CEO/COO) or administrative assistant sends an email to 10 staff members
requesting volunteers for a community service project, reply to the admin, not to all 10 members. Why make ten others delete your email? Reply All is a
function for ongoing deliberations on a particular subject.

• Do Reply Expediently or suitably
• Replying within 24 hours is common courtesy. Leave someone hanging for any longer and you are not only perceived
as rude—it could cost you business in the long run. If you’ve unintentionally kept someone waiting longer than 24
hours or extenuating circumstances arose, politely explain the situation and express your apologies.
• Don’t Use Emojis
• Those little winking, smiling icons are for text messages. They are inappropriate and unprofessional in a business
email. Emoticons may divert emails to a spam filter or junk mailbox, and it can look immature and unprofessional.
• Do Protect Privacy
• Email is public. Even though an email is deleted, online services and software programs can access messages on the
hard drive. Before you click “send,” consider what may happen if a business colleague, your competitor, an employer,
the FBI, or any unintended recipient reads your email. Think of it this way: How would my email look if it were posted
on Facebook?
• 4 Next-Level Email Moves to Upgrade Your Communications
• Don’t Be Negative
• It’s inappropriate to email negative comments. An email in all uppercase letters connotes anger in an email. These
antagonistic messages cause awkwardness long after the email has been sent and received. If you must relay bad
news via email, use objective words and state the facts. Face-to-face communication is best when relaying bad news.
• Do Proofread
• Check and recheck for spelling and grammatical errors. These errors make you seem unprofessional and will reduce
the likelihood that the email will be taken seriously. Email software comes with many professional tools such as spell
check use them.
• Don’t Forget the Conversation Closer
• By letting the recipient know that a response isn’t needed, the email cycle doesn’t continue on in perpetuity. Close
with “No reply necessary,” “Thank you again,” “See you at the board meeting Tuesday” or “Please let me know if I may
be of further assistance.” End your email with a closing such as “Best,” “Best Regards,” “Sincerely,” “Thank you” or
another appropriate phrase.

17 Email Etiquette Rules to Know and Practice
Here are the (5) email etiquette’s most flagrant fouls.
1.  Using CC for mass emails
• When I worked as a video game journalist, there was a public relations rep who became infamous for sending a PR email to
a huge list of journalists using CC, which revealed every one of those journalist’s carefully guarded email addresses. The
journalists then gleefully used Reply All to host a threaded conversation mercilessly taunting or teasing him.
• Don’t use CC for mass emails. Trust me. You really don’t need that kind of notoriety or bad reputation.
2.  Hitting Reply All when you should hit Reply
• Reply All is a handy feature when there are more than two people who need to be involved in a conversation, but be
careful. I was involved in a group email where one member replied, thinking she was emailing only me, to admit she had a
crush on another member of the email group. She accidentally used Reply All. In this case, the subject of the crush was
flattered. But . . . your accidental Reply All may not result in a fairytale ending.
3. Assuming email is private and confidential
• Anything you write in an email can be shared, whether intentionally or accidentally. (See above.) Don’t say things in an
email, especially in the office, that you wouldn’t say publicly. And especially don’t write anything that could come back to
haunt you. Emails may even be admissible in court.
4.  Emailing when angry
• Sometimes you just want to tell someone off. We’ve all been there. And it can be much easier to put those feelings in
writing rather than have a difficult face-to-face conversation. But resist the urge. Angry emails raise the recipient’s defenses,
and that’s not productive.
• If you must write an angry email, either don’t add a recipient in the To: field or write it in your word processor, where you won’t be tempted
to hit Send. Then let the draft sit for twenty-four hours. Odds are good you’ll have calmed down when you come back, and you’ll be able to
offer clear-headed feedback rather than blistering invective.
5.  Not getting to the point
• I don’t know how many times I’ve read a rambling email only to wind up thinking, “Okay, but what does this person want from me?” For
the love of all things electronic, don’t use email as a means to do a brain dump. Instead, do your brainstorming before you write the email.
Then, decide what your objective is—what are you hoping will happen as the result of sending this email? Write a brief, clear message with
that in mind. If the goal of your email is to persuade, style it as an elevator pitch.

• Twelve Must-Use Email Etiquette Tips
Now that we’ve addressed email’s most outrageous offenses, let’s look at some guidelines for email etiquette that will always leave you looking like a
polished pro.
1.   Use a descriptive subject line:
• Save your cultivated air of mystery for vaguebooking on Facebook. (Okay, you shouldn’t really be doing that either.) Assume everyone you write to
has a flooded inbox, and use your subject line to describe the contents of your email so the recipient will know right up front why your email should
be a priority.
• 2 Don’t type in all caps
• In Internet terms, typing in all caps looks like shouting. Need further incentive to lay off the caps lock? You may trigger spam filters.
3.  Lay off the exclamation points:
• I know you’re excited! Seriously!!! But you can convey excitement without exclamation points. (Golly gee! Save those for when you’re really
exclaiming.) Exclamation point mania is another spam filter trigger, so use them sparingly and never, ever two or more at the end of a sentence.
Unless you’re a preteen. Then have at it.
4. Keep it simple:
• The ideal email is brief and gets directly to the point. Write emails like that and everyone will love you and you’ll be super popular. (Okay, maybe not.
But at least no one will complain about your annoying email habits.) If your message is complex, with lots of moving parts, consider writing a
detailed brief and attaching it as a Google Doc or pdf. But . . .
5.  Ask before you send attachments:
• These days, we’re all wary about opening email attachments, even from known sources. And we have good reason to be. If you must send an
attachment, give the recipient a heads-up to let them know it’s coming.
6.  Use the auto-responder sparingly:
• Vacation auto-responders are fine. (Just don’t forget to either have them turn off “automagically” or turn them off manually when you get back to
the office.) But auto-responders saying things like “Hey, I got your email. I’ll get back to you soon!” are pointless. They might also let spammers know
they’ve reached a valid email address—double trouble!
7. Use professional-sounding greetings:
• Unless you know the recipient very well, and this is a style you’re both accustomed to, don’t begin professional emails with greetings like “hey” or
“yo.” “Hello” or “hi” are usually fine. Use “dear” in formal business correspondence.
8.  Use professional-sounding sign-offs:
• Keep it classy. Here are some best practices.
9.  Use humor with caution
• A well-timed bit of humor can make an email memorable. It can also sink it like the Titanic. You may think you’ve served up a clever quip, but your
wit could be lost in translation. Save the funny stuff for people you know well they get you.

10. Don’t be annoying or irritating with follow-ups:
• Avoid sending a barrage of follow-up emails. If a contact isn’t responding
and you really need a response, consider making a phone call if that’s
possible. In all other matters, if your carefully crafted follow-up doesn’t get
a response after one or two tries, assume the recipient isn’t interested.
11. Be careful what you forward:
• There are cases when it’s fine to forward an email if the sender reached the
wrong contact or you need to add someone to the conversation, for
example. But don’t forward sensitive or confidential emails. If you have any
doubt that the sender would want the conversation shared, ask permission
before you bring someone else into the loop.
12. Proofread:
• Almost (67%) of those who are using emails daily that typos, misprints and
errors in the work emails are because of no review or proofreading to the
final draft. To avoid looking like you lack attention to details, proofread
thoroughly before you hit Send. No one ever regretted spending a little
extra time polishing their writing.

How to End an Email: 9 Best and Worst Email Sign-Offs
• You’ve worked to make your email clear, and you’ve carefully edited to 
streamline your writing. The body of your email might well be perfect; but it can all go awry if
you use the wrong sign-off. It’s just a word or a short phrase, followed by your signature, and
yet finding the right tone to close your email often requires a surprising amount of thought
and finesse.
• When you’re struggling with how to end an email, it’s best to consider the context. What
works for a friend or close colleague won’t work in a strictly professional correspondence
with a distant acquaintance or someone you’ve never met before. Here’s a rundown of some
of the most common email settings and the tried-and-true sign-offs that work best for each.
Nine Email Sign-offs that Never Fail:
Email Closings for Formal Business
• 1. Regards
• Yes, it’s a bit stodgy, but it works in professional emails precisely because there’s nothing
unexpected or remarkable about it.
• 2. Sincerely
• Are you writing a cover letter? Sincerely conveys the right tone for formal correspondence.
Keep in mind that it’s likely to come off as stuffy in more casual business emails.
• 3. Best wishes
• A good blend of friendliness and formality makes this sign-off a safe bet, but be aware of its
greeting-card vibe and use it only when it fits well with the tone of your email.
Email Closings for Friendly Business:
4. Cheers
• A recent study by the email app Boomerang rated cheers as the most likely
sign-off (that isn’t a thank-you) to get an email response. It works well if
your email is friendly and conversational but, unless you’re actually British
or Australian, it may come off as affected in more formal settings. Cheers,
5. Best
• Best conveys best wishes in a cheerful, pithy way. If you get a lot of email,
you know that nearly everyone uses this sign-off. That familiarity makes it
seamless in the same way that regards is seamless in more formal emails.
The downside is that it can be safe and dull, especially if you want your
message to be dynamic and attention-getting.
6. As ever
• This is a fine choice for people you’ve built an ongoing working
relationship with. It reassures your contact that things are as good
between you as they’ve ever been.
Email Closings for Gratitude and Requests:
7. Thanks in advance
• According to the Boomerang study, emails that include thanks in
advance have the highest response rate. Maybe it’s because this sign-
off expresses gratitude but also sets an expectation you’re saying that
you’ll be grateful when (not if) the person you’re emailing comes
through. In more formal circumstances, thanking someone in advance
may come across as too demanding, so take care where you use it.
8. Thanks
• A simple thanks is also a solid choice when you want to express
gratitude. But, just like thanks in advance, it can convey a tone of
expectancy. Save it for when you actually mean to imply, “I expect you
to do this.”
9. I appreciate your [help, input, feedback, etc.]
• There’s never really a wrong time to express appreciation when
someone has helped you out.
• Nine Email Sign-offs to Avoid:
1. Love
• I have a friend who once accidentally signed an office email to his entire department with love. He never lived it down. Save this one for
family, close friends, and your significant other. The same applies to hugs or XOXO.
2. Thx or Rgrds
• You’re not thirteen, and this isn’t a conversation happening in a messaging app. Use your words.
3. Take care
• On the surface, take care sounds pleasant, but on closer examination, it seems to imply that the recipient should be wary of potential
dangers. Use this only if bears are known to lurk by the Dumpster outside the recipient’s office. (We’re only half kidding!)
4. Looking forward to hearing from you
• This one also sounds nice at first, but it’s ultimately passive-aggressive. Your recipient is likely to hear an implied “You’d better write
5. Yours truly
• Do you really, truly belong to the recipient? Nope. This sounds insincere and hokey . . . unless you’re writing a letter home to your
parents from summer camp.
6. Respectfully / Respectfully yours
• This one’s okay if you’re sending a formal missive to the POTUS, but it’s too formal for anything else. In fact, according to 
Business Insider, respectfully yours is the standard close for addressing government officials and clergy.
7. [Nothing at all]
• We live in a world where people frequently email from mobile devices, so excluding a signature certainly isn’t a no-no as an email chain
progresses, particularly if your recipient also drops the more formal sign-off. But not signing an initial email or using only the formal
signature you’ve created to append to your outgoing emails comes off as impersonal. (Bloomberg disagrees, stating that email has
become more like instant messaging than true correspondence these days, but we’re sticking to our convictions.)
8. [Name] or -[Initial]
• While this sort of sign-off may work for very brief, informal emails, it’s too cold and detached for most, particularly when you’re
connecting with the recipient for the first time.
9. Have a blessed day
• It’s best to keep anything with religious overtones out of your professional correspondence, although this one’s fine if you’re emailing
an acquaintance about what you’re bringing to the church potluck.

• Bonus Bad Sign-off:
• Although this sign-off tends to happen more by default when the sender forgets to add an actual
signature, it seems to be very important to be aware about as it is very common and ubiquitous.
• Sent from my iPhone:
• This may be the most common sign-off of them all. It has merits, of course. It explains away brevity and
typos—who’s at their best when typing on a phone? But it also conveys that you don’t care enough to
do away with the default email signature that came stock with your device’s email app.
• Some people get creative with this signature. A few fun (if not necessarily business appropriate)
examples found round the Internet include:
• My parents wouldn’t buy me an iPhone so I have to manually type “Sent from my iPhone” to look cool
• Sent telepathically
• Sent from my laptop, so I have no excuse for typos
• Sent from my smartphone so please forgive any dumb mistakes
• I am responsible for the concept of this message. Unfortunately, autocorrect is responsible for the
• Sent from my mobile. Fingers big. Keyboard small.
• iPhone. iTypos. iApologize.
• My phone can’t spell for carp
• And, for the Stephen King fans among our readers:
• Sent from Jack’s typewriter, Rm 237. No autocorrect. RE ᗡЯUM
• What’s your favorite email sign-off? Do you have a quirky or effective signature you’d like to share? Let
us know in the comments.

E-mails Writing Practices

• You recently have occupied a part-time job at

Oman Airports; however, after a few weeks you
have realized some problems with this job. Write
a letter to the manager of the company in which:
• Explain why you have occupied the job.
• Describe the problems that you are experiencing
after a period of time.
• Suggest what could be done to solve the

• You are applying for a new job and need a
reference or recommendation letter from the
previous manager who worked with him at the
same department. Write an e-mail to the
manager in which :
• Say what job or a position you have applied for.
• Explain to him why you want this job.
• Suggest what information about you that the
manager may include in the letter.

• You travelled to Turkey last week with your work
colleague on a business trip for the Oman Airports
to promote about the services that are offering by
the company. Write an e-mail to your manager
updating him about :
• Say which clients you visited in Turkey like (touring
companies or private companies).
• Describe the offers shown by the work group to
the companies.
• Suggest the best ways to build-up a long term
relations with the clients you have visited already.

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