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This report shares evidence-based recommendations for performance management
practices in small- and medium-sized organizations.

When it comes to defining performance management, it refers to a wide collection of

several tasks planned for maximizing performance of individuals as well as
 This complete process includes goal setting
 measuring behaviors and results
 providing feedback and coaching to employees
 finally evaluation of performance

further aids in making important decisions within the organization. The main
objective of performance management is to align efforts made by individuals in
order to accomplish organizational goals.
Why Performance Management Fails So Often ?
The process to design performance management needs a lot of efforts and time, still in some
companies, it fails to bring the desired results. Why is that so? Let’s explore some reasons.

 Performance Management Aims to Fulfill Many Objectives

The program not just provides the foundation for talent decisions, it also improves
communication and relationships, enhances career development and deals with legal challenges.
Even though, these are important issues to address, but due to multiple goals, this leads to
conflict with each other.

Basically, there is a need of different system, assessment and measure for each purpose, but
here performance management is dealing all objectives with a single approach.
 When The Basis of Performance Management is Mistrust
Sometimes, the company beliefs that managers might favor their favorites in performance appraisal, thus to
overcome this problem, careful monitoring is ensured. This kind of mistrust results in rigid and tightly
controlled process, adding complications to the systems and delivering no value. 
Emphasizing on Rules and process
The company focuses on processes and rules at the expense of devoting in feedback, good communication,
relationships among managers and employees. However, most of the approaches in Performance management
emphasize on the steps, such as filling all forms and adhering to the rules. These elements have little
effectiveness on actual performance. The factors that make a difference are relationships between employees
and managers and effective communication.

Poor Implementation of Whole Process

When a Performance management system is not implemented correctly, it results in absence of buy-in from
employees and leaders. Actually, poor implementation of the program include lack of communication,
processes and rules that undermine investment and effective conversations in development, no support from
seniors and insufficient training.
Why performance management still matters:
If an organization does not want its Performance management system to fail, then it has to
work on designing a sensible approach. This requires a company to make several shifts
from old procedures to creative ways of thinking.

Best practice includes individual actions to organizational priorities, providing ongoing

coaching and feedback to help employees perform at their best, and making good decisions
about how to reward and retain talent.

when goal attainment is tied to rewards, employees are likely to avoid risk and set goals
that are too easy and that fail to motivate high performance.

Still in some small and midsize organization, performance management is non existant due
to concern about cost, however performance management does not require expensive
technology to improve organization

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