MBR Report

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Beginning Stages of the Research Process


Marla Brigitte M. Galvan Hazel R. Gapoy Ma. Eliza E. Refugio


Formulating a Research Problem

Conceptualizing a

research design

A research

Constructing instrument for data colection

Writing and presentation of Data

Stages in Research Process

Selecting a

Analysis of Data

Collecting Data


Research Process?
Step-by-step process of developing a research paper; It involves

What do we mean by...

Importance of Training?
Increased job satisfaction and morale Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting financial gain Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods

Importance of Training?

Increased innovation in strategies and products Increased motivation Increased productivity

Causes and Effects of...

Training Failures

CAUSES: To help you becoming aware of your unique learning Combination EFFECTS: Low Morale, Waste and Preventable Errors

Training Failures
Knowledge of the subject Understanding the learning process Personality of the Instructor Leadership Professional Attitude

Remedy for...

consider the following

Einstein was four years old before he could speak and seven before he could read.

Isaac Newton did poorly in primary school.

Beethovens music teacher once said of him, as a composer he is hopeless.

A newspaper fired Walt Disney because he had no good ideas.

The biggest mistake of past centuries in teaching has been to treat all [people] as if they were variants of the same individual, and thus to feel justified in teaching them the same subjects in the same ways.
- Howard Gardner Phi Delta Kappan, 75(7) 1994.

The Let Me Learn Process

~ discovering learning and ourselves ~

Whay do we use the LML?

hearing and understanding the voice of the learner to understand ourselves as learners (both students and educators) facilitating the learners success

learning patterns?
Patterns are behavioural schemas with which one approaches a task Learning Patterns start forming when the brain starts developing

What do we mean by...

Patterns are NOT styles Every individual has a combination of patterns

Our Learning Patterns...

My Sequence

My Technical

My Precision

My Confluence


Follows a plan Follows step-by-step directions Organizes and plans work carefully Completes a task from beginning to end without interruptions

Seeks and processes detailed information carefully and accurately Takes detailed notes Asks questions to find out more information Feels comfortable when surrounded by books, articles, etc

Works autonomously and hands on Likes to solve problems Likes to physically demonstrate things and not with pencil and paper requirements Learns from real-world experiences


Avoids conventional approaches Seeks unique ways to complete any learning task Starts before all the directions are given Takes risks: fails and starts again

The relevance of...

the LML Process

To help you becoming aware of your unique learning Combination To help you recognize and appreciate the patterns of others To teach you how to develop strategies for working on tasks To help teams work together successfully To help you understand how your unique pattern can contribute to the success of a team, a class or your own learning

A Power Card
We would know about how we like to learn We would know about how others like to learn We would know how to use this knowledge to aim for success by learning with intention

this is just the beginning...


is about taking action. It is never simply about what we put in our heads.

Peter Senge

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